After winning yet another battle, Jorge is decorated as the new captain of the army, and now finds himself faced with his greatest challenge, whether to be faithful to his faith or succumb to the excesses of Emperor Diocletian.

Austrian farmer Franz Jägerstätter faces the threat of execution for refusing to fight for the Nazis during World War II.

COLLISION carves a new path in documentary film-making as it pits leading atheist, political journalist and bestselling author Christopher Hitchens against fellow author, satirist and evangelical theologian Douglas Wilson, as they go on the road to exchange blows over the question: "Is Christianity Good for the World?". The two contrarians laugh, confide and argue, in public and in private, as they journey through three cities. And the film captures it all. The result is a magnetic conflict, a character-driven narrative that sparkles cinematically with a perfect match of arresting personalities and intellectual rivalry. COLLISION is directed by prolific independent filmmaker Darren Doane (Van Morrison: Astral Weeks Live at the Hollywood Bowl, The Battle For L.A., Godmoney).

Based on a true story, 'Under Jakob's Ladder' is a full-length feature film that takes place in the Soviet Union during 1938. Jakob, a former teacher who lost his job due to the new Communist system, can only stand by and watch as the world around him slowly disintegrates and fear and suspicion rule the day. Like most of the men in his village, he soon finds himself in a Soviet prison. But it is there that he discovers that the freedom he craves might actually be found within the walls of his cell.

"Baptists at Our Barbecue" is the comedic story of the small town of Longwinded, USA, a divided, feuding town of 262 Mormons and 262 Baptists. It's also a love story, about one man who will try anything to end the ridiculous feud, bring the town together, and keep the peace-loving girl of his dreams from leaving town.

Upon returning from serving in the U.S. Army, Chaplain Darren Turner faces a crisis that shatters his Family and Faith in God but through the help of his fellow soldiers, he returns to his faith and family

Overcoming bullies and his own loser mentality, 10-year-old Bernie Dingledorf must destroy Dr. Chuckles’s diabolical Laugh Generator before it sends the world into uncontrollable fits of laughter.

Four corrupted fascist libertines round up 9 teenage boys and girls and subject them to 120 days of sadistic physical, mental and sexual torture.

Historical biographical religious drama film based on the memoirs of Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuit order who was also canonized as a saint in Roman Catholicism.

Arising out of the horror of the Spanish Civil War, a candidate for canonization is investigated by a journalist who discovers his own estranged father had a deep, dark and devastating connection to the saint's life.While researching the life of Josemaria Escriva, the controversial founder of Opus Dei, the young journalist Robert uncovers hidden stories of his estranged father Manolo, and is taken on a journey through the dark, terrible secrets of his family’s past.

Rival toy store owners compete over several Christmas seasons, and God's grace goes to work in their lives.

"Day Of Miracles" is the Documentary about the "True-Life-Survivors" of the event at the New York Twin-Towers on September 11, 2001. The "Stars" are the actual survivors of 9/11: Sujo Jon was in Tower One when the first plane crashed just above his head. He was able to lead a group of people down the staircase while the exterior of the building peeled like a banana. He then found out that his pregnant wife was in Tower Two. Janelle prayed for God to help her and the next day she was the only one alive and was discovered standing up asleep, amidst the rubble! Tom & Deena Burnett had a vision that he was going to die young and for the White House. He was one of the brave men that downed the plane in Pennsylvania.

Chuck Smith and Caryl Matrisciana report on the mushrooming god-consciousness movement sweeping across the world. During the sixties the Beatles made their famous pilgrimage to India, and in the process, they inspired a flower-powered, drug-induced generation to seek pagan enlightenment from Indian holy men. Today thousands of self-proclaimed godmen continue to invade our western culture. Incredible film footage from mystical India highlights this shocking expose.I am God! I Am God! Actress Shirley MacLaineI am God. My power is divine. Indian Guru Sai BabaGod wants you to become God. Chri Chinmoy Indian Guru to the United States"And ye shall be as gods" Satan in the Garden of Eden, Genesis 3.

Eastern meditation and yoga are being used by vibrant young businessmen, athletes and children for achieving better, healthier living. How ironic that these religious practices were originally designed in India to prepare the dying Hindu for the reincarnation process. Today, eastern mysticism is being carefully marketed as science and has successfully infiltrated the medical profession, the public school system, the U.S. government, and nearly all areas of mainstream western society. Chuck Smith and Caryl Matrisciana uncloak this disturbing trend, which has captured the hearts and minds of a generation seeking to better themselves.

The New World Order and warning signs to watch out for. As the world begins its entry into the 21st Century, a growing genre of spiritual and political leaders believe that we are participating in the dawning of a "new age." Many are working toward a new era of global consciousness and the dream of a new world order. Chuck Smith and Caryl Matrisciana investigate whether or not today's growing pagan trend coincides with predictions as laid out in ancient Hebrew and Christian Scriptures. Is the uniting of religion, science, and politics under the protective umbrella of the New Age movement a positive sign, or is it actually a spiritual counterfeit?

Why are many scientists abandoning their belief in traditional evolution? The concept of evolution has dominated the thinking of the scientific community for nearly a century and a half, and is taught as "fact" in public schools and educational institutions in America. And yet today, many leading scientists are abandoning a belief in traditional evolution, admitting that no real evidence exists! Chuck Smith and Caryl Matrisciana talk to leading scientists from around the world and examine the latest scientific discoveries. Decide for yourself if evolution truly provides the answer to our existence, or is it really the "Hoax of the Century?'

Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon Church, believe that he was the anointed recipient of "Divine revelations". Those who follow all his doctrines have opportunity to become gods and goddesses. The goal of devout Mormons is to enter the prestigious Mormon Temple where many of Smith's "higher truths" are concealed. Yet this privilege is reserved for only an elite few. Upon entry, the initiates articulate in a series of bizarre secret rituals and occult practices. In this explosive documentary, Chick Smith and Caryl Matrisciana take you behind the closed doors of the Mormon Temple to discover the dark mysteries of Joseph Smith's "Temple of Doom".

The dawn of the 21st Century has found much of modern society obsessed with occult mysteries, sadistic violence, and evil. Everything from cartoons and video games to recorded music and major theatrical films are being designed and promote to "satisfy" the public's insatiable lust for the macabre. Most disturbing is the rise in the practice of Satanism. Law enforcement agencies are unable to keep up with the increasing numbers of heinous, Satanically inspired crimes. Basically a remake of Devil Worship: The Rise of Satanism (1989) using the same footage.

This exciting video explores the history of many traditions surrounding the Christmas holiday and examines their connections to paganism. Viewers will discover the real story of Christmas and be challenged to take advantage of "the holiday season" to proclaim the truth. Find out the truth about: why we decorate the Christmas tree, put up lights around the house, Santa Claus and his magical reindeer Was December 25th really Jesus's birthday? Discover answers to these and much, much more...

As the world teeters on the brink of annihilation, Dietrich Bonhoeffer is swept into the epicenter of a deadly plot to assassinate Hitler. With his faith and fate at stake, Bonhoeffer must choose between upholding his moral convictions or risking it all to save millions of Jews from genocide. Will his shift from preaching peace to plotting murder alter the course of history or cost him everything?