Destinos Cruzados - Um Filme Sobre Mudanças Climáticas (2023)
Moana (2016)
SpongeBob SquarePants: Spongicus (2009)
The Pearce Sisters (2007)
Checkpoint (2022)
Leviathan (1989)
I predatori di Atlantide (1983)
Oceans Rising (2017)
The Rig (2010)
Monster from the Ocean Floor (1954)
Drijf (2023)
Bowl, Paper, Fish (2020)
What Lurks Beneath?! (2019)
La Vida de una Piñata (2020)
Eglė žalčių karalienė (2003)
The Albatross (1998)
Havets sang (1993)
Синдбад-мореход (1944)
É in MOTION No.2 (2013)
Это совсем не про это (1984)