Magia Lucana (1958)
The Making of 'The Thing' (1982)
Voyage of Time: The IMAX Experience (2016)
P.M. (1961)
The Decisive Moment (1973)
Semințe: Povestea nespusă (2016)
Pilotul de luptă: Operațiunea Steagul roșu (2004)
Le temps perdu (1964)
Satanic Cults and Ritual Crime (1990)
Le Paris des mannequins (1963)
Planeta albastră (1990)
Urșii (2004)
Solitud de Cristo (2020)
Gutbuster (2017)
From You were Black You were Out (1984)
Mary Berry's Festive Feasts (2021)
Swing la baquaise (1968)
Hokej (1976)
El Canto de los Años Nuevos (2024)
Gino's Italian Christmas Feast (2022)