Em has an unsettling encounter with Doll; Em discovers that Doll is acting in a local performance and decides to attend.

Dolly and Emily set to work on their directorial debut, having bagged Hollywood stars Olivia Wilde and Evan Rachel Wood to star in their off-Broadway play.

Dolly bumps into Ewan McGregor, and things become awkward when Olivia Wilde and Evan Rachel Wood reveal their versions of Dolly and Emily have a more-than-platonic friendship.

Dolly and Emily set to work on their directorial debut, having bagged Hollywood stars Olivia Wilde and Evan Rachel Wood to star in their off-Broadway play.

Dolly and Emily set to work on their directorial debut, having bagged Hollywood stars Olivia Wilde and Evan Rachel Wood to star in their off-Broadway play.

Dolly bumps into Ewan McGregor, and things become awkward when Olivia Wilde and Evan Rachel Wood reveal their versions of Dolly and Emily have a more-than-platonic friendship.