This is the first ‘independent’ use made of our “rotoshop” software. It was quite primitive in the beginning. This is a short road-trip documentary consisting of animated interviews with people found along the route from New York to Austin.

Hungry mosquitos, in search of a meal, find that fruit, flowers and other such fare doesn't satisfy. One enterprising bug hits the jackpot - a human! However, the victim vigorously resists joining the food chain, causing a number of winged casualties. The little buggers wait until the man falls asleep, then set up a number of enterprises: cafes, bars, filling stations, all serving blood. Things are going well, but then the mosquito Cosa Nostra moves in, and ramp production into high gear.

An old woman remembers her life and the strange shadow figure that has followed her through it.

An “ordinary” man leaves his small, colorless everyday life for a nighttime dream world – a battleground of imaginative graphics. Society’s taboos are visualized in the dreams - sometimes poetic, sometimes erotic and sometimes violent.

A mad scientist invented a new weapon of mass destruction and offered it to the god of war. The animation was shot in the genre of political satire. The visual solution of the tape proposed by the artist Henrikh Umanskyi is reminiscent of the films of the German expressionist cinema of the 1920s, in particular the legendary film "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" (1920). There, too, the main character was a mad scientist, and the events unfolded in distorted scenery that emphasized the state of insanity.

A film-noir murder mystery that takes place in a sleazy hotel. As cops investigate the gruesome murders, they become victims of this evil force.

The story of the bet of Leland Stanford , baron of the rail, on the gallop of the horse. He uses the photographer Eadweard Muybridge , who is developing a system to analyze the movement.

In a cold, repulsive and chaotic world a man is searching for true happiness, hoping that the simple things can transform into something blissful. But his attempts leave him in an abyss of loneliness and poverty.

Three women contemplate their relationship with convicted serial killer Richard Ramirez.

A little animated conversation between Peter Millard and Reka Bucsi. We drew 250 frames each, than swapped frames. I animated on his sequence, and he did the same thing on mine. Without knowing where the other person was going, we animated straight ahead without a plan. The film was part of an exhibition we did together at Vienna Museumsquartier - ASIFAKEIL

Two workers send emails to each other in their office cubicle.

A ferocious parody of the Olympic games.

Uka, a little girl who lives in an abandoned factory, finds a way of changing how she sees the world while painting on her canvas.

Color test for animation by Bob Sabiston

An old man is awaken for a night that will change his life.

Oskar Salomonowitz, the 12-year-old son of filmmakers Anja Salomonowitz and Virgil Widrich, had drawn 206 pictures in a flip book when he died in an accident. His father continued to draw the film with the remaining 482 sheets.

The day of the cremation of her grand mother, Emilie, a young mixed-race Asian girl, buries herself into her grandmother memories. She discovers the Indochina of Hoa, her romantic encounter with Jacques (a French colon), the birth of Linh (Emilie's mother) and her tragic departure to France in 1956. She relives with Linh the arrival into the camp of Sainte-Livrade, the exploitation of the Indochinese women by the market gardeners of Lot-et-Garonne. Between memories, dance, anger and traditional rituals, Emilie learns to accept this heritage.

Transformed into a salmon, an Indigenous street artist travels through decayed urban landscapes to the forests of long ago, in this sublime mixed animation.