Sarah's monotonous life is turned upside down when she discovers Leo, an eleven-year-old boy hiding in the trunk of her vehicle. They don't know it yet, but the child's father has just been killed in a shooting. Sarah makes the decision to protect Leo at all odds.

アニメ『魔法少女ユキコ』に憧れる12歳の少女アリシアは、白血病であった。アリシアの父ルイスは、娘の秘密の願いノートを見つける。ノートを開くとそこには「魔法少女ユキコが着るドレスを着て踊ってみたい」と書いてあった。さらにページをめくると「13歳になりたい」の文字が。死期を悟る娘にショックを受けるルイス。ネットで検索したルイスは、そのドレスが有名デザイナーの手による一点モノの大変高価なコスチュームであることを知る。失業中で金の無いルイスは強盗を決意し宝飾店のウインドウガラスを石で叩き割ろうとするが、頭上から降ってきた嘔吐物により一線を越えずに済む。 嘔吐物は、階上に住む既婚女性バルバラが酒と睡眠薬で体調を崩した末に吐いたものだった。彼女は精神科医である夫のアルフレードに管理されていたが、孤独に打ちひしがれ常に寂しさを抱えていた。バルバラはルイスに詫び、汚した衣服の洗濯のため家に招き入れる。やがて孤独感と寂しさからふたりは男女の関係を持つが、翌日、ルイスは「不倫を夫にバラされたくなければ金を出せ」とバルバラを脅す。バルバラはやむを得ず旧友アダを訪ねて、「一夜の仕事」を紹介してもらい、金を用立てる。

Raised by his science teacher father, Joseph Pagnol, and seamstress mother Augustine, young Marcel grows up during the turn of the century in awe of his rationalist dad. When the family takes a summer vacation in the countryside, Marcel becomes friends with Lili, who teaches him about rural life.

A serial-killer frightens Paris by phoning young ladies at night, telling them insults about their lives. Minos, as he calls himself, wants to prevent the world from free women and he targets at first these ones. Commissaire Letellier is given the investigation and he has hard work with the maniac.



While being transferred to another prison, two convicts - Stéphane Carella and Paul Brandon - effect a miraculous escape. They are pursued across the Verdon Gorge before arriving at an isolated farmhouse whose owner, Laura, offers them sanctuary. Since the death of her husband, Laura has longed to get her own back on the police and she agrees to help Carella and Brandon in their scheme to rob a casino in Nice. After a shoot out with the casino’s owners, Carella realises that not everything is what it seems. Brandon is not what he appears...

Two friends, one a musician the other constantly depressed wander around Greece and France till they get to Paris without a penny to their name. Here they spend nights in the underground, and squat in houses with the African immigrants. One day they both fall in love with Mathilde a blond dancer and follow her to New York.

A man spreads the rumor of his fake homosexuality with the aid of his neighbor, to prevent his imminent firing at his work.

After getting screwed over by life (again), two losers decide that enough is enough. Using stolen ski masks and stolen toy guns, they take hostages in their local bank, holding them for ransom. Things go well until the hostages learn what's going on, and demand a piece of the action for themselves.

A detective, fresh out of the academy (lowest mark in class), gets the assignment to bodyguard a spoiled rich girl reporter. She's been interviewed on TV and has questioned the virility of a mobster who kidnaps her later.


Samy lives happily with his wife, Alice, in a poor urban housing project amongst friends and neighbours. For his son’s birthday, the richest man in France throws open his grand department store, offering the boy whatever he wants. Alexandre chooses Samy, the night watchman, as his new toy…

The partners are back and are in a tight spot! Francois is going through a moral crisis, and Rene is experiencing the same. But, honesty is not always the best policy. After being suspended for their actions, they return to face their far more crooked replacements.

Claire's handbag is stolen. It contained a letter written ten years previously by the man who is now the French President. In the letter, he urges his pregnant mistress to have an abortion. Claire immediately alerts the President's men. From that moment, the machinery of state swings into action.

On the occasion of their daughter's birth, the king and queen give a lavish feast. Among the guests are twelve fairies who endow the infant in the cradle with all good qualities. As the king loathes diligence, he does not invite the thirteenth fairy - the fairy of diligence. A captain lets her slip into the castle and she casts a spell on Sleeping Beauty, wishing death upon her. The twelfth fairy transforms and mitigates the spell. On the day she turns fifteen, the princess is to sink into a hundred-year sleep after pricking her finger on a spindle.

The charming Pascal, owner of a clothing store in Courchevel, and the chubby and scruffy Micky, disc jockey in a nearby club, are best of friends. Pascal accumulates women, much to the chagrin of Micky, who is consoled of his failures by listening to his friend talk about his successes. Viviane arises, ravishing and icy, but she's seasonal. Pascal, sincerely in love, seduces her and then leaves. This is a dire situation for Micky: Pascal is far away and the beauty is so kind to him. Complications arise once Pascal returns.

It's been ten years since the paths of René and François parted ways. From the glorious era when, as cops, they roamed the Montmartre district, they only have a handful of memories left, the money from their cronies having evaporated over time. Everything comes to an end. Until it starts again.

Thierry, ethnologue spécialiste des lapons, se rend dans sa Suisse natale avec sa compagne, Sophie, pour assister à l'enterrement de sa grand-mère. Il y retrouve sa famille et découvre qu'il a hérité de deux millions de francs suisses, mais que pour les obtenir il va devoir faire semblant de s'adapter aux valeurs et mode de vie suisse qu'il avait rejeté. Pour ce faire il va accepter une sorte de formation accélérée prodiguée par son cousin suisse Aloïs, qui aurait plutôt des vues sur Sophie.

Truck driver searches for his brother, who has disappeared in a town run by a corrupt judge.