The movie revolves around two friends (Sebastian and Angel) who suddenly discover their love for each other. They elope on the eve of the girl's marriage, much to the chagrin of her brothers. The film essays the lovers' struggle for survival.

Jagannathan, a political advisor, is hired to help John, a politician in California. He employs various shrewd tactics to help John's party win the elections.

Sanusha plays a rich heiress who hires a killer called Beeran (Vijayaraghavan) to murder her and implicate her two-timing boyfriend for it. Beeran is a novice, he gives the contract to Freddy (Baburaj), a juice stall owner, who owes Beeran money. As the girl waits for the killer to come, a thief (Asif Ali) breaks into her apartment. Now starts a series of funny incidents that go on till the next morning and the film centres around that.