Spike is guarding a private fishing hole - in his sleep. Tom sneaks in to do some fishing - with Jerry as bait. But one particularly vicious fish turns out to be more than Tom or Jerry bargained for, particularly when he wakes up Spike.
Air Force Colonel Kenneth Penmark and his wife, Christine, adore their daughter Rhoda, despite her secret tendency for selfishness. Christine keeps her knowledge of her daughter's darker side to herself, but when a schoolmate of Rhoda's dies mysteriously, her self-deception unravels.
Malgrat la seva bona conducta, a Doc McCoy, empresonat per diversos atracaments, li deneguen un altre cop la llibertat condicional. La vida al penal de Huntsville, Texas, se li arriba a fer insuportable i parla amb Carol, la seva esposa, perquè demani a l'influent i poderós Jack Benyon que mogui els fils per fer-lo sortir d'allí. A canvi, Benyon li fa pagar un preu molt alt: haurà d'atracar un banc per a ell. Tot i que sap que Benyon no jugarà net i no es refia dels seus companys, en Doc no té altre remei que acceptar la proposta.
A conservative Midwest businessman ventures into the sordid underworld of pornography in search of his runaway teenage daughter who’s making hardcore films in the pits of Los Angeles.
Segona Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). En una base aèria nord-americana de la Mediterrània, els pilots cauen com a mosques. Un d'ells, per alliberar-se d'una absurda missió, fingeix estar boig i aconsegueix fugir a Suècia.
T.S. Garp (Robin Williams), el fill d'una infermera soltera (Glenn Close), despòtica i feminista, ha tingut des de petit dues passions: la literatura i la lluita. Amb el temps es converteix en escriptor, es casa i té dos fills. A primera vista, sembla que tot va molt bé, però, en realitat, la seva vida és un desastre i un fracàs. Entre altres coses, Garp haurà de suportar que el seu èxit com a escriptor es vegi perjudicat per culpa de la croada feminista que encapçala la seva mare.
Drew Barrymore interpreta una nena de vuit anys que està dotada amb un poder sobrenatural que li permet provocar incendis amb la ment. Aquesta imparable i perillosa habilitat va ser adquirida per la nena arran d'un experiment recolzat pel govern dels Estats Units, que busquen explotar com a arma secreta els poders de la petita.
A young boy tells three stories of horror to distract a witch who plans to eat him.
Desperate for companionship, the repressed Willard befriends a group of rats that inhabit his late father's deteriorating mansion. In these furry creatures, Willard finds temporary refuge from daily abuse at the hands of his bedridden mother and his father's old partner, Frank. Soon it becomes clear that the brood of rodents is ready and willing to exact a vicious, deadly revenge on anyone who dares to bully their sensitive new master.
Two guys and a female hitchhiker are terrorized by a monstrous looking man driving a giant monster truck.
In a Gothic cathedral built on the mass grave of a Teutonic purge, an ancient discovery by the new librarian will release an unholy maelstrom of madness, violence and demonic vengeance.
A criminal psychologist loses his arm in a car crash, and becomes one of three patients to have their missing limbs replaced by those belonging to an executed serial killer. One of them dies violently, and disturbing occurrences start happening to the surviving two.
Una parella, que està de viatge, arriba a un apartat poble de Nebraska on no hi ha adults. Aviat fan un terrorífic descobriment: tots han estat assassinats pels nens del lloc, que viuen com una fanàtica comunitat religiosa que rendeix culte a una estranya divinitat dels camps de blat de moro. Quan els joves arriben als 18 anys han de ser sacrificats.
Three students get caught in the struggle between a good vampire and his evil brother in the Transylvanian mountains.
Alisa Seleznyova and her father professor Seleznyov are traveling in space. They meet their old friend archaeologist Gromozeka, who's just discovered a planet all inhabitants of which died. It became known that they discovered a virus of hostility, got infected and killed each other. Gromozeka also discovered that they had left the virus on Earth 26000 years ago, and the virus is about to become loose. The only chance to save the Earth is to travel 26000 years back in time - to the epoch when witches, dragons and magicians lived along with usual people.
Taiwan has 20 million inhabitants, and 12,5 million motorbikes. My 747 is the directors personal story, about his motorbike and their life together over the last eight years.
To stop the Third Reich and the Nazi war machine from winning World War II and affecting the outcome of the free world, Toulon's indestructible puppets join forces with the masters of psychic powers.
Siblings Monroe (Monroe Mann) and Hilary (Crystal Arnette) have discovered that they have inherited a lake house and to make things even better, the famous horror author Stephen King is rumoured to live somewhere nearby. They decide to take their friends down to the lake house to check things out, only to find immediate resistance from all of the locals, who insist that King doesn't live in the area. Despite being completely unwelcome, they decide to stay and soon find that people are being killed one by one in a manner similar to several deaths in various Stephen King stories.
A young domestic "indoor" cat named Marcello escapes from his home one day into the big outdoors to visit "Jujube", a pretty out-door female kitty. Alone for the first time in his short life, Marcello learns to grow up and finds true love.