Scott Robinson
Testify (2024)
Coach Marlin
Sweet Tooth: Az agancsos fiú (2021)
Ben Sailor
Halifax: Retribution (2020)
Det. Gordon Taylor
Between Two Worlds (2020)
Vince O'Kane
Head High (2020)
Jack Sallinger
Élete a halál (2019)
Det Marshall
James Patterson's Murder is Forever (2018)
Detective Rod Lynch
Catching Milat (2015)
Jack Duncan
A hosszú út hazáig (2013)
William Munro
Dr. Blake (2013)
Gavin Warner
Howzat! Kerry Packer's War (2012)
George Blake
Tricky Business (2012)
Jefferson Clarke
Miss Fisher rejtélyes esetei (2012)
A hős legendája (2008)
Carter Smith
East of Everything (2008)
Bill Mackay
A penge éle (2008)
The Strip (2002)
Herkules (1995)