C'era una volta il West (1968)
L'arte della felicità (2013)
অপুর সংসার (1959)
পথের পাঁচালী (1955)
অপরাজিত (1956)
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)
Night on Earth (1991)
জলসাঘর (1958)
Lichter (2003)
¿Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto! (1984)
Asfalt Tango (1996)
Le Silence de Lorna (2008)
Hai Phượng (2019)
The Cardinal (1963)
Holy Lola (2004)
Guter Junge (2008)
Vivere (2007)
Convict's Code (1930)
Blind Trust (2021)
মনিহার (1961)