人間の條件 完結篇 (1961)
Belle Vie (2022)
Jeronimo (2019)
Sacco e Vanzetti (1971)
Empire of the Sun (1987)
Evaporating Borders (2014)
Gangs of New York (2002)
The Betrayal (Nerakhoon) (2008)
Ikitie (2017)
Paul Tomkowicz: Street Railway Switchman (1953)
The Passion of Ayn Rand (1999)
نضال (2022)
L'Aventure (2013)
Jaddoland (2018)
If Stone Could Speak (2008)
Becoming Ourselves: How Immigrant Women Transformed Their World (2013)
Sydney Castells: Spirit of Catalunya (2023)
Hausordnung (1975)
L'esquisse (2023)
Brésiliens comme moi (2008)