Fletcher Reed, a fast-talking, habitual liar, divorced father, is an incredibly successful lawyer who has built his career by lying. He is used to giving priority to his job and always breaking promises to be with his young son Max, but Fletcher often lets Max down, by missing his son's birthday party. But even then at 8:15 Max decides to make him an honest man as he wishes for a whole day where his father can't lie. When his son Max blows out the candles on his fifth birthday, he only has one wish - for his father to stop lying for 24 hours. When Max's wish comes true, Fletcher discovers that his mouth has suddenly become his biggest obstacle

La vida d'en Lloyd i en Harry, dos amics de poques llums, és un veritable desastre. En Lloyd treballa com a xofer d'una limusina i en Harry es dedica a rentar i transportar gossos. Un dia en Lloyd du a la limusina una noia anomenada Mary Swanson. La Mary va cap a l'aeroport per viatjar a Aspen, on viu la seva família. Però quan arriben a l'aeroport en Lloyd s'adona que la noia s'ha deixat un maletí ple de diners.

Best pals Ryan and Justin are stalled in their respective careers -- a fact that is painfully driven home when they go to a college reunion. Dressed as police in the mistaken belief that they were to attend a costume party, Ryan and Justin find that the uniforms earn them much respect and attention. Although Justin is uncomfortable with the idea, Ryan decides to continue with the charade, putting them both in increasingly dangerous situations. When these newly-minted “heroes” get tangled in a real life web of mobsters and dirty detectives, they must put their fake badges on the line.

An aging screen icon gets lured into accepting an award at a rinky-dink film festival in Nashville, Tenn., sending him on a hilarious fish-out-of-water adventure and an unexpectedly poignant journey into his past.

Serena Bruno is an architect who studied and got several masters in different countries of the world but she decides to go back to Italy so she can live and work there. She will soon find out that her native country is not as open minded and she will struggle to find a job that she truly loves and is passionate about. Along the way she will meet Francesco a gay man who will help and support her throughout her journey.

Five friends from 'Maaskantje' are getting fired because of the economic crisis. They decide that they won't pay for anything anymore.

Summoned from an ashram in Tibet, Ace finds himself on a perilous journey into the jungles of Africa to find Shikaka, the missing sacred animal of the friendly Wachati tribe. He must accomplish this before the wedding of the Wachati's Princess to the prince of the warrior Wachootoos. If Ace fails, the result will be a vicious tribal war.

La taula d'Ahkmenrah, la que fa que les estàtues dels museus cobrin vida, està perdent la màgia. En un intent desesperat per protegir el valuós tresor, Larry Daley viatjarà amb els seus amics Theodore Roosevelt -Robin Williams a la seva última pel·lícula-, el faraó Ahkmenrah, Àtila, Jebediah Smith, Augustus Octavius ​​i Sacagawea des de Nova York fins a Londres. Allà intentaran contactar amb algú del Museu de Londres que els ajudi a restaurar la màgia i coneixeran Sir Lancelot i altres personatges de l'antic Egipte.

Nick Hendricks, Dale Arbus i Kurt Buckman decideixen crear la seva pròpia empresa després de cansar-se de treballar per a uns caps desagraïts i insuportables. La nova empresa es dedicarà a la fabricació d'unes dutxes molt originals que no només fan rajar aigua, sinó que hi incorporen el xampú i el condicionador. Rex Hanson, el fill d'un ric empresari, s'interessa pel nou invent, i el seu pare els fa un encàrrec de 100.000 unitats. Però, quan ja les tenen fabricades, l'empresari es fa enrere i els deixa amb un deute al banc de 500.000 dòlars. Per recuperar els diners, els tres amics decideixen segrestar el Rex, però és la primera vegada que ho fan i no se n'acaben de sortir.

El Dave Skylark, presentador d'un famós programa televisiu d'entrevistes, i el productor Aaron Rapoport descobreixen que Kim Jong-un, el dictador de Corea del Nord, és un gran aficionat del seu programa i aconsegueixen una entrevista exclusiva amb ell. La CIA els demana que aprofitin l'ocasió per assassinar el dèspota, però el Dave i l'Aaron no són precisament les persones més ben preparades per dur a terme aquesta missió.

Beneath Bruce Garrett's under-confident, overweight exterior, the passionate heart of a salsa king lies dormant. Now, one woman is about to reignite his Latin fire.

Ben, who dreamed of himself as a comic in New York, is back in Paris, his professional and emotional life in complete disarray. He encounters Alex, the star host of the Breakfast Club, a popular morning radio show. With Cyril, a forty-something who'd prefer not to be, and Arnold, the charismatic leader of the gang, they call the shots on Blast FM. In next to no time Ben is hired to write for them. He's barely joined the team when a tidal wave hits the station: Breakfast Club listenership is in free fall. They set out on a bus to travel to every corner of France to meet and win over their public once again. For these arrogant Parisians, a real journey of initiation arises from this radio-phonic road trip, shaking up all their certainties.

El senyor Popper és un agent immobiliari que un dia rep un paquet amb un pingüí viu que li trastoca la vida completament. És l'últim souvenir dels que li envia el seu pare des dels llocs on va de viatge. Després, rep un altre paquet amb cinc pingüins més, que es veu obligat a quedar-se per no defraudar els seus fills, que se n'encapritxen. Conviure amb els pingüins i aconseguir la compra d'un edifici per a l'empresa on treballa no serà gens fàcil.

In northern Canada, a young boy sets a goal for himself to to reunite an abandoned polar bear cub with its mother. Goran Visnjic joins the cast as Muktuk, a half Inuit and half Canadian, who knows the terrain where the polar bears live and who agrees to help the boy.

Narra la història de Moisès (Christian Bale), un home el coratge del qual va desafiar un imperi quan es rebel·la contra el totpoderós faraó Ramsès (Joel Edgerton), alliberant 600.000 esclaus en una èpica fugida a través d'Egipte, plena de perills i mortíferes plagues , a la recerca de la Terra Promesa.

An adrenaline junkie walks away from a whirlwind romance and embraces a new life as a thief, though he soon finds himself pursued by veteran police officer and engaged in a turf war with a local gangster.

After breaking up with his longtime stage partner, a famous but jaded Vegas magician fights for relevance when a new, "hip" street magician appears on the scene.

El futbolista Maxime Belloc va ser descobert als quinze anys quan jugava amb l'equip del seu poble, el Mareuil, i ara és una estrella del París Saint-Germain, però veu com els més joves li comencen a passar al davant. Després de trencar-se la cama d'una manera estúpida, torna a Mareuil per recuperar-se, i el seu pare li demana que entreni l'equip del poble, que fa molt temps que no guanya res. Ell no hi posa gaire interès, però la superioritat insolent del seu etern rival fa que reaccioni, i tant ell com els jugadors es comencen a prendre els entrenaments seriosament. El canvi es nota, i l'equip es planta a la final regional. El partit serà d'infart.

Five searches for love unfold in interconnected stories in which fathers, daughters and male suitors try to perfect love matches based on astrology.

This wacky prequel to the 1994 blockbuster goes back to the lame-brained Harry and Lloyd's days as classmates at a Rhode Island high school, where the unprincipled principal puts the pair in remedial courses as part of a scheme to fleece the school.