Theft takes place in Washington, DC. Howard Knox is a well-intentioned Congressman crusading for reform. He is scheduled to make a speech in which he will expose the corrupt activities of an industrial magnate and his congressional stooges. The wealthy capitalist in question, Anthony Starkweather, along with his son-in-law and political puppet, Senator Thomas Chalmers, will do everything in their power to foil Knox's great speech and publicly disgrace him. To complicate matters, Margaret Chalmers, wife of Senator Chalmers and daughter of Starkweather, forms a friendship with Knox and begins to sympathize with his cause.

A romantic comedy based on an Anton Chekhov play of the same name. A young man comes to collect a debt owed to him by the widow Popova's late husband. They argue , duel with pistols , and fall in love while all of this is witnessed by Popova's servant Luka.

A three-part love story: Alborada, Cénit y Ocaso (Sunrise, Noon and Sunset). A dying prince (Agüeros) lives a stormy love affair with a "femme fatale" (Padilla) who doesn't care for his feelings.

An adaptation of Pushkin's historical novel about the Pugachev's Rebellion in 1773–1774.

After losing his job on a coin-toss a man concocts a fantastical plan to build an enterprise of harvesting coins from wishing fountains.

The story of is placed at the end of the 19th and at the second half of the 20th century. The locations are different and completely opposite: the rural Macedonia at one hand, and the urban environment of an industrial region in Belgium at another...

Desperate for work, Darren agrees to a one-day trial as a door-to-door meat salesman

Rahim's older brother Mokhi refuses to take him to Kabul's big bouzkachi game. Rahim decides to go there on his own. Guided by the angel of death, Azrael, Rahim follows a difficult path to Kabul.

A movie director goes to the Paris Opera to shoot his new film. Lacking inspiration, he looks for ways out of his solitude and fear of failure. With each step forward, his imagination reveals itself to him, and mysterious characters lead him towards his desire to create and love.

My name is Hélène and 1952 was not an easy year for me. First, because my parents decided to leave Montpellier for Paris but without taking me and my big brother Michel along with them. Why, I don't know... The fact remains that I had to leave the south for Lille, in the North, where my grandmother Yaya (her true name is Alice but this is the way call her) and my grandfather Georges were living. What I disliked most was that Yaya had a preference for Michel and that Granddaddy was too grumpy. In Lille I also got very upset when pupils at the catholic school I attended told me I was... Jewish. Jewish? I didn't even know that Jews even existed. And when I knew better about them (Michel was more informed than I was), what a shock it was when I learned that my two other grandparents had been sent to a concentration during the war. A little too much for a little girl like me. A sure thing is that I will never forget the year 1952, the year when I was seven...

A story about twelve years old Vincent Leblanc whose brilliant mind often helps his family, but sometimes causes a lot of problems...

On her way to Berlin, high school student named Maria starts a conversation with a stranger, never anticipating it would change her destination. The arriving and departing trains are the only witnesses to the birth of an unlikely friendship between two young people from two very different worlds.

Books are special. Magical. Wonderful. They hide the world that cannot be seen with the naked eye. They become visible only in you. You just have to know how to look. The animated film “Through the Gate of Wonders” takes the viewer on a journey into the magical world of books. Through the eyes of the main character, you can experience an adventure that takes place outside of time and space – in the reader's imagination. It all begins one day with an old book in the library…

Anger and disputes that have been suppressed for years rise to the surface when the car of a young couple, on the way to the girl’s father’s jubilee, gets stuck on the highway.

The Green Bangers are two police agents, Peeter Apple and Ruuter Frog, who solve the most complex mysteries. They always wear green clothes. Their boss is Colonel Kaater Cream. This time their mission is to solve the theft of Mr. Masbadageritaferdinandinovich’s safe, the value of which reaches millions. During the investigation, suspicious circumstances and family ties come to light but no mystery is too difficult for the Green Bangers. Chases ensue and guns are fired. Of course, they also get into funny and absurd situations that no one can expect.

Hinrikus is a highly intelligent individual, but he lacks the financial means to achieve his goals. In an effort to overcome his financial struggles, he devises a plan to rob the wealthiest man in town. To carry out this heist, he enlists the help of two unlikely accomplices: Miia, a young woman, and Ardo, a car mechanic.

Saber Al-Falah works as a guard at some facilities, but soon some thefts occur during his guard shift. He is transferred to the Al-Ahram area, where there are no things that can be stolen. A surprise occurs when the Pyramid of Khufu is stolen, and Egyptian and international public opinion is preoccupied with the incident. Detective Officer Rushdie begins investigating the incident.