An African fable of sisterhood, envy and ancient evil. The story of Ala and Coa from the Leopards tribe. When her sister outshines her once again, Coa meets a mysterious entity, the morning star and the bestower of gifts, that can grant her wish...

A patchwork of the first animated movies from the collections of La Cinémathèque française : Stroboscopic Discs (1833), Zoetropes (since 1867), Reynaud's Praxinoscope (1878-1879), plates of Muybridge and Anschütz (1880-1890), an unseen Marey's chronophotography (1889), Chromolithographs films (since 1897), including one inspired by the second Georges Méliès' film, "Une séance de prestidigitation" (1896), with a photographic version, unseen until now.

Praxinoscope strip of a shifting rosette. Series 2, number 5.

Praxinoscope animation of a man sitting backwards in a char smoking a cigar, while a dog jumps up at him. Series 3, number 5.

Praxinoscope animation of a girl charming a flock of birds. Series 3, number 1.

Praxinoscope of a girl in a blue dress skipping rope. Series 1, number 9

Praxinoscope animation of a chef rotating meat on a spit while spooning drippings over it. Series 1, number 6.

Praxinoscope animation of a girl in a blue dress blowing soap bubbles. Series 1, number 5.

Praxinoscope animations of a girl in a blue dress bouncing a shuttlecock on a badminton racket. Series 2, number 2

Praxinoscope animation of two children playing on a homemade teeter-totter. Series 3, number 2.

Praxinoscope animation of a boy holding a hoop for two trained dogs to leap through. Series 1, number 8.

Early Praxinoscope strip showing a girl dancing on a tightrope. Series 1, Number 7.

Praxinoscope animation of a green-suited boy wearing a drum and cymbal. Series 1, number 10

Praxinoscope animation of an equestrian riding. Series 3, number 8.

Praxinoscope animation of a juggler balancing a spinning plate on their nose. Series 1, number 2.

Praxinoscope animation of a child laying down balancing a drum upon his upraised legs. Series 1, number 3.

Praxinoscope animation of a butterfly fluttering about a flower. Series 2, number 6.

Praxinoscope animation of a woman feeding chickens. Series 1, number 4

Praxinoscope animation of a swimmer. Series 2, number 8.

Praxinoscope reel, Series 1, number 1