A group of military men uses explosives to de-root trees.

A mother and her son are driving through heavy snowfall to bid a final farewell to their dead husband and father. A sudden and unexpected wrong turning takes them to a completely different place from the one they had expected. Some memories exist in a borderland.

Since Monsanto began selling their patented 'Roundup Ready' genetically modified (GM) seeds they have sued hundreds of farmers for patent infringement. Michael White, a fourth generation farmer and seed cleaner living in the northeast corner of rural Alabama never imagined that he would become the target of the conglomerates aggressive legal tactics. But unlike other farmers in his area Michael refused to give in to Monsanto and in doing so became one of only a handful of farmers to maintain the ability to speak publicly about his case. This is his story.

Why can't I hear the sound of sewing machines anymore? A meeting with my family and the history of all their sewing machines.

Swimming movements of a common seal under water, propulsion through hind extremities.

The film shows open air shots of life in the colony of the sea lion. The following behaviours are shown: establishing territories and rivalry fights, courting and mating, feeding the young, play among young animals.

The three-spined stickleback is shown. Nest building, zigzag dance, fanning at the nest, sometimes following a female, also short mouth fights, the female swimming into the nest, spawning, the male poking at the rear end of the partner, inseminating the eggs in the nest after the female swims away.

A portrait of the German city of Ulm and it's social activities, fassades, court building. Also about the role of the district court during National Socialism.

Short film on the manufacture of glassware

Julia is spending her summer alone by the sea. She's trying to meet new people through Tinder.

The story of a 83 year old granny who recently started using facebook.

Footage of the German airship Hansa over Copenhagen.

Shot in Quebec, Canada, The Subterranean Blackness of Roots is a 16mm film triptych which uses several processes specific to analog cinema (hand processing, optical printing, photochemical alteration). The film seeks to show the sensory experience of the invisible life of stones, plants and the nature that surrounds us. It’s a dive into the heart of matter, the essence of the vegetal world and the nourishing earth.

Presents the various stages in the production of wool and its transformation into yarn to make clothes, against the rhythm of the sound of the machines.

Generation One is a short documentary that explores the perspectives of the American-born children of Arab Muslim immigrants as they navigate their two identities. The film follows the life of a Palestinian-American named Hamoody as he decides to leave his tight-knit Arab community and pursue his independence. With vignette interviews from five other Arab-Americans to supplement Hamoody's story and expound upon certain themes, Generation One sheds light on a range of unique challenges found between the hyphens.