A young boy discovers a stray balloon, which seems to have a mind of its own, on the streets of Paris. The two become inseparable, yet the world’s harsh realities finally interfere.

Un jutge d'instrucció del Tribunal Revolucionari de Teheran lluita amb la desconfiança i la paranoia mentre les protestes polítiques nacionals s'intensifiquen i la seva arma desapareix misteriosament. Sospitant de la implicació de la seva dona i les seves dues filles, imposa mesures dràstiques a casa seva, provocant un augment de les tensions. Pas a pas, les normes socials i les regles de la vida familiar es suspenen.

At 11:30pm on October 11, 1975, a ferocious troupe of young comedians and writers changed television forever. This is the story of what happened behind the scenes in the 90 minutes leading up to the first broadcast of Saturday Night Live.

Arriving in Helsinki, a nameless man is beaten within an inch of his life by thugs, miraculously recovering only to find that he has completely lost his memory. Back on the streets, he attempts to begin again from zero, befriending a moody dog and becoming besotted with a Salvation Army volunteer.

A French man spies on a lovely younger woman across the way. When he's spotted by the woman shortly after being questioned by the police about a local murder, the man's simple life becomes more complicated.

A former bank robber is released after 10 years in prison. He gets help from a social-worker, but gets harassed by an old cop from his past.

During the night of August 4-5, 1952, three Englishmen, Jack Drummond, his wife Anne and their daughter Elizabeth were murdered near their car near the farm of the Dominici family, in the commune of Lurs in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. Denounced by two of his sons, the patriarch Gaston Dominici was judged and condemned without any real evidence.

Als 85 anys, el pare d'Emmanuèle és hospitalitzat després d'un accident cerebrovascular. Quan es desperta, debilitat i dependent, aquest col·leccionista d'art, curiós per naturalesa i amant apassionat de la vida, demana a la seva filla que l'ajudi a morir.

En un poble francès, un home de 60 anys, de caràcter irascible, decideix anar a escola per a aprendre per fi a llegir i escriure, i una jove i enfeinada professora s'encarrega d'ensenyar-li.

While standing in the doorway of the video shop where he works, Bazil is inadvertently shot in the head. Now homeless and jobless, he is taken in by a troupe of misfits who live in a giant mound of trash. There Bazil begins his quest for revenge against the people who produced the gun that shot him.

Simon and Dede are best friends: two aimless drunks who spend their days getting sloshed and any other available time getting laid. Simon is living on unemployment benefits in a trailer parked near his sister's apartment. Dede works at a fish-packing plant on the night shift. Neither man is sensitive, young, or good looking. However, their sang-froid (literally, "cold blood," referring to a quality of imperturbability) stands them in good stead as they go about their seedy lives, picking up one woman and having sex with her on the beach, or when Simon calmly has sex with a prostitute in front of the woman's brother. In the past, a bizarre necrophiliac situation led to Simon experiencing his only sense of what it might be to truly love someone.

En els anys setanta, després d'una vaga, una rica burgesa s'ha de fer càrrec de la fàbrica familiar. En Robert Pujol, el seu marit, dirigia la seva fàbrica de paraigües amb mà de ferro, tractava als seus treballadors de la mateixa manera despòtica que a la seva esposa Suzanne i als seus fills.

As a mother, in principle, you do not rob banks. But these days, it can be a solution for the future of your home, and not to give up on your dreams. Playing the thieves can quickly become dangerous and bad encounters can turn into a love story ...

15-year-old Nina witnesses a terrible crime that puts her life in danger. Being an orphan, she has nobody she can trust. When corrupt businessman Thomas Backer sends five killers after Nina, witness protection officer, Max, a former special-forces soldier, is responsible for her safety. They soon overcome their initial distance to find common ground. While on the run from the ruthless Backer, Rudi, one of Max’s former comrades, comes to their rescue – and continues to help the two out of some precarious situations. Even Max’s ex-girlfriend Sara is not just there to help him as a federal prosecutor. Nevertheless, Nina and Max face ever-increasing danger, and soon the teenager is not the only one in need of a guardian angel – Max could use one too.

Martin, an ex-Parisian well-heeled hipster passionate about Gustave Flaubert who settled into a Norman village as a baker, sees an English couple moving into a small farm nearby. Not only are the names of the new arrivals Gemma and Charles Bovery, but their behavior also seems to be inspired by Flaubert's heroes.

A 20 year old man takes a bus full of young children hostage in exchange for money to help his sick mother. Meanwhile a detective must over come doubt from family and co-workers while she tries to negotiate with the hostage taker.

La vida de Michel Blanc, un famós actor, es veu pertorbada per l'arribada d'un doble que intenta suplantar la seva identitat. A partir de llavors, comença a viure un autèntic malson quan diverses persones comencen a acusar-lo de coses que no ha fet, entre elles abusos sexuals de famoses actrius com Josiane Balasko, Charlotte Gainsbourg i Mathilda May. En comptes de signar autògrafs, rebrà bufetades i cops de puny, l'insultaran i l'aturaran. La fama esdevindrà un autèntic malson... "Mala fama" compta amb coneguts actors francesos que s'interpreten a si mateixos.

A few days before the baccalaureate, a high school student decides to settle accounts with the most cowardly teacher in the school.

A bourgeois office drone whose raison d'être is the music of French rocker Johnny Hallyday awakens one day in an alternate universe where the famed musician never recorded a single song. When he’s not at the office dutifully plugging-away, Fabrice lives a deadly dull life.

Alfonso, brutal agent of the Department of Protection of High Personalities, is forced to team up with young inexperienced recruit Walter, fascinated by the world of show biz. This improbable duo is in charge of the protection of Jal-Y, a young R'n'B star threatened by his ex, a criminal on the run.