Christina wants to take revenge on her blind sister, who wants to take a prize in a popular music television show. She comes up with an evil joke in which she gives out a stage play organized by her friends for a real shoot in the Ostankino television studio. The sister believes what they are trying to convince her of, and Christina's rally becomes more and more like a mockery.

In 1879, Kenshin and his allies face their strongest enemy yet: his former brother-in-law Enishi Yukishiro and his minions, who've vowed their revenge.

Tang Zhijun, an editor of a science fiction magazine, attempts to find signs of an alien civilisation. When a strange young man claims to have received instructions from aliens, Tang and his team follow him in search of extraterrestrial creatures.

Munich, Germany, 1923. Two years have passed since Edward Elric was dragged from his own world to ours, leaving behind his country, his friends and his younger brother, Alphonse. Stripped of his alchemical powers, he has been all this time researching rocketry together with Alphonse Heiderich, a young man who resembles his own brother, hoping to one day find a way back home. His efforts so far had proven fruitless, but after lending a hand to a troubled gipsy girl, Edward is thrown in a series of events that can wreak havoc in both worlds. Meanwhile, at his own world, Alphonse Elric ventures deeper into the mysteries of alchemy in search for a way to reunite with his older brother.

Mennesker byggede enorme motorer på jordens overflade for at finde et nyt hjem. Men vejen til universet er farefuld. For at redde jorden må unge igen træde frem for at starte et kapløb mod tiden på liv og død.

Shenxiu has felt a deep sadness since her mother left. A storm plunges her into a dreamlike world of swirling colour. Led by the Hyjinx, and joined by inventive underwater chef Nanhe, she embarks on a quest to find solace in the Eye of the Deep Sea.

Jesse Stone bliver fyret fra LAPD og bliver derefter ansat af byrådet som politichef i den lille by, Paradise. Bestyrelsen håber, at hans brogede fortid vil afholde ham fra at grave alt for dybt i byens hemmeligheder. Men da han på sin første tømmermændsplagede dag på jobbet skal undersøge en sag om husspektakler, kommer han på sporet af et effektivt system til hvidvaskning af penge, som ledes af en lokal bankbestyrer.

En frygtet gangsterliga kidnapper guvernørens søn og kræver, at deres fængslede leder skal frigives. Da guvernøren nægter at forhandle med forbrydere, engagerer han den legendariske Kung Fu-mester Golden Swallow til at redde sønnen og stille ligaens medlemmer for en domstol. Golden Swallow kommer hurtigt på sporet af forbryderne, og en serie brutale kampe indledes. Men hun behøver ikke at kæmpe alene mod kidnapperne... På hendes rejse støder hun på Drunken Cat, en Kung Fu-mester klædt ud som tigger, med dødelig viden om kampkunst og alt for meget fritid.

Ip Man’s promising career as a Policeman is ruined after he is framed for murder and targeted by a mob boss’s daughter.

Trying to check out a recording from his debut album, a street rapper and his friend run into trouble when a major drug deal turns into a total disaster for them.

A talented trainee pilot is given the opportunity to virtually test the latest fighter jet, which pushes him to his limits.

Den afrikanskfødte FN-tolk Silvia Broome overhører ved et tilfælde en plan om at snigmyrde en afrikansk statsleder. Hun forsøger at forpurre planen, men bliver selv truet på livet. Den hårdkogte FBI-agent Tobin Keller bliver sat på sagen, men jo mere han graver i Silvias historie, des mere mistænksom bliver han. Er Silvia offer? Eller er hun i virkeligheden en del af sammensværgelsen?

Follows the story of underground workers who risked their lives to send intelligence and defend the motherland, set after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor when the Wang Jingwei regime declared war on Britain and the U.S.

Alenemor Ebony Jackson flytter i et nyt hus med sin familie for at få en frisk start, men der bor allerede noget ondt dér.

As the silhouette of a lonely girl runs through the woods, something in the shadows is lurking her.

After a chance meeting, a man and a woman stroll through Seoul’s changing streets.

Red is the story of three teens in rural Pennsylvania who are torn apart by the closet. James and Lizzy's seemingly normal relationship is shattered by Aaron, the guy James hooked up with and who is unable to bear their secret and confronts James.

A family of four people experience a laughable and touching journey. Truck driver Zhou Donghai doesn't think Wan Yi Fan is good enough as his son-in-law-to-be. In order to make his future father-in-law happy, Wan Yifan has been trying hard but keeps doing wrong things.

A half-cast used cars salesman wants anything from the white society and is ready to do anything to get it. But when he is accused of murdering his half-sister who was killed with his rifle, he flees to an indian village. He doesn't feel any more at home there than in the white city. He decides to go back to find and punish the killer.