A heart-warming story about a former dressmaker who reinvents herself after befriending a young Chinese fashion designer, who inspires her to follow her dream. A joyful and moving journey that beautifully celebrates age, culture, and the diversity of Australian life. When Liebe’s partner Duncan loses his job singing at the local pub, the former dressmaker becomes motivated to help him realise his dream to record an album. Inspired by Hamish, a young Chinese fashion designer who she meets at the local markets, she decides to make clothes again to compensate for the loss of income.

Ex intelligence agent Ki-heon is tasked with safely transporting Seo Bok, the first ever human clone, who holds the secret of eternal life. Several forces try to take control of Seo Bok to serve their own agendas.

Twin zoologists lose their wives in a car accident and become obsessed with decomposing animals.

In 1944, Capt. Josiah J. Newman is the doctor in charge of Ward 7, the neuropsychiatric ward, at an Army Air Corps hospital in Arizona. The hospital is under-resourced and Newman scrounges what he needs with the help of his inventive staff, especially Cpl. Jake Leibowitz. The military in general is only just coming to accept psychiatric disorders as legitimate and Newman generally has 6 weeks to cure them or send them on to another facility. There are many patients in the ward and his latest include Colonel Norville Bliss who has dissociated from his past; Capt. Paul Winston who is nearly catatonic after spending 13 months hiding in a cellar behind enemy lines; and 20 year-old Cpl. Jim Tompkins who is severely traumatized after his aircraft was shot down. Others come and go, including Italian prisoners of war, but Newman and team all realize that their success means the men will return to their units.

Nick, a gay, HIV-positive architect, begins to display severe symptoms of AIDS and makes preparations to kill himself before he is unable to function normally. He arranges a party to reconnect and say goodbye to his closest friends and his confused parents. But when his ex-partner, Brandon, a television director who left Nick when he was diagnosed with HIV, shows up, what was supposed to be a celebratory event becomes much more difficult for everyone.

When Zoe tires of looking for Mr. Right, she decides to have a baby on her own. But on the day she's artificially inseminated, she meets Stan, who seems to be just who she's been searching for all her life. Now, Zoe has to figure out how to make her two life's dreams fit with each other.

After the disappearance of a young scientist on a business trip, his son and wife struggle to cope, only to make a bizarre discovery years later - one that may bring him home.

After discovering that her cancer has returned, Moira Browning launches a quiet campaign to find a potential replacement for herself in her family's life.

A young doctor taking a break from work is shot in the head, and the police can't find a clue even as to a possible motive. Inspector Al Gordon (John Alexander) decides that he has to put some men on duty at the hospital, and one of them is Fred Rowan (Richard Conte), a detective with experience as an army medic, masquerading as an intern. What Rowan finds is a high-pressure world in which interns are hopelessly squeezed for time, sleep, energy, and -- most of all -- money, and walk a fine line on the edge of personal and professional disaster.

A woman discovers the truth about her former lover from the diary that his first wife wrote to their son, Nicholas.

In the spring of 1945, Japan established a secret base, Unit 731 in Manchuria, where many innocent Chinese, Korean and Mongolian people were killed in grotesque experiments. An idealistic young doctor , Morishima, is horrified by the experiments being performed in the camp and when his fiancée arrives disguised as a Chinese prisoner he sets out to liberate the camp. A docudrama sequel to the notorious Men Behind the Sun, which pulls no punches when it comes to delivering the shocks!

What if you had one night to solve the world’s problems? For seven geniuses, they have no choice. A terrorist culls together a scientist, a seminary student, a pro baseball player, a professor, a casino owner, a painter, and a pizza delivery guy to attempt to solve the world’s problems in one night.

A trio of men with telekinetic powers led by Adrian Geiger rob an armored car. However the skeptical FBI agents Jordan Ripps and her partner Frank McIntyre do not believe in the testimony of the witnesses about there powerful skills. Meanwhile, the former FBI agent Raymond Addison is chasing Geiger....

In revenge for her husband's infidelity, a young beautiful housewife, Mi-heun, starts an affair with an attractive young doctor, In-gyu. Despite her husband's efforts to regain her love and the disapproval by the conservative little town, Mi-huen gradually finds happiness and satisfaction in the affair and decides to turn her back on her quiet life.

Dr. Bill Matthews is struck by lighting. While recovering at the hospital where he works, he begins an intimate relationship with Dr. Craig Murphy, who invites Bill to join a strange group of lightning survivors.

The ENT doctor dr. Arnold Fischer, called Arnie, always tries to please everyone. His friend and colleague Gregor is quite different: Purposeful and enterprising, he thinks especially of his own progress. Together, they want to expand the practice to a state-of-the-art tinnitus center. For this they need the neighboring apartment, but lives in the Mathilda, in which the shy Arnie is secretly in love. He does not have the heart to show Mathilda out of the apartment. And so Gregor tries with not always fine methods to get rid of the unpleasant tenant - which ends in a complete disaster ...

Ted, an arrogant obnoxious teenager, finds discourse from The Doctor.

Adaptation of a Kafka short story, believed lost for more than 60 years.

A well situated Macedonian doctor lives comfortably with his wife in Montenegro thanks to the money inherited from his parents. Suddenly, he faces with such unexpected reversals in life. His wife disappears without a trace, the bank where he keeps his money is bankrupt, the police confiscate his passport, and he’s being stalked by his wife’s father. Alone, abandoned and without help, he is taking a solitary journey.