From the earliest versions of the script to the blockbuster debuts, explore the creation of the Star Wars Trilogy.

En Cal i l'Emily són casats des de fa més de 20 anys, però l'Emily li fa el salt i en Cal se'n va de casa. Va a un bar i es queixa del que li ha passat. Jacob, un client assidu, el sent i s'ofereix a ajudar-lo. El fa canviar d'imatge i l'ensenya a lligar. Al cap de poc, comença a tenir èxit amb les dones, però s'adona que encara estima l'Emily i s'hi vol reconciliar. Mentrestant, el seu fill s'ha enamorat de la seva cangur, tot i que ella no li correspon. I fins i tot Jacob es transforma quan comença a sentir alguna cosa per una noia que havia intentat lligar-se, però que l'havia rebutjat perquè ja tenia nòvio.

An original mix of fiction and reality illuminates the life of comic book hero everyman Harvey Pekar.

Anton és un idealista mèdic danès que treballa a un camp de refugiats d'un país africà que està en guerra. La seva dona i el seu fill Elia viuen sols a Dinamarca. El nen és maltractat a l'escola pels seus companys i se sent aïllat. Però quan arriba al col·legi Christian, un nen orfe de mare que expressa el seu dolor per mitjà de la violència, ell i Elia simpatitzen i es fan amics. El problema és que aquesta amistat es converteix en un perillós joc de venjança i ràbia que, a més de pertorbar la vida de les seves famílies, porta Anton a qüestionar-se els seus ideals.

A hardcore US racist skinhead who, because of his intelligence, leads a gang dedicated to fighting the enemy: the supposed American-Jewish conspiracy for domination. However, he's hiding a secret: he's Jewish-born, a brilliant scholar whose questioning of the tenets of his faith has left him angry and confused, turning against those who he thinks have a tragic history of their own making.

When down-on-his-luck part-time high school wrestling coach Mike agrees to become legal guardian to an elderly man, his ward's troubled grandson turns out to be a star grappler, sparking dreams of a big win -- until the boy's mother retrieves him.

In 2000, the election of the U.S. Presidential boiled down to a few precious votes in the state of Florida — and a recount that would add "hanging chad" to every American's vocabulary.

To build up attendance at their games, the management of a struggling minor-league hockey team signs up the Hanson Brothers, three hard-charging players whose job is to demolish the opposition.

In the summer of 1991 an elderly woman Ghislaine Marchal is found murdered in the basement of her home with the message "Omar M'a Tuer" (Omar has kill me) written beside in her own blood. Despite a lack of forensic or DNA evidence, her Moroccan gardener Omar Raddad is found guilty and sentenced to 18 years in a French prison. Shocked by the case, and convinced of his innocence, journalist Pierre-Emmanuel Vaugrenard moves to Nice to investigate, and uncover the truth...

Dan és un jove professor d'història a l'institut d'una zona deprimida de Brooklyn. Encara que en Dan és brillant, dinàmic i sap ajudar els alumnes amb dificultats, en la seva vida privada es revela com un home frustrat i autodestructiu. A poc a poc aquest desencís amarg que el rosega l'ha conduït a una greu dependència de les drogues. Mentre pot manté una doble vida fins que la Drey, una de les seves alumnes més problemàtiques, descobreix el seu secret. Aquesta situació els fa iniciar una amistat obligada en què, malgrat la diferència d'edat, tots dos aprendran a ajudar-se mútuament.

The story revolves around three soldiers — Colee, T.K. and Cheaver — who return from the Iraq War after suffering injuries and learn that life has moved on without them. They end up on an unexpected road trip across the U.S.

El 1924, amb només 29 anys, Edgar Hoover va ser nomenat director general de l'FBI perquè reorganitzés la institució. Va ocupar el càrrec fins a la seva mort el 1972, sobrevivint set presidents, algun dels quals va intentar inútilment destituir-lo. Els arxius que Hoover guardava gelosament, plens de secrets inconfessables d'importants personalitats, el van convertir en un dels homes més poderosos i temuts de la història dels Estats Units.

A director wants to make a documentary about actresses, all actresses: the popular ones, the unknown ones, the intellectuals, the comedians, the forgotten ones... Filming everything, with or without their consent, the director gets caught up in the game and lets herself be devoured by these women, who are as fragile as they are manipulative.

Segona adaptació de l'obra de Raymond Chandler "El somni etern". El general Sternwood contracta Philip Marlowe perquè el lliuri d'Arthur Geiger, que el fa xantatge a propòsit dels deutes de joc de la seva filla menor, Carmen. La filla gran, Vivien, vol esbrinar l'interès del detectiu per Rusty Regan, el seu exmarit, presumptament fugat amb la dona d'un mafiós. Quan Geiger és assassinat al seu apartament, Carmen era allà en circumstàncies comprometedores.

Kate and Martin escape from personal tragedy to an Island Retreat. Cut off from the outside world, their attempts to recover are shattered when a man is washed ashore, with news of airborne killer disease that is sweeping through Europe.

Comic artist and writer Woody performs a simple courier operation for his friend Harry who works for the CIA. But when he successfully fends off hostile agents, he earns the respect of the beautiful Natalia, who requests his assistance for her defection. Woody uses this request as leverage to use the CIA's resources to bring his comic book creation, Condorman, to life to battle the evil Krokov.

When political turmoil forces a British-Caribbean dictator to flee his island nation, he seeks refuge and hides with a rebellious teenage girl in suburban America, and ends up teaching the young teen how to start a revolution and overthrow the "mean girls" in her high school.

Max Chêne is a life coach who helps to motivate everybody from professional athletes to government ministers to business executives. After his gambling debts get out of control and his wife throws him out, he is approached to take on a unique client.

Sybille, a divorced mother, can't stand watching her teenage son Samuel slip into a violent and meaningless life. She is also struggling with her own demons, past and present. As a last resort, she takes Samuel on a long journey across Kyrgyzstan.

When Englishman Jonathan Harker visits the exotic castle of Count Dracula, he is entranced by the mysterious aristocrat. But upon learning that the count has sinister designs on his wife, Mina, Harker seeks help from vampire slayer Van Helsing.