Don Letts's hilarious and colourful profile of the godfather of funk, whose 50-year career has defined the genre. From his 1950s days running a doo-wop group out of the back of his barber store, through the madness of the monster Parliament/Funkadelic machine of the 70s to his late 90s hip-hop collaborations with Dre and Snoop, George Clinton has inspired generations of imitators. Contributors include Outkast's Andre 3000 and Macy Gray.

Part documentary/part dramatization, this film details several of the highest-profile unsolved cases of disappearances, mysterious changes in personality and other strange occurrences related to the Bermuda Triangle.

Mankind's most carefully guarded secret revealed! For the first time.... information that you were never meant to know. Amazing UFO photos and video footage you were never meant to see. over 30 experts are represented in the fields of medicine, physics, science, aviation, journalism, biology, religion, politics, military and more! The difinitive documentary about E.T and UFO disclosure.

Ariel Phenomenon explores an African extraterrestrial encounter witnessed by over sixty schoolchildren in 1994. As a Harvard professor, a BBC war reporter, and past students investigate, they struggle to answer the question: "What happens when you experience something so extraordinary that nobody believes you?"

Dr. Steven Greer presents brand new top-secret evidence supporting extraterrestrial contact, including witness testimony, classified documents, and UFO footage, while also exploring the consequences of ruthlessly enforcing such secrecy.

Interviews and documentary footage combine with the fictional story of an air-force pilot who encounters aliens.

A documentary about Kari Aro, the distinctive manager of Koho -hockey-stick factory, whose visions were to change the world. Story about the fairy-tale -like success, the destructive power of money and Aro's faith in goodness of people.

This documentary puts forth the theory that UFOs are actually beings from another dimension, and reviews past incidents of UFO sightings in support of that theory.

Stephen Bassett, the only American lobbyist of his kind, hopes for a seismic shift with the 2016 US Presidential Elections. Bassett is on a mission to end the "truth embargo."

Australian-made film with Steven Spielberg, Stan Deyo, Stanton Friedman, Dr. Alan Hynek, Jacques Vallee, Ken Arnold, Betty Hill and Ray Palmer (publisher of the Shaver Mystery). This rare TV documentary gave birth to The Cosmic Conspiracy and contains clips of the first episode of Star Wars and Jaws.

"We'll title this tape, "Planet Earth About to be Recycled - Your Only Chance to Evacuate is to Leave With Us." Planet Earth about to be recycled - Your only chance to survive or evacuate is to leave with us. Now, that's a pretty drastic statement - pretty bold - in terms of religion, in terms of anybody's intelligent thinking. To most people who would consider themselves intelligent beings, they'd say, "Well, that's absurd. What's all this doomsday stuff? What's all this prophetic, apocalyptic talk?" You know, intelligent human beings should realize that all things have their own cycle. They have their season. They have their beginning, they have their end. We're not saying that planet Earth is coming to an end. We're saying that planet Earth is about to be refurbished, spaded under, and have another chance to serve as a garden for a future human civilization."

Presents evidence that visitors from other galaxies shared their advanced knowledge with ancient man.

Peabody Award winning journalist Linda Moulton Howe, JFK experts Robert Morningstar and Jim Marrs, and psychic CEO Sebastien Martin, narrate this shocking exposé of the unknown hidden motivations for the assassination of President John F Kennedy. Writing in a letter his desire to share the government's most highly classified secret with the American people, Kennedy inadvertently signed his own death warrant. Ten days later JFK was assassinated. Partially burnt documents, rescued from the fireplace of deceased counterIntelligence chief James Jesus Angleton, provide irrefutable proof of the secret orders to murder JFK. The most shocking and pervasive government cover-up in history has persisted for almost 6 more decades, despite JFK's thwarted attempt to expose the Truth. Only in 2019 did the Pentagon finally begin, bit by bit, to let the public in on their shocking cosmic secret.

This documentary explores near death experiences, UFO’s, ORBs, global changes, and extra terrestrial encounters. With live UFO footage and first hand accounts of other-world encounters, this film is among the first to explore questions such as where did they come from? And why are they here? The film features James Gilliland, an expert in the area of E.T. phenomena, who has appeared regularly on the popular radio show “Coast to Coast A.M.” It's filmed at Gilliland’s ranch in Trout Lake, Washington which serves as the primary location for Gilliland’s E.T. encounters. The movie delves into Gilliland’s life story, his own near death experience, his personal encounters with other worldly beings, and also includes interviews with physicists and other experts who have visited the ranch and share their perceptions of these phenomena. The films includes appearances by Dr. Miceal Ledwith, Neil Freer, Dr. Brooks Agnew, Afred Webre, and Dr. Michael Salla.

Where do flying saucers originate? Do they carry aliens from other worlds? Or is the truth actually a lot stranger. During World War II the Nazi's employed scientists to re-imagine the boundaries of scientific thought and practise. Many in the field of advanced weapon design - the programme that produced the V1 and V2 rockets that rained on Britain. But did this same unit produce rudimentary flying saucers? Declassified military documents detail the numerous reports by allied pilots of 'foo fighters', unusual craft with incredible acceleration engaging them in the skies above Germany. In addition there was the Nazi 'Der Glocke' or 'The Bell' project for a vertical take-off vehicle, which resembles eyewitness reports of a UFO crash in Pennsylvania after the war. Thousands of Nazi scientists were brought to the US at the end of the war. Are these men, and the projects they continued to work on in America, responsible to little green men, 400 UFO sightings a month and even the ...

UAP is the new military term for UFO. The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force is a program within US Naval Intelligence implemented to "standardize collection and reporting" of sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena. Many say the use of "UAP" is an attempt to better hide the program from civilians but with the acknowledgment of recent UFO videos leaked to the public as real, the time has come for the governments of the world to face the hard question of who are these visitors and why are they here?

An historic event that correlates ancient prophecy to the massive sightings and remarkable videos taken during the wave of UFO activity over Mexico 1991 and 1992.

With more military data and whistleblower accounts being released periodically, it's becoming increasingly difficult to discount the UFO phenomena. So...where do they come from? For many ufologists posing the question of origination, the answer lies outside of the limits of our senses. Deep within the electromagnetic spectrum.

March 8, 1980, 05h20min AM: 10,000 people remain in silence looking at the sky waiting for a flying saucer coming from Jupiter. Edílcio Barbosa, the messenger of Jupiter, had announced the extraterrestrial mission a few months before and, mysteriously, the fact gained international proportions. A story that looks more like science fiction movie really happened in the municipality of Casimiro de Abreu, Rio de Janeiro. The media widely covered the event recording the visible presence of the army, the whole structure built by the city and the arrival of thousands of people from several cities in Brazil-and even exterior- that have transformed the place into a brazilian ufological Woodstock .