Inocencio Prieto y Calvo receives a letter telling him he is the heir to his uncle's fortune of two million pesos. Not being able to read he has no idea of who sent the letter or its content. So he goes to the drugstore because the pharmacist can read the letter to him. But while waiting to be helped he sees that a young girl can read. He figures he has to be able to discover the letter's content by himself and decides he will save the letter and go to school, and wait to read the letter on his own.

Chloe attends church and is immediately drawn to the pastor, Caleb. She falls in love with him, only to discover that he is married to two other women. When one of the wives mysteriously disappears, Chloe fears that she may be next.

A young man has led his whole life with his grandfather. When he was in school, he was the only one who was refused to join the Youth Brigade, since his father was sentenced to death for spying. When it is time for him to do the compulsory military service, he has to do it in a platoon for "unreliable" persons.

En un poble idíl·lic costaner escocès Macintyre (Peter Riegert), l'enviat d'una companyia petrolífera, negocia la compra de totes les propietats de la zona per construir-hi una refineria. Els habitants del poble veuen una oportunitat per enriquir-se, però l'obstinació del vell Ben (Fulton Mackay), propietari d'una platja, impedeix el tracte. Mac només pot oferir diners i la platja és tot el que Ben ambiciona. Mentrestant, el nouvingut se submergeix en un mode de vida que es mou a un ritme pausat, on el paisatge i la comunitat l'envolten als seus llaços.

A Group of biologists go on a rescue mission to Hell Island, but they find themselves threatened by giant crocodiles - and a mega crocodile - and their fight for survival begins.

Rigby Reardon és el millor dels sabedors. És un paio dur, disposat a investigar el que sigui. Juliet Forrest el contracta perquè investigui la misteriosa mort del seu pare, un cèlebre científic, filantrop i fabricant de formatges. Reardon de seguida fa olor una mica sospitós, i segueix un intricat laberint de pistes que el porten a les “Carlotta Lists”. Comptant amb l'ajuda d'alguns col·legues, intentarà atrapar els culpables.

El F.B.I. contracta un expert en efectes especials per simular la mort d'un mafiós Però la pistola que utilitzarà a la farsa és manipulada i la suposada víctima mor de veritat. A partir d'aquell moment, l'especialista en patirà les conseqüències.

Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto (1884-1943) was the Japanese Naval commander who was given the order to attack Pearl Harbour, an order he was duty bound to obey which went against his own personal beliefs. While this infamous attack is a low point in Japanese and US history it wouldn’t have happened if the Japanese government had listened to Yamamoto in 1939 and searched for a more peaceful way to end their war campaign, proving his many ominous presages of the outcomes of the attack to come true.

Matt Masters, un genet excepcional, molt encertat en el tir amb rifle, és el propietari d'un circ que porta el seu nom. Des de fa anys és el pare adoptiu de Toni, filla d'un trapezista que va morir mentre actuava. Tot i que Toni treballa en un número de l'Oest, la seva veritable vocació és el trapezi. Durant una gira per Europa, el circ està a punt de fer fallida, i Matt ha de buscar una solució per evitar-ho.

A Yellowstone National Park scientist and a thrill-seeking ranger join forces to plug-up a volatile super volcano that threatens to wipe out the entire United States.

Un prestigiós vulcanòleg (encara afectat per la mort de la seva esposa en l'erupció de la muntanya Pinatubo), Harry Dalton (Pierce Brosnan), detecta una perillosa activitat sísmica i avisa d'una possible erupció en les proximitats de Dante's Peak, un preciós i tranquil poblet del nord-oest coronat per un immens volcà apagat. Malgrat les investigacions, ningú dóna crèdit als avisos de l'expert... fins que ja és massa tard. Enmig del pànic general, el volcà entra en erupció i la fugida es fa desesperada. Harry intentarà escapar junt amb l'alcaldessa (Linda Hamilton) i els seus fills.

A popular beauty surprisingly asks a nerd to take her to the prom. He wakes up hours later in a sleazy alley. She's missing but he remembers nothing about it.

Rahul Joshi wants to be a successful businessman so he works hard for his boss Siddharth. One day Rahul meets Seema, an up and coming model, and he feels like he's finally met his match. Will Seema fall for Rahul?

Un científic psicòpata està estudiant una nova font d'energia geotermal amb l'objectiu d'originar un volcà sota la ciutat de Nova York. Un grup de geòlegs amb pocs recursos hauran d'aturar el desastre.

Mircea, former Intelligence officer, finds out that his son from has gone missing in the mountains. He travels there to find him. After days of searches, Mircea put his own rescue team together, leading to conflict with the local squad.

When a mysterious animal attack leaves a mutilated body in the forest, a conservative small town detective must enlist the help of an eager wildlife specialist to uncover the dark and disturbing truth that threatens the town.

Carpenter Arturo becomes a literary sensation when the children's stories he writes in his spare time get published, but he comes to resent success and the spotlight that comes with it. During a press tour he falls in love with beautiful married woman, Matilde.

Raquel is desperate: a series of unfortunate events have led to her daughter being taken and she needs a large amount of money to get her back, and fast. After a desperate plea to the bank, she manages to secure the loan she needs. The problem is that precisely at that moment, a peculiar couple of robbers enter the branch: the drug-addicted Jonan and his partner Lola, who is a deadly combination of smart and psychotic. But Raquel’s stakes are too high, and she knows she must think carefully to outsmart them, save herself and get her money.

Independent British thriller starring Dougray Scott and Kara Tointon. Lewis (Scott), an overworked doctor, is on his way home from London with his young son Max (Joshua Kaynama). Clearly exhausted from his work, Lewis decides to take a nap on the train while an attractive young woman (Tointon) watches over his son. When he wakes, all but a few passengers have alighted and he realises that the train is not stopping to let anyone else off. Determined to get to the bottom of the mystery, Lewis goes to investigate and finds that the train has been taken over by an unstable driver who is hellbent on destroying the vehicle along with all the remaining passengers on board.

A demented, wicked, deformed, cannibalistic killer named K. The Butcher Shitter (Karl Berger), escapes from the police and slaughters people in many gory, bloody ways.