Il club dei libertini (1969)
Ada Ford
Bunny Lake è scomparsa (1965)
Grand Duchess Elise Lupavinova
Voglio essere amata in un letto d'ottone (1964)
Empress Matilda
Becket e il suo re (1964)
Anna Richter
Avventura nella fantasia (1962)
Mr. Topaze (1961)
Grand Duchess
Estasi (1960)
Baroness Meinster
Le spose di Dracula (1960)
Lady Gore-Willoughby
Bottoms Up! (1960)
Lisa Bradwell
La prima notte (1959)
Mother Superior
Io e il colonnello (1958)
Philippe's Mother
Buongiorno tristezza! (1958)
Lady Lydia Fell
All'ombra della ghigliottina (1957)
Connie Harper
Le spie (1957)
Lady Brocklehurst
L'incomparabile Crichton (1957)
Mrs. Willis
Tre uomini in barca (1956)
Baroness Elena von Livenbaum
Anastasia (1956)
Lady Anne
The March Hare (1956)
Queen Mother
L'amante del re (1955)
Mme. Marchesi
Sulle ali del sogno (1953)
Lady Dodd
Folly to Be Wise (1952)
Mme. Alice
It Started in Paradise (1952)
Mabel Grace
Meet Me Tonight (1952)
Aunt Anna Rose
Treasure Hunt (1952)
Queen Eleanor
Robin Hood e i compagni della foresta (1952)
Duchess of Berwick
Il ventaglio (1949)
Mrs. Courtney (SR)
Amarti è la mia dannazione (1948)
Mrs. Camelot
My Sister and I (1948)
Princess Betty Tversky
Anna Karenina (1948)
Miss Havisham
Grandi speranze (1946)
Cousin Agatha
La bella avventuriera (1945)
Miss Finch
Welcome, Mr Washington (1944)
Miss Patchett
L'uomo in grigio (1943)
Colonel's Wife
Talk About Jacqueline (1942)
Daphne Faber
Sabotage at Sea (1942)
Susan Wellington-Smythe
The Lady from Lisbon (1942)
Miss Bland
They Flew Alone (1942)
Mrs. Lindley
The Seventh Survivor (1942)
East of Piccadilly (1941)
Mme. Mirelle
Quiet Wedding (1941)
Frau Lehmann the Concierge
Freedom Radio (1941)
Miss Hardcastle
Miss Knowall (1940)
Miss Grant Goes to the Door (1940)
Lady Elizabeth Hewett
The Middle Watch (1940)
Helen Vaquier
At the Villa Rose (1940)
Mme. Dupont, assistant
A Girl Must Live (1939)
Old Mother Riley Joins Up (1939)
Duchess of Beaumont
Young Man's Fancy (1939)
British Tourist on Bicycle (uncredited)
Addio, mr. Chips! (1939)
The Nursemaid Who Disappeared (1939)
Mme Berdi
In cerca di guai (1939)
Sarah Macaulay
The Good Old Days (1939)
Everything Happens to Me (1938)
Mme. Appel
Prison Without Bars (1938)
Mrs. Mather
Second Best Bed (1938)
Miss Pitter
Strange Boarders (1938)
Mme. Bernard
Paradise for Two (1937)
Lady Bogshott
Good Morning, Boys! (1937)
Mrs. Glegg
Il mulino sulla Floss (1937)
The Professor's Daughter (uncredited)
Sabotaggio (1937)
Adela Swayle
Sei ore a terra (1937)
Jane's Mother
Destino di sangue (1936)
Lady with lorgnettes
The Beloved Vagabond (1936)
Pot Luck (1936)
Aunt Esther
When Knights Were Bold (1936)
Woman on Plane
King of the Damned (1935)
Madame Seraphina
First a Girl (1935)
Mrs Davies
Mr. What's-His-Name? (1935)
Lady at Roulette Table
Man of the Moment (1935)
Mrs. Read
The Case of Gabriel Perry (1935)
Agnes Lightfoot
Friday the Thirteenth (1933)
Aunt Lucille
I Was a Spy (1933)
Piano Demonstrator
Love on Wheels (1932)
Aline - Countess Ricardi's Maid
Service for Ladies (1932)