A fading music hall comedian tries to help a despondent ballet dancer learn to walk and to again feel confident about life.

Childhood chums Rocky Sullivan and Jerry Connelly grow up on opposite sides of the fence: Rocky matures into a prominent gangster, while Jerry becomes a priest, tending to the needs of his old tenement neighborhood.

The frustrating adventures of a humble employee who all the time has to fullfill the wishes and desires of his bosses.

Dog and Mirales have been friends since childhood, and live in a small village in the south of France. They spend most of the day hanging around in the streets. To kill time, Mirales has got into the habit of teasing Dog, to the extent that he has become a sort of whipping boy. But one summer, Dog meets Elsa, and they fall in love. Eaten away with jealousy, Mirales will have to get over his past to be able to grow and find his place…

Blessed with a keen sense of smell and cursed with a philandering pornographer husband, a parasitic mother, and a pair of delinquent children, the long-suffering Francine Fishpaw turns to the bottle as her life falls apart -- until deliverance appears in the form of a hunk named Todd Tomorrow.

Cornelius Hackl, dependent d'una botiga d'alimentació de Yonkers, marxa a Nova York amb el millor amic per passar una bona estona. Allà no poden evitar creuar-se amb el seu cap Horace, que els promet fer-los una reprimenda si els veu en un restaurant de moda en lloc d'estar atenent la botiga. A través d'Horace, comerciant vidu, coneixem Dolly Levi, una dona de mitjana edat -també vídua- que està intentant buscar-li una nova dona.

Masaki, a baseball player and gas-station attendant, gets into trouble with the local Yakuza and goes to Okinawa to get a gun to defend himself. There he meets Uehara, a tough gangster, who is in serious debt to the yakuza and planning revenge.

Katherine Parr, the sixth wife of King Henry VIII, is named regent while the tyrant battles abroad. When the king returns, increasingly ill and paranoid, Katherine finds herself fighting for her own survival.

Un brillant inventor (Harrison Ford), fastiguejat del consumisme de la societat moderna, decideix allunyar-se de la civilització amb la seva família i emprendre una nova vida en plena jungla. Sota la seva guia, la seva nova llar es converteix en un paradís gràcies als seus invents, però aviat la seva ment comença a enfonsar-se.

L'agent de l'MI6 009 és assassinat al Berlín Oriental. En el seu poder es troba una excel•lent falsificació d'un dels ous que la joieria Fabergé va crear per a la família imperial russa. Casualment, l'ou autèntic se subhasta a Sotheby's i l'agent 007 rep la missió d'esbrinar quina en porten de cap els russos. La investigació el conduirà fins a l'Índia on s'enfrontarà a Kamal Khan, un malvat príncep afganès que pren part en una tèrbola conxorxa per desarmar les forces de l'OTAN i envair l'Europa Occidental. Alhora descobreix que una xarxa de contraban comandada per la misteriosa Octopussy també n'està relacionada.

Mauro is your typical deep-heart Mexican man, a merrymaker always ready to sing a song and turn difficulties into a laugh. He's married, has a friend named Hilario, and a girlfriend named Rita, and a girlfriend named Carmen, and a girlfriend named Petra, and other unnamed girlfriends. His life was already troubled with jealous girlfriends fighting each other, when one of his lovers decides to kidnap his baby child from the cradle, to kill him. All turns to the good, in the end.

Among the 5 star systems known as the Joker Systems, there are many kingdoms. There are knights within the kingdoms and these knights who control giant robots, Mortar Heads, are called Headliners. Bound to the knights are fatimas. Human in appearance and mind, the fatimas (mostly female) possess expanded physical capabilities and make it possible for a Headliner to control a Mortar Head. Fatimas cannot reproduce. All this is overseen by Emperor Amaterasu and his Mirage Knights.

A young woman searching for her missing artist father finds herself in the strange seaside town of Point Dume, which seems to be under the influence of a mysterious undead cult.

A former housemaid now works as a confidence trickster, but her plans for a big job in California go awry.

A dockworker seeking revenge on the killer of his sister finds himself the object of desire for two women.

When Eastern European criminals Oleg and Emil come to New York City to pick up their share of a heist score, Oleg steals a video camera and starts filming their activities, both legal and illegal. When they learn how the American media circus can make a remorseless killer look like the victim and make them rich, they target media-savvy NYPD Homicide Detective Eddie Flemming and media-naive FDNY Fire Marshal Jordy Warsaw, the cops investigating their murder and torching of their former criminal partner, filming everything to sell to the local tabloid TV show "Top Story."

In a nameless European city, a local reporter and his doctor wife try to escape from hordes of blood thirsty zombies, undead people exposed to nuclear radioactivity, while the military leaders fight a losing war of attrition against the relentless atomic zombies.

With the help of a radio DJ, Texas ranger Lefty Enright finds his way to the cannibalistic Sawyer family's underground slaughter shop, where he seeks to avenge the brutal murder of his kin.

After blowing his professional ballet career, John's only way to redeem himself is to concoct the demise of his former partner, Leah, who he blames for his downfall; he rehearses his salvation in his mind in the way that he rehearses a dance, but being able to break from the routine will be the key to his success.

When the puzzle box is once again solved, Pinhead and his legion demolish all who dare oppose them. But standing in his way is the only person who has defeated Cenobites of the past.