Ciel learns of a "Aurora Society", that is rumored to be researching how to bring the dead back to life. Their next meeting is scheduled to be conducted on the ship Campania, voyaging across the Atlantic Ocean. Much to Ciel's dismay, Elizabeth "Lizzy" Midford, is taking the same ship, thus leaving him with no choice but to get aboard as well.

On the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, Irene has only a few days to overcome her anxiety and renew her strength before sending her eldest son out into the world.

While on a last-minute European holiday, a young woman finds herself in the middle of a real-life fairy tale when a chance meeting with a handsome local leads to something more. However, things get complicated when she learns that the "local" is actually a prince who is about to be crowned King, and whose mother is dead-set against her royal son's romance with the tourist.

Isaac Netero is the chairman of the Hunter Association. Decades ago he sealed away Jed, a Hunter who had mastered the use of On, the dark "shadow" of Nen. Now On users have reappeared at the Heaven's Arena "Battle Olympia" tournament. For Netero, this is the last mission: to protect the Association and the world from a threat driven by hatred and the thirst for revenge. And he's going to need all the help he can get in order to succeed.

A documentary filmmaker interviews the now-famous Trevor Slattery from behind bars.

A look at the events leading up to the Taliban's attack on the young Pakistani school girl, Malala Yousafzai, for speaking out on girls' education and the aftermath, including her speech to the United Nations.

Alex Truelove er på jagt efter at miste sin jomfruelighed, en begivenhed, som hans tålmodige kæreste venter spændt på og jubler med velkomstråd fra sine bølle venner. Men Alex, en super gregarious fyr, er underligt umotiveret. En magisk husfest kaster Alex i nærværelse af Elliot, en hunky college-fyr, der knytter Alex som homoseksuel og flirter hårdt. Alex er overrasket, men efter en række tilbageslag på kærestens front tager han springet og lærer nogle interessante nye fakta om sig selv.

Chris Rock takes the stage for his first comedy special in 10 years, filled with searing observations on fatherhood, infidelity and American politics.

Veninderne Audrey og Morgan bliver indblandet i en international sammensværgelse. Det sker, da Audrey's ekskæreste en dag dukker op i hendes lejlighed tæt forfulgt af et hold snigmordere. Pludselig er veninderne på flugt gennem Europa, mens de forsøger at lægge en plan og redde verden.

Agent Coulson informs Agent Sitwell that the World Security Council wishes Emil Blonsky to be released from prison to join the Avengers Initiative. As Nick Fury doesn't want to release Blonsky, the two agents decide to send a patsy to sabotage the meeting...

Two women retreat to a lake house to get a break from the pressures of the outside world, only to realize how disconnected from each other they have become, allowing their suspicions to bleed into reality.

Denne jul er Thunder Mountain Ski Resort forvirrende, når berømthedskokken Shane Roarke bliver udnævnt til den nye køkkenchef. Clara Garrison er ikke så begejstret og fokuserer i stedet på at blive genbosat efter sit mislykkede forsøg på at åbne en restaurant i byen. Når deres stier konstant krydser hinanden, vil deres fælles lidenskab for madlavning bringe dem sammen, eller vil hemmeligheder holde dem adskilt?

Abigail Clayton bor alene. Faktisk har rigmandsdatteren ikke været ude af sin taglejlighed i New York i næsten to årtier. Pludselig dør hendes aldrende nabo, og det får politiets drabsefterforsker Frank Giardello til at indlede en efterforskning. Abigail, der lider af en angstneurose, forsøger at få fred ved at overtage den døde kvindes lejlighed, men til hendes skræk bliver den lejet ud til et par nye lejere, Lillian og Charlie. Abigail overvåger bekymret sine nye naboer, men da hun omsider møder Lillian og Charlie ansigt til ansigt, bliver der vendt op og ned på hendes organiserede verden...

Paul (Andrew Sensenig) og Anne (Barbara Crampton) flytter til en kold, vindblæst egn i New England, for at komme sig over tabet af deres teenage søn, der døde i en biluheld. De opdager dog hurtigt, at den stille by de er havnet i gemmer på nogle frygtelige hemmeligheder, og det hus de bor i er fuld at modbydelige onde ånder, der ikke har tænkt sig at lade parret være i fred! Paul og Anne må nu kæmpe mod de mørke kræfter, for at redde både deres egne sjæle og deres døde søns sjæl!

First day of last year for the students of a high school science, but at school there is something new: some guys have been moved from their respective classes in a section created especially for them, the section H. Students of the H section are not were chosen at random, are in fact notoriously problematic elements, too exuberant and listless. Among them is Ricky who is awake and never misses a chance to make jokes irritating that it shares on its Youtube channel, Star whose only interest is its look and Viola intelligent but always at war with the world.

Lynch's first film project consists of a loop of six people vomiting projected on to a special sculptured screen featuring twisted three-dimensional faces.

In 2008, Sami Benboudaoud discovered the hell of Neuilly-sur-Seine. Ten years later, now that everything is for the best for Sami who brilliantly completes his studies of political science, nothing will go for his cousin Charles of Chazelle.

Thanks to an auto accident, a parasitic alien manages to get into a hospital. It quickly moves from the crash victim into a candy striper. Among the patients at the hospital are some rather short high school basketball players. It is through them that we watch the events unfold. The infected, or inhabited, candy striper becomes predatory. She goes after men for sex and after women to spread. Infected women develop an incredible sweet tooth and devour anything sweet they can find. The horror then spreads. As the horror takes over more of the hospital and the CDC locks it down, the basketball players and a few friends do everything they can to try and get out of the hospital. But soon it becomes evident that the problem has spread too far. Now if they manage to escape it will only be to delay the inevitable if they cannot halt the spread of aliens before they get out and take over the whole world.

Djalil Boudaoud and Justine Lacroix are a surgeon and a television reporter who enter a romantic relationship despite the objections of their families to the cultural gap.

When the Italian Premier and his companion find a dead body in his hotel suite, while on a trip to Hungary, they find themselves embroiled in a series of comedic situations as they try to avoid a scandal.