Three and a half years of Jesus' ministry, as told in the Gospel of Luke.

Tre nødder til Askepot er en klassisk askepot fortælling om en ung pige hvis far er død, som nu bor hos sin arrogante, snobbede og dybt uretfærdige stedmoder der har en lige så forfærdelig datter. Askepot er smuk, handlekraftig, dygtig og hun møder en charmerende ung mand i skoven.

Warren Schmidt har noget at tænke over - i mere end en forstand. Han har sagt sit livslange job som aktuar i et forsikringsfirma op og hans bortrejste datter, Jeannie, er ved at blive gift med et værre fjols. Warrens kone gennem 42 år er pludselig gået bort, så nu sætter han sig bag rattet i sin nyindkøbte camper og begiver sig mod Denver for at gøre det godt igen med datteren, selvom han hader hendes kommende mand, Randall, af et godt hjerte. For at gøre ondt værre er Warren absolut heller ikke begejstret for sin svigerfamilies noget frisindede og bondske opførsel, så Warren indser at han for alt i verden må forhindre, at Jeannie bliver gift med Randall.

Pippi Longstocking, a super-strong redheaded little girl, moves into her father's cottage Villa Villekulla, and has adventures with her next-door neighbors Tommy and Annika in this compilation film of the classic Swedish TV series. This was followed by Pippi Goes on Board.

Abahachi, Chief of the Apache Indians, and his blood brother Ranger maintain peace and justice in the Wild West. One day, Abahachi needs to take up a credit from the Shoshone Indians to finance his tribe's new saloon. Unfortunately Santa Maria, who sold the saloon, betrays Abahachi, takes the money and leaves. Soon, the Shoshones are on the warpath to get their money back, and Abahachi is forced to organize it quickly.

In a mission in China in 1935, a group of women are preyed on by Mongolian bandits, led by Warlord chief Tunga Khan.

Et topmøde i Spanien om terrorbekæmpelse ender i total kaos, da to kugler flyver gennem luften med retning mod den amerikanske præsident. Kort efter eksploderer en bombe. I menneskemændgen står også den amerikanske turist Lewis, og sammen med Secret Service-agenten Barnes gennemgår han sine private videooptagelser fra dagen. De opdager, at ikke alt er, som det ser ud til at være.

Elisabeth, en fraskilt kunsthandler i New York, er en selvsikker og flot pige, der absolut hverken mangler tilbedere eller venner. Tilsyneladende har hun ikke behov for affærer - indtil hun en dag møder John. Han er velhavende og charmerende, men frem for alt udstråler han mystik og erotik. Elisabeth nyder Johns tilbedelse, raser over hans drillerier, frydes over hans overraskelser og lader ham befale over hende. Det udvikler sig til et intenst og stærkt kærlighedsforhold mellem de to, hvor de vover at afprøve hinandens grænser både med hensyn til deres følelser og sexualitet - i 9 1/2 uge.

Croatia is calling! The 12th grade of a Berlin high school is going on a graduation trip. Together with the stressed teacher Mrs. Gruber and the over-committed teacher Georg, the trip doesn't start as planned: In the so-called Eco-Hostel the dream of an Insta-worthy beach vacation with endless parties seems to burst before it has even begun. Yet McLarry in particular had high hopes of distraction: he's the only one who didn't pass his A-levels and who can't actually afford the class trip. He is also not yet over his breakup with Bella. But then the ray of hope - his favorite rapper and idol Zeno is also in Croatia! The perfect opportunity for McLarry to present him his own songs. Together with his best buddy Cornelius and Best Friends Bella and Alena, they break away from the class field trip and head to Zeno's villa. With the hopelessly overtaxed chaperone Georg in tow, they embark on the gnarliest adventure of their lives...

A teenager wakes up in a subway car with no memory of how he got there or who he is.

After 500 years, castle ghost Hui Buh finally has some royal residents to haunt, but he soon loses his license to scare and must get recertified.

The plot concerns a yeti who makes a pact with the devil to kidnap the most beautiful girl in the world. This turns out to be the Princess Lissi, who is clearly the Austrian Princess and later Empress Elisabeth of Bavaria, and much of the film is taken up with subplots related to the court and to the romantic relationship between Elisabeth and her husband. The film is thus a comic parody of the Sissi films.

In 1938 Hans Zeisig, an apolitical comedian, impersonator and cabaret actor, flees with a Russian passport (instead of American, which he would have preferred) from Nazi-Berlin, and finds himself in the legendary Hotel Lux, the 'lost paradise' of the Comintern, in Moscow. Everyone believes that Zeisig is a man named Hansen, Hitler's personal astrologer. But Zeisig quickly realizes that he's gone from the frying pan into the fire. In the Hotel Lux he meets his friends Frida and later Meyer again, still passionate communists. For the three idealists an adventure between love and death begins to run his course.

Otto is a man from a little German island, where he lives together with his friends. He gets his treasure, an expensive painting, stolen by a casino owner and his female assistent, so Otto starts travelling to the main land with his friends. Will he get it back?

Otto is the only one who is able to save his Frisian fatherland; but he needs the help of his brother, who is abroad. But his brother does not want to fulfill what he has sworn as a child. So it takes Otto a while to convince him while time is running low for his plans to save East-Frisia.

George er ikke som de andre. Så længe han kan huske, har han boet alene i junglen. I en træhytte sammen med den talende gorilla Abe som hushjælp og elefantungen Shep, som tror den er en hundehvalp. Når George bevæger sig i junglen, svinger han sig i lianerne. Der er kun en ting, der kan stoppe ham – et træ og Ursula. Rigmandsdatteren som kom til junglen for at se på aber, men i stedet fik øje på George. George har aldrig set nogen som Ursula. Faktisk vidste han ikke, at der fandtes piger. Dette og meget mere kommer George til at lære.

The Seven Dwarves live deep within a female-free-zone of the Enchanted Forest, but they cannot resist the innocent charms of Snow White when she enters their world. So when the evil queen abducts her, it is up to the dwarves to save her life.

Da den yngste dværg Bobo ved et uheld kommer til at stikke Prinsesse Rose (A.k.a Tornerose) i fingeren med en farlig gift, sendes hele kongeriget ind i en dyb søvn. Bobo og de seks andre dværge må derfor tage en farefuld rejse ud i fremtiden for at redde Rose og kongeriget. En sjov fortælling for hele familen der blander karaktere fra de bedste klassiske eventyr. Filmen byder på en selvmorderisk drage, en modig lille dværg, masser af jokes og danseglad musik.

Marmaduke er verdens største og mest elskelige grand danois, som nu tager springet fra tegneserie til biografens store lærred. Den kæmpestore hund tilhører familien Winslow, og da far Phil får nyt arbejde, og familien derfor må flytte fra midtvesten til Orange County i Californien, hjælper Marmaduke dem gennem den store omvæltning. Men han opdager også, at det at få nye firbenede venner ikke altid er let for en 100 kilo tung teenagehund.