Scooby-Doo and the gang investigates a new ghost at a water park resort.

Kyung-min lives alone in a one-room apartment. One day, she finds traces of a stranger breaking into her room and soon a mysterious murder case begins to unravel.

A poor North Korean fisherman finds himself an accidental defector, and is groomed to be a spy by an ambitious South Korean military officer.

After a meteorite unleashes a three-headed beast upon Tokyo, Mothra tries to unite with Godzilla and Rodan to battle the extraterrestrial threat.

Emil laver flere galestreger, end der er dage i året, siger hans mor. Men han får nu også tid til andre ting. På auktionen i Backorva sker der flere mærkelige ting for Emil. Men det mest mærkelige sker, da Emil redder en lille nyfødt gris. Emil får lov at beholde grisen. Han passer godt på den , men ikke nok med det, han lærer den at sidde pænt, at hoppe højt og mange andre kunster. Og hvem havde dog troet, at en lille smålandsgris kunne lære sådan noget!

San Francisco, 1985. Two opposites attract at a modern dance company. Together, their courage and resilience are tested as they navigate a world full of risks and promise, against the backdrop of a disease no one seems to know anything about.

Feeling unhappy with his gun, Jigen is looking for the world’s best gunsmith. He finally finds out that Chiharu, who runs a watch shop, is the person he’s been seeking. Then, Jigen meets Oto, who comes to Chiharu’s shop looking for a gun. Jigen finds out about Oto's secrets and the mysterious organization that’s after her. After Oto is kidnapped, Jigen gets into a desperate battle to save her.

Det er en kold juleaften, og den egoistiske gnier Ebenezer Scrooge har blot én aften tilbage til at se fortiden i øjnene – og ændre fremtiden – før det er for sent.

Satoshi og hans venner rejser til LaRousse, hvor de møder en dreng ved navn Tooi der er bange for Pokemon på grund af en hændelse, der skete fire år tidligere. I mellemtiden, Deoxys, en Pokémon fra rummet, er opstået, sætte en barriere rundt i byen og kidnapning mennesker. Rayquaza, en Pokémon, der lever i atmosfæren, kommer til at bekæmpe den.

Told entirely through social media and smartphone screens, this bold adaptation of Romeo and Juliet reinvents the world’s most enduring love story with style and lyricism, with black and brown youth at the heart of it all.

I "The Christmas Train", journalisten Tom Langdon (Dermot Mulroney) skal fra Washington, D.C. til Los Angeles i god tid til jul. Tvunget til at tage den interkontinentale tur med tog og fast besluttet på at krønike sit eventyr, finder Tom sig vestgående med en række forskellige tegn. På toget er den berømte filmproducent Max (Danny Glover), Maxs manuskriptlæge og protégé Eleanor (Kimberly Williams Paisley) og Agnes (Joan Cusack), der optager kabinen modsat Tom, og synes at kende sin forretning bedre end han gør. Mens alle passagerer på julebanen ser ud til at være på vej til samme destination, har Tom ingen anelse om, at de robuste lokomotiver, der tager ham over hele Amerika, i stedet vil omveje lige ind i hans hjerte - i uhøflige vækkelser, hans vildeste håb og drømme og mod muligheden for kærlighed Tom troede var tabt for evigt.

When a famous Bollywood actor visits a small village for a film's shoot, a poor hairdresser's claim that they were once childhood friends soon makes him the centre of attention.

Efter at være blevet hovedmistænkt for flere mord forsøger den charmerende Fletch at bevise sin uskyld samtidigt med at han er på jagt efter sin kærestes stjålne kunstsamling. Den eneste måde at bevise sin uskyld? Find ud af, hvem af de mange mistænkte der er den skyldige - den excentriske kunsthandler, en forsvundet playboy, en skør nabo eller Fletchs italienske kæreste. Kriminaliteten har faktisk aldrig været så uorganiseret som her.

Yan is a successful artist. One day he is waiting for his date Florence to turn up at his apartment. As the doorbell rings, he finds another young woman in underwear on his doorstep: his neighbor Eva! She tells him she locked herself out of her apartment and insists that he helps her. Whilst Yan is trying to enter Eva's apartment via their adjoining balcony, his phone rings. It is Florence, and she is not impressed when a female voice answers the phone. At this point, Eva's rabidly jealous boyfriend Boris returns home. Seeing Yan in his apartment, he deduces that Eva has been having an affair behind his back. Florence then turns up and Yan tries in vain to explain the situation. By chance, Florence's husband suddenly puts in an appearance. After that, it all starts to get a bit complicated.

As a result of a successful conspiracy against Menshikov, Peter II is prematurely recognized as an adult and is in a hurry to be crowned in Moscow. The Dolgoruky brothers gather for this celebration. There were eight of them - all-powerful and influential representatives of the ancient Rurikovich family - and among them the beautiful Ekaterina, the daughter of the huntsman Alexei.

Simon tager sin 12-årige søn med til et landsted i Vermont, hvor de kan slippe for postyret i byen, renovere huset og komme tættere på hinanden. Men det viser sig snart, at huset er besat af den tidligere ejers ånd, en berygtet og ond kvinde.

Den hårdtarbejdende tøjdesigner Senna Berges har opgivet håbet om at finde sin soulmate her i livet. Trods ihærdige forsøg på at få hende til at falde lidt til ro og satse på kærlighedslivet fremfor karrieren fra både familie og venner, fortsætter Senna ufortrødent med at tage uansvarlige beslutninger og indlede tilfældige affærer med yngre mænd. Men så møder hun pludselig advokaten Adam.

After being defeated by humans centuries ago, the Winged Tribe has lost their ability to fly. Seeking vengeance, a royal descendant of the tribe has begun searching for the magical Naga Pearls, which he plans to use to destroy the humans. When the legendary pearls fall into - and out of - the hands of Heiyu, a wily human street punk, he must join a team of unlikely heroes as they race to prevent the destruction of their people in this magical fantasy adventure.

A man, the heir to an empire, believes that marriage will ruin a man's life. Unfortunately, the only way for him to inherit his father's wealth, is to get married.

Monika lives with Rob, a corpse she loves. Her dilemma intensifies when she meets Mark and considers a normal life with him. She must choose between her affection for Rob and a new relationship.