El 1920, al Lower East Side, el barri jueu de Nova York, Noodles fa alguns robatoris amb els seus companys Cocky, Patsy i Dominic. Arriba un cinquè col.lega, Max, el més decidit i que aviat serà el cap de la banda. Durant una baralla amb la banda rival, Noodles venja l'assassinat de Cocky matant el cap de la banda i és empresonat. El 1930, Noodles surt de la presó i l'acullen els seus amics, que han prosperat gràcies a la prohibició. Quan s'aboleix la llei seca, Max té nous projectes i per aconseguir diners planeja robar el Banc de l'Estat. Espantat per aquesta idea, Noodles denuncia els seus amics. La policia els mata i Noodles, trasbalsat, es refugia en un fumador d'opi. El 1968, Noodles, envellit, acudeix a una misteriosa convocatòria i retroba els llocs de la seva infantesa. Acaba descobrint que Max encara és viu i que, portat per la seva ambició, sempre ha enganyat a tothom.

Corea, 1930, durant l'ocupació japonesa. Nam Sookee, una jove carterista que conviu amb una banda de traficants de nadons, és contractada per un estafador perquè l'ajudi a apropiar-se de l'herència d'una rica però innocent òrfena que viu reclosa a una mansió pel seu oncle, un bibliòfil d'inclinacions lascives. Ell es farà passar per un comte japonès i ella farà de donzella personal per guanyar-se la confiança de la noia i facilitar la seducció del fals comte. Alhora, el pervertit oncle també té el seu propi pla per quedar-se amb la fortuna de la neboda.

Arthur Fleck és un home ignorat per la societat, la motivació de la qual a la vida és fer riure. Però una sèrie de tràgics esdeveniments us portaran a veure el món d'una altra manera. Pel·lícula basada en Joker, el popular personatge de DC Comics i arxivillà de Batman, però que en aquest film pren un caire més realista i fosc.

Fitzcarraldo is a dreamer who plans to build an opera house in Iquitos, in the Peruvian Amazon, so, in order to finance his project, he embarks on an epic adventure to collect rubber, a very profitable product, in a remote and unexplored region of the rainforest.

Cada 5000 anys s'obre una porta entre les dimensions. En una dimensió existeix l'Univers i la vida. En l'altra dimensió hi ha un element que no està fet ni de terra, ni de foc, ni d'aire, ni d'aigua, sinó que és una antienergia, l'antivida: és el cinquè element.

Una família viatja a la capital francesa per negocis. El grup inclou una jove parella promesa que veurà com les seves vides canvien durant la seva estada a la ciutat. La pel·lícula celebra el gran amor d'un jove per París i, al mateix temps, explora la il·lusió que qualsevol vida diferent sempre és millor.

The story of two men on different sides of a prison riot -- the inmate leading the rebellion and the young guard trapped in the revolt, who poses as a prisoner in a desperate attempt to survive the ordeal.

A real estate agent leaves behind his beautiful wife to go to Transylvania to visit the mysterious Count Dracula and formalize the purchase of a property in Wismar.

In the center of the story is the life of the indigenous people of the village Bakhtia at the river Yenisei in the Siberian Taiga. The camera follows the protagonists in the village over a period of a year. The natives, whose daily routines have barely changed over the last centuries, keep living their lives according to their own cultural traditions.

The film follows Kaspar Hauser (Bruno S.), who lived the first seventeen years of his life chained in a tiny cellar with only a toy horse to occupy his time, devoid of all human contact except for a man who wears a black overcoat and top hat who feeds him.

Un periodista i un misteriós advocat que viatgen en un descapotable vermell es dirigeixen, a través del desert, a Las Vegas. El maleter del cotxe és una autèntica farmàcia: dues borses de marihuana, 75 pastilles de mescalina, 5 fulles d'àcids i moltes altres drogues.

When a massive, gilled monster emerges from the deep and tears through the city, the government scrambles to save its citizens. A rag-tag team of volunteers cuts through a web of red tape to uncover the monster's weakness and its mysterious ties to a foreign superpower. But time is not on their side - the greatest catastrophe to ever befall the world is about to evolve right before their very eyes.

Heinz Bütler interviews Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004) late in life. Cartier-Bresson pulls out photographs, comments briefly, and holds them up to Bütler's camera. A few others share observations, including Isabelle Huppert, Arthur Miller, and Josef Koudelka. Cartier-Bresson talks about his travels, including Mexico in the 1930s, imprisonment during World War II, being with Gandhi moments before his assassination, and returning to sketching late in life. He shows us examples. He talks about becoming and being a photographer, about composition, and about some of his secrets to capture the moment.

A fearsome 19th century bandit, Cobra Verde cuts a swath through Brazil until he arrives at the sugar plantation of Don Octávio Countinho. Not knowing that his new guest is the notorious bandit and impressed by his ruthless ways, Don Octávio hires Cobra Verde to oversee his slaves. But when Cobra Verde impregnates Don Octávio’s three daughters, the incensed plantation owner exiles the outlaw to Africa where he is expected to reopen the slave trade. Following his trans-Atlantic journey, Cobra Verde exploits tribal conflicts to commandeer an abandoned fortress and whips an army of naked warriors into a frenzied bloodlust as he vies for survival.

After 30 years of searching, Harry has finally met the girl of his dreams. Unfortunately, before they even have a chance to go on their first date, Harry intercepts some chilling news: WWIII has begun and nuclear missiles will destroy Los Angeles in less than an hour!

A beautiful temptress re-kindles an old romance while trying to escape her past during a tension-packed train journey.

In 1978, a Kiss concert was an epoch-making event. For the three teen fans in Detroit Rock City getting tickets to the sold-out show becomes the focal point of their existence. They'll do anything for tickets -- compete in a strip club's amateur-night contest, take on religious protesters, even rob a convenience store!

Although living a comfortable life in Salon-de-Provence, a charming town in the South of France, Julie has been feeling depressed for a while. To please her, Philippe Abrams, a post office administrator, her husband, tries to obtain a transfer to a seaside town, on the French Riviera, at any cost. The trouble is that he is caught red-handed while trying to scam an inspector. Philippe is immediately banished to the distant unheard of town of Bergues, in the Far North of France...

A small Bavarian village is renowned for its "Ruby Glass" glass blowing works. When the foreman of the works dies suddenly without revealing the secret of the Ruby Glass, the town slides into a deep depression, and the owner of the glassworks becomes obssessed with the lost secret.

Beaudrey Demerille és un rodamón que es guanya la vida en partides de pòquer. En una, s'emporta com a premi Wanda Nevada, una jove òrfena d'extraordinària bellesa. Demerille és rondinaire, però té bon cor. Les suspicàcies de la noia van desapareixent i, de mica en mica, va sorgint entre ells una bona relació. Junts decideixen buscar una antiga mina d'or apatxe perduda al Gran Canó. El que no saben és que dos perillosos delinqüents també estan buscant-la, i no s'aturaran davant de res ni de ningú.