Semua menganggur, keluarga Ki-taek memiliki minat khusus pada Taman kaya dan glamor untuk mata pencaharian mereka sampai mereka terjerat dalam insiden tak terduga.

Terdampar di luar angkasa tanpa persediaan makanan dan minuman, Tony Stark berusaha mengirim pesan untuk Pepper Potts dimana persediaan oksigen mulai menipis. Sementara itu para Avengers yang tersisa harus menemukan cara untuk mengembalikan 50% mahluk di seluruh dunia yang telah dilenyapkan oleh Thanos.

Kisah J. Peran Robert Oppenheimer dalam pengembangan bom atom selama Perang Dunia II.

In a world where walking, talking, digitally connected bots have become children's best friends, an 11-year-old finds that his robot buddy doesn't quite work the same as the others do.

Seorang detektif mengungkap rangkaian rahasia dan kebohongan rumit yang menyelimuti kematian seorang penulis novel kriminal ternama dan keluarganya yang eksentrik.

Four high school teachers launch a drinking experiment: upholding a constant low level of intoxication.

Recently fired and desperate for work, a troubled young man named Mike agrees to take a position as a night security guard at an abandoned theme restaurant: Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. But he soon discovers that nothing at Freddy's is what it seems.

At the end of the 22nd century Alisa Seleznyova, her father Professor Seleznyov and pilot Zelyony go on a space expedition to find rare animals for Moscow Zoo. On the way they seem to encounter a mysterious conspiracy led by Doctor Verhovtsev against legendary Two Captains Kim and Buran. The only clue is a talking bird Сhatterer [Govorun] that our heroes accidentally took possession of.

Saat kecil, Enola melewati masa kecilnya dengan penuh keceriaan. Namun, kini ia berada di bawah asuha kedua kakaknya, Sherlock (Henry Cavill) dan Mycrof (Sam Claflin). Sherlock dan Mycrof tidak terlalu senang akan kehadiran Enola dan bertekad akan mengirimnya ke sekolah yang mendidik para wanita muda. Namun, Enola menolak untuk mengikuti keinginan para kakaknya. Enola kemudian melarikan diri ke London untuk mencari ibunya. Saat sedang diperjalanan, Enola terlibat dalam misteri yang berkaitan dengan seorang bangsawan muda yang juga sedang melarikan diri. Saat keterlibatannya dalam misteri tersebut, tanpa disadar insting detektif Enola langsung bekerja dengan luar biasa. Enola Holmes berusaha untuk mengungkap sebuah konspirasi yang mengancam sejarah, bahkan bisa mengalahkan kakaknya yang merupakan detektif ternama, Sherlock.

John Garrity, his estranged wife and their young son embark on a perilous journey to find sanctuary as a planet-killing comet hurtles toward Earth. Amid terrifying accounts of cities getting levelled, the Garritys experience the best and worst in humanity. As the countdown to the global apocalypse approaches zero, their incredible trek culminates in a desperate and last-minute flight to a possible safe haven.

Detektif ternama, Benoit Blanc, pergi ke Yunani untuk menguak berlapis-lapis misteri yang mengitari seorang miliarder teknologi dan teman-temannya yang beraneka ragam.

The Katakuri family has just opened their guest house in the mountains. Unfortunately their first guest commits suicide and in order to avoid trouble they decide to bury him in the backyard. Things get way more complicated when their second guest, a famous sumo wrestler, dies while having sex with his underage girlfriend and the grave behind the house starts to fill up more and more.

When an asteroid threatens to collide with Earth, NASA honcho Dan Truman determines the only way to stop it is to drill into its surface and detonate a nuclear bomb. This leads him to renowned driller Harry Stamper, who agrees to helm the dangerous space mission provided he can bring along his own hotshot crew. Among them is the cocksure A.J. who Harry thinks isn't good enough for his daughter, until the mission proves otherwise.

A mild-mannered man becomes a local hero through an act of violence, but it brings forth consequences with connection to a dangerous world, one which will shake his carefully constructed life to its very core.

Kisah dalam film ini sendiri berfokus pada tragedi yang menimpa seorang anak bernama Connor Casserly. Saat itu, Connor tanpa sengaja menyaksikan pembunuhan ayahnya sendiri di kawasan hutan nasional. Patrick dan Jack Blackwell lah yang menghabisi nyawa ayah Connor. Ayah dan anak yang berprofesi sebagai pembunuh bayaran ini menerima tugas dari seseorang. Sayangnya, aksi mereka kali ini diketahui oleh Connor. Tak ada pilihan bagi Patrick dan Jack selain memburu anak itu. Di tengah pelariannya, Connor bertemu seorang pemadam kebakaran yang bermarkas di sekitar hutan tersebut. Hannah Faber yang iba melihat kondisi Connor pun langsung memperbolehkannya bersembunyi di sana. Namun, keselamatan mereka terancam saat Patrick dan Jack mulai membakar hutan demi melenyapkan Connor.

A triptych fable following a man without choice who tries to take control of his own life; a policeman who is alarmed that his wife who was missing-at-sea has returned and seems a different person; and a woman determined to find a specific someone with a special ability, who is destined to become a prodigious spiritual leader.

In observing a solitary classmate, a student begins to suspect that the loner has the ability to write words that will kill those who read them.

A tormented father witnesses his young son die when caught in a gang's crossfire on Christmas Eve. While recovering from a wound that costs him his voice, he makes vengeance his life's mission and embarks on a punishing training regimen in order to avenge his son's death.

A group of teachers must defend themselves from a gang of murderous kids when their school comes under siege after hours.

After waking up to find himself all alone in an apartment where a massive party was being held the night before, Sam is immediately forced to face a terrifying reality: the living dead have invaded the streets of Paris.