After tracing the origin of a disturbing supernatural affliction to a wealthy family's ancestral gravesite, a team of paranormal experts relocates the remains—and soon discovers what happens to those who dare to mess with the wrong grave.

Residents of a small rural town discover that a demon is about to be born among them. They desperately try to escape before the evil is born, but it may be too late.

En la nit de Halloween de 1977, el caos es deslliga quan el presentador Jack Delroy entrevista a una parapsicòloga i a un jove adolescent que és l'únic supervivent d'una matança massiva en una església satànica.

Pierre, a successful 33-year-old florist, has his life turned upside down by the sudden arrival of his mother Judith, whom he hasn’t seen for two years. Mercurial and extravagant, she suffers from bipolar disorder and has recently escaped from a clinic. Pierre has only one idea in mind: bring her back as quickly as possible so his life can get back on track. But nothing happens as he hoped for. Their unexpected reunion, as funny and explosive as it is heart-wrenching, will transform Pierre and Judith forever.

Dalton és un exlluitador de la UFC en hores baixes que accepta un treball com a porter en un conflictiu bar de carretera dels Cayos de Florida, només per a descobrir que aquest paradís no és tot el que sembla... Remake de la pel·lícula de 1989 amb Patrick Swayze.

Kid (Dev Patel) és un delinqüent que acaba de sortir de la presó i viu a l'Índia, intentant adaptar-se a un món marcat per l'avarícia i sense valors espirituals. Allà lluitarà per buscar venjança per la mort de la seva mare i defensar les classes més desafavorides.

Broke and depressed, Ray is mistaken for a dangerous hitman and given an envelope of cash. Along with his P.I. friend Skip, he must escape the actual hitman to make it out of LaRoy alive.

When a young American woman is sent to Rome to begin a life of service to the church, she encounters a darkness that causes her to question her own faith and uncovers a terrifying conspiracy that hopes to bring about the birth of evil incarnate.

A group of criminals kidnap a teenage ballet dancer, the daughter of a notorious gang leader, in order to obtain a ransom of $50 million, but over time, they discover that she is not just an ordinary girl. After the kidnappers begin to diminish, one by one, they discover, to their increasing horror, that they are locked inside with no normal little girl.

Torna, per demanda popular, el duo dinàmic de "Joc d'espies": en J. J., l'agent veterà de la CIA, i la Sophie, la seva fillastra i protegida de 14 anys. Aquesta vegada, una gira de la coral de l'institut de la Sophie els porta a Itàlia, on hauran de salvar el món d'un complot nuclear contra el Vaticà.

Stephen Fleming és un metge londinenc i diputat del Partit Conservador. Està casat amb l'Ingrid, una rica hereva amb qui té dos fills: l'adolescent Sally i en Martyn, un prometedor periodista. En una festa, l'Stephen coneix l'Anna, la xicota del seu fill, i sorgeix entre ells una relació passional irrefrenable. L'Anna intenta posar fi a l'enllaç que els uneix i que els condueix a la fatalitat.

Una animadora de stop-motion lluita per controlar els seus dimonis interns després de perdre la mare, una dona molt autoritària.

L'oficial de les forces especials, Matteo Donner, lluita amb la culpa després de perdre el seu millor amic en una missió conjunta. De tornada a Amsterdam, Donner acaba en una guerra d'un sol home intentant resoldre el seu únic objectiu: rescatar la filla segrestada del seu amic mort.

In 1980s Hollywood, adult film star and aspiring actress Maxine Minx finally gets her big break. But as a mysterious killer stalks the starlets of Hollywood, a trail of blood threatens to reveal her sinister past.

A young artist gets stranded in an extensive, immaculate forest in western Ireland, where, after finding shelter, she becomes trapped alongside three strangers, stalked by mysterious creatures each night.

A young woman working her first night shift at a remote motel begins to suspect that she is being followed by a dangerous character from her past. As the night progresses and increasingly supernatural events occur, she quickly finds out that nothing is what it appears to be.

Els rebels es preparen per lluitar contra les implacables forces de Món Mare mentre es forgen vincles infrangibles, sorgeixen nous herois i neixen les llegendes.

Bénédicte, a famous opera singer, leads the life of a diva between Parisian palaces and social gatherings. After an evening of excess, she sees her career crumble. Fatou, also a palace regular but as a cleaning lady, is the only one to reach out to her. Passionate about singing, Fatou has one idea in mind: to convince Bénédicte to take part in the big national karaoke contest. The perfect vocal mastery of one and the tenacity of the other could well create sparks and take them very far.

After their car breaks down in an eerie small town, a young couple are forced to spend the night in a remote cabin. Panic ensues as they are terrorized by three masked strangers who strike with no mercy and seemingly no motives.

Fan xantatge a la CIA: algú està assassinant periodistes estrangers i fent que l'Agència sembli la responsable. Mentre el món comença a unir les seves forces contra els EUA, la CIA decideix recuperar el seu agent retirat més brillant i rebel, i el fa enfrontar el seu passat perquè intenti desemmascarar una conspiració internacional.