США: опасность справа. Бесноватый из Висконсина (1971)
Американские интервью (1972)
부재의 기억 (2018)
La part du hasard (1984)
Chaplin Today: 'City Lights' (2003)
Europe by Bidon (2022)
Im Wahn - Trump und die Amerikanische Katastrophe (2020)
Becoming The Queen of the North (2022)
Shadow in the Stream (1939)
Children of the Moon (2019)
Nocturnal (2022)
The Girl with the Rivet Gun (2020)
Come In (2011)
Hoje é o Primeiro Dia do Resto da Sua Vida (2024)
Under Stress (1964)
The Case For Books (1966)
Remembering Miss Torso (2004)
Im Techno-Rausch - 60 Stunden Dauerparty (1996)
IndiCar - Die Mobilität der Zukunft (1994)
Eulogy for a Black Mass (2018)