Segueix el viatge mític de Paul Atreides mentre s'uneix a Chani i els Fremen en una guerra de venjança contra els conspiradors que van destruir la família. En enfrontar-se a una elecció entre l'amor de la seva vida i el destí de l'univers conegut, Paul s'esforça per evitar un futur terrible que només pot preveure ell.

Tornada a la vida per un científic poc ortodox, una dona jove fuig amb un desenfrenat advocat en una aventura vertiginosa pels continents. Alliberada dels prejudicis del seu temps, creix ferma en el seu propòsit de defensar la igualtat i l'alliberament.

La Solène, una mare soltera de 40 anys, comença un romanç inesperat amb en Hayes Campbell, de 24 anys, el cantant principal d'August Moon, la banda de nois més popular del planeta.

La brutal campanya de venjança d'Adam Clay adquireix tints nacionals després de revelar-se que és un antic agent d'una poderosa organització clandestina coneguda com a Beekeeper.

A novelist fed up with the establishment profiting from "Black" entertainment uses a pen name to write a book that propels him into the heart of hypocrisy and the madness he claims to disdain.

When a Delta Force special ops mission goes terribly wrong, Air Force drone pilot Reaper has 48 hours to remedy what has devolved into a wild rescue operation. With no weapons and no communication other than the drone above, the ground mission suddenly becomes a full-scale battle when the team is discovered by the enemy.

Ana is an ambitious intern dreaming of a career in the art world while trying to impress her demanding boss Claire. When she's upgraded to first class on a work trip, she meets handsome Will, who mistakes Ana for her boss– a white lie that sets off a glamorous chain of events, romance and opportunity, until her fib threatens to surface.

Mozambique requests from Russia is being helped in the fight against militants of the "Islamic State" and a special group led by a commander with the call sign Granit is coming to the country.

Basada en el personatge que protagonitza "Charlie i la fàbrica de xocolata", el llibre infantil més emblemàtic de Roald Dahl i un dels més venuts de tots els temps, "Wonka" explica la història de com el major inventor, mag i xocolater del món es va convertir en l'estimat Willy Wonka que coneixem avui dia.

After the events of the summer, Ares and Raquel they don't see a way forward in their relationship and decide to go separate ways. But when they meet again in the winter in Barcelona, the love and desire they feel for each other is undeniable. Will they be able to find a way to get back together?

Waverly thought she had her future figured out, she’d start her medical residency in Toronto after a summer visit to her parents in Taipei. When her plans suddenly change, she makes an impulsive detour to a small Canadian town where she meets local lifeguard Blake. After he saves her from nearly drowning at a beach party, Blake offers to teach Waverly to swim, and as the lessons continue, the two unexpectedly find themselves falling in love.

Two meddling grannies trick their adult grandkids into a meet-cute that reignites a childhood crush and old grudges.

Dutch coach Thomas Rongen attempts the nearly impossible task of turning the American Samoa soccer team from perennial losers into winners.

Quan les trames dels seus llibres comencen a semblar-se massa a les activitats d'un perillós sindicat clandestí, la introvertida autora de novel·les d'espies Elly Conway i el seu gat es veuen immersos en el veritable món de l'espionatge... on res, ni ningú, és el que sembla.

Una periodista esportiva novaiorquesa amb un enginyós arsenal de tàctiques per lligar s'acaba enamorant d'una de les seves conquestes. Serà capaç de lliurar-se del tot?

Emma has a wonderful husband and two kids in the suburbs of New Jersey – she also has a secret life as an assassin for hire – a secret that her husband David discovers when the couple decide to spice up their marriage with a little role play.

New student Cady Heron is welcomed into the top of the social food chain by the elite group of popular girls called ‘The Plastics,’ ruled by the conniving queen bee Regina George and her minions Gretchen and Karen. However, when Cady makes the major misstep of falling for Regina’s ex-boyfriend Aaron Samuels, she finds herself prey in Regina’s crosshairs. As Cady sets to take down the group’s apex predator with the help of her outcast friends Janis and Damian, she must learn how to stay true to herself while navigating the most cutthroat jungle of all: high school.

In a not-so-distant future, couples can share pregnancy on a more equal footing via detachable artificial wombs. While botanist Alvy has doubts about this new way of birthing babies, his love for Rachel prompts him to take a leap of faith.

Hi ha res pitjor que ser assistent d'una estrella de cinema exigent que no et pren de debò? Descobrir que està enamorat de la teva mare.

Cassandra Webb és una paramèdica a Manhattan que podria tenir habilitats clarividents. Obligada a enfrontar-se a successos que s'han revelat del passat, crea una relació amb tres joves destinades a tenir un futur poderós... si aconsegueixen sobreviure a un present mortal.