A fictional account of the life of Japanese author Yukio Mishima, combining dramatizations of three of his novels and a depiction of the events of November 25th, 1970.

6th Photobook shot in Okinawa & Tokyo & Hokkaido & Hawaii.

Polònia, anys 50. En un país marcat per les ferides de la II Guerra Mundial, les noves autoritats comunistes promocionant la creació d'un grup de músics que, a través del folklore local, intentarà portar una mica d'alegria als camarades polonesos, i de pas transmetre missatges de lloança sobre el camarada Stalin. En Wiktor és un pianista que forma part d'aquest grup coral i s'enamora de la cantant i ballarina, la Zula.

In the post–World War II South, two families are pitted against a barbaric social hierarchy and an unrelenting landscape as they simultaneously fight the battle at home and the battle abroad.

A mitjans del segle XIX, el professor James Murray comença a compilar paraules per a la primera edició de l'Oxford English Dictionary, un diccionari que té la tasca ambiciosa de recopilar totes les paraules de la llengua anglesa. Per sorpresa de Murray, un doctor d'un asil psiquiàtric serà una de les ajudes més grans.

As the police launch a full-scale crackdown on organized crime, it ignites a national yakuza struggle between the Sanno of the East and Hanabishi of the West. What started as an internal strife in Outrage has now become a nationwide war in Outrage Beyond.

The contemporary story of a priest who launches a centre for troubled youth in a small parish. He is a good priest and is well-liked by his congregation, which remains unaware of his complicated past.

Paolo condueix al seu taxi l'encantadora Lina i els seus tres amics a la platja, però s'adona que el que ells pretenen és robar-li el vehicle. Ella l'enreda amb explicacions confuses i el porta a conèixer Sopriano, el seu pare. Paolo pensa que es tracta d'una família honrada, fins que descobreix que la cigarreta d'or que ella li ha donat havia estat sostreta, que Sopriano s'ha apropiat d'una maleta a l'estació i que pare i filla són carteristes als autobusos. Paolo els denuncia a la policia, però ells se les arreglen per distorsionar els fets i semblar que són innocents. Desesperat, Paolo proposa a la Lina que abandoni la vida de lladre...

This in-world short film takes place in the year 2036 and revolves around Jared Leto’s character, Niander Wallace. In this short, Wallace introduces a new line of “perfected” replicants called the Nexus 9, seeking to get the prohibition on replicants repealed. This no doubt has serious ramifications that will be crucial to the plot of Blade Runner 2049.

Beautiful American Emily O'Hara offers the City Hunter (Ryo Saeba & Kaori Makimura) one million dollars to protect her from a man named Douglas. Ryo & Kaori take the job, but things are not quite what they seem. The real target just might be Ryo, but it's unclear who wants Saeba dead.

L’Emma i el Tancredi, els seus fills Elisabetta, Edoardo i Gianluca, els companys i promesos d'aquests, els avis, el llinatge i les futures generacions, celebren la successió i lliurament del negoci familiar i la consolidació. Una consolidació progressiva dels papers que cada vegada és més temuda doncs són conscients de la classe a la qual pertanyen: la gran burgesia industrial de Llombardia. El jove cuiner Antonio condensa emocions en plats que no haurien d'estar en la tradició culinària de la família. Tant l’Emma com l’Antonio són personatges que no encaixen en l'univers al qual pertanyen, i la passió desemboca en una col·lisió que farà que tots dos trenquin amb tots els lligams i entrin en contacte directe amb la naturalesa.

La pel·lícula se centra en dos homes opressors i controladors que persegueixen implacablement un nen brillant.

A quartet of disaffected Korean youths have robbed a Seoul gas station. After taking the gas station over, their wacky antics ensue; forcing the manager to sing, kidnapping customers that complain about the service, and staging fist-fights between street gang members and gas station employees; all of these reflect their own gripes against society.

After losing his farm during the floods of 1953, a romantic Dutch farmer is tired of getting his socks wet. He cycles to Italy and decides to grow tulips in the sweltering heat of Puglia.

Anne Walberg is a celebrity in the world of perfume. She creates fragrances and sells her incredible talent to companies of all kinds. She lives as a diva, selfish, with a strong temper. Guillaume is her new driver and the only one who is not afraid to stand up to her. No doubt this is the reason why she does not fire him.

An introverted teenager tells his parents he is going on a ski trip, but instead spends his time alone in his mom's basement. But things didn't go as planned after his half sister joins him.

A duo of Edgar Allan Poe adaptations about a greedy wife's attempt to embezzle her dying husband's fortune, and a sleazy reporter's adoption of a strange black cat.

A group of friends are lured to an isolated cabin by a promise of heavy partying, only to find themselves in a nightmarish game of truth or dare.

A father begins dating his 29-year-old daughter Emma's high school frenemy soon after his wife passes away. His daughter embarks on a mission to break up the happy couple.

Rahul Talks to People is a mashup of his 5 crowd work shows he performed in different cities. He interacts with the audience on topics like a stressful job, cricket umpiring to marketing.