The Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Special was a 2001 New York City revue show by Michael Jackson. It took place on September 7, 2001 and September 10, 2001. In late November 2001, the CBS television network aired the concerts as a two-hour special in honour of Michael Jackson's thirtieth year as a solo entertainer (his first solo single, "Got to Be There", was recorded in 1971). The show was edited from footage of two separate concerts Michael had orchestrated in New York City's Madison Square Garden on September 7 and September 10 of 2001. The shows sold out in five hours. Ticket prices were pop's most expensive ever; the best seats cost $5,000 and included a dinner with Michael Jackson and a signed poster.

The adventures of a group of Texas teens on their last day of school in 1976, centering on student Randall Floyd, who moves easily among stoners, jocks and geeks. Floyd is a star athlete, but he also likes smoking weed, which presents a conundrum when his football coach demands he sign a "no drugs" pledge.

Jack Traven és un intrèpid policia de Los Angeles. La supervivència en aquesta ciutat per a un agent de la llei no és una tasca fàcil, però Jack, a més de gaudir d'una bona sort, coneix perfectament els trucs per esquivar el perill. Tot i això, haurà d'afrontar una dura prova quan queda atrapat en un autobús urbà que porta instal·lada una bomba programada per explotar si el vehicle disminueix la seva velocitat a menys de 50 milles per hora. Comença així una boja carrera per la ciutat, amb Jack intentant donar confiança a la jove passatgera que ha substituït el conductor, ferit al 'segrest'.

When Ashtray moves to South Central L.A. to live with his father (who appears to be the same age he is) and grandmother (who likes to talk tough and smoke reefer), he falls in with his gang-banging cousin Loc Dog, who along with the requisite pistols and Uzi carries a thermo-nuclear warhead for self-defense. Will Ashtray be able to keep living the straight life?

Stand-up comic Gabriel Iglesias delights audiences during his sold-out "Unity Through Laughter" tour, which spans more than 400 cities in 23 countries. During his set, Iglesias -- nicknamed "Fluffy" -- pounces on topics like communicating with his teenage son, struggling with his weight, performing his concert tour across India, and handling the reappearance of his father after a 30-year absence.

Què fer després d'haver realitzat una de les pel·lícules de superherois més espectaculars i reeixides de tots els temps? La resposta sembla fàcil: una festa. Això és precisament 'Molt soroll per no res', rodada en 12 dies a la casa de Joss Whedon amb un equip format per col·legues i amics. El resultat és una brillant adaptació de l'obra de William Shakespeare, per les imatges en blanc i negre de la qual es colen els ecos jazzy del cinema de John Cassavetes.

Team Amèrica, la policia del món, una força internacional encarregada de mantenir l'ordre mundial, haurà de lluitar contra un desaprensiu i criminal dictador que es dedica a la venda d'armes de destrucció massiva a terroristes. Els herois es llançaran a una angoixosa missió per salvar el món. Team Amèrica recluta Gary Johnston, una estrella de brillant futur a Broadway, per tal que s'infiltri a la xarxa terrorista. En principi, en Gary no està molt decidit a sacrificar la seva prometedora carrera, però acaba entenent que els seus dots són sol·licitats per a una causa important. Amb l'ajuda d'en Spottswoode, el líder de Team Amèrica, i dels membres de l'equip, en Chris, la Sarah, la Lisa i en Joe, en Gary aconsegueix ficar-se dins l'amagatall d'un traficant d'armes on descobreix que el pla dels terroristes ja és en marxa.

After writing a soon-to-be bestselling novel, writer and committed bachelor Harper attempts to hide the fact that his saucy new book is loosely based on the lives and loves of his tight-knit group of friends. Harper is set to be best man at his friend Lance's wedding, and all his friends will be in attendance. When an advance copy of the book makes its way into the hands of his ex-flame, Jordan, Harper attempts to keep it under wraps.

Ray Eddy, an upstate New York trailer mom, is lured into the world of illegal immigrant smuggling. Broke after her husband takes off with the down payment for their new doublewide, Ray reluctantly teams up with Lila, a smuggler, and the two begin making runs across the frozen St. Lawrence River carrying illegal Chinese and Pakistani immigrants in the trunk of Ray's Dodge Spirit.

A streetwise man flees South Central Los Angeles, heading to the suburbs and his lottery-winner uncle and cousin, to avoid a neighborhood thug with a grudge who has just escaped from prison.

Craig and his cousin Day Day have finally moved out of their parents' houses and into their own crib, working nights at a local mall as security guards. When their house is robbed on Christmas Eve they set out to track down the culprit.

Mentre busca una solució per al seu greu estat de salut, David, un prestigiós neurocirurgià, descobreix un sinistre secret ocult en el passat.

Sought by police and criminals, a small-time huckster makes a deal with a TV newsman for protection.

Elver is an indigenous man who arrives in the capital in search of opportunities and by a twist of fate comes to work at Don Toribio's residence, where the women discover his enormous sexual attractiveness.

Struggling comic Lance Barton knows what it's like to die on stage. But when his life takes an unexpected turn - straight to heaven - Lance is sure there's been a mistake. Miraculously, he's right! An angel tells Lance he was taken prematurely but assures him he can be returned to Earth - in the aged body of a ruthless white billionaire. In this improbable reincarnation, Lance begins a hilarious quest to realize his showbiz dream...and, along the way, discovers the person he never imagined he could be. Chris Rock delivers a first-rate performance in this romantic comedy remake of HEAVEN CAN WAIT.

It’s Road Trip - Beer Pong! Three college roommates are on the ride of their lives when they drop everything to join a bus full of sexy, scantily clad models to compete in the ultimate sport competition: the National Beer Pong Tournament.

Brian Barnes (Johnny Messner) wakes up in the desert wounded and with no memory and no idea why he's surrounded by eight bodies, a van with four million in cash and a van full of cocaine. Brian is pursued by not only notorious drug lord Danny Perez (Danny Trejo) who desperately want his money back, and DEA Agent Rooker (Dolph Lundgren), but also a by the corrupt Sheriff Olson (Michael Pare) who will stop at nothing to get his hand on the new found fortune. On the run, Brian discovers the more he remembers the less he wants to know about who he really is.

Steven Phillips, un brillant guionista de Hollywood, viu, des de fa un temps, sumit en una crisi creativa. Per això, arriba un dia que li rescindeixen el contracte, al·legant que les seves històries ja no interessen ningú. Desesperat, busca l'ajuda d'un amic que li confessa que ell també va patir aquesta crisi i que va aconseguir superar-la gràcies a una musa. Steven, encara que amb escepticisme, demana al seu amic que li concerti una cita amb la presumpta musa. Quan coneix la Sarah, una dona amb un encant especial, canviarà la vida i la de tota la família.

Comical trip to Corse reminiscent of A very bad trip.

A damaged young woman is looking forward to moving to a beautiful new home, but the spirit of a deranged nun wants her to stay right where she is.