A gunfighting stranger comes to the small settlement of Lago. After gunning down three gunmen who tried to kill him, the townsfolk decide to hire the Stranger to hold off three outlaws who are on their way.
Uns pistolers assalten un poblat miner de Califòrnia, fan malbé les eines dels miners i els intimiden perquè se'n vagin. Hull Barret, un dels miners, és al poble i pateix l'agressió dels pistolers que tornen de terroritzar el poblat. Un desconegut defensa Hull i després l'acompanya a casa. Tothom pren el desconegut per un pistoler solitari, però descobreixen que porta el collet eclesiàstic. L'home s'instal·la a casa dels Hull i els ajuda a fer front als pistolers, que volen apoderar-se de la zona perquè hi ha indicis que se'n pot extreure or.
When a wandering mercenary named Hogan rescues a nun called Sister Sara from the unwanted attentions of a band of rogues on the Mexican plains, he has no idea what he has let himself in for. Their chance encounter results in the blowing up of a train and a French garrison, as well as igniting a spark between them that survives a shocking discovery.
Oklahoma, 1889. Uns homes acusen injustament Jed Cooper (Clint Eastwood) d'haver robat guanyat i no dubten a penjar-ho. A l'últim instant, el salva un comissari que treballa a les ordres del jutge Fentom. Aclarits els fets i demostrada la seva innocència, el jutge aconsella a Cooper que oblidi els fets i li ofereix un lloc com a comissari. La seva missió serà capturar vius els que van intentar linxar-lo perquè siguin jutjats pel jutge.
After the death of her husband, the mother of Julie, Jack, Sue and Tom begins to suffer from a mysterious illness. Aware that she is going to have to go into hospital she opens a bank account for the children, so that they can be financially self-sufficient and will be able to avoid being taken into care by the authorities. Unfortunately she also dies and Julie and Jack (the older, teenage children) decide to hide her body in the basement so that they can have free reign of their household. Soon Tom has taken to dressing as a girl whilst Sue has become increasingly reticent, confiding only to her diary, meanwhile Jack and Julie sense an attraction developing for each other. However Julie's new beau, Derek, threatens to unearth the many dark secrets within this family as he becomes increasingly suspicious of Jack.
Thunderboolt i Lighfoot s'alien per dur a terme un atracament, tot i que el primer ja està retirat. El seu objectiu, el Banc de Montana, posarà a prova la parella.
Un venedor de begudes alcohòliques és víctima d'un atracament durant el qual maten un policia i prenen com a ostatges dues persones. Arriben l'inspector Harry Callahan i el seu col·lega Di Georgio, i solucionen el problema, però el tiroteig ha causat estralls per valor de 15.000 dòlars. L'endemà traslladen Harry al servei de personal, on s'avorreix molt malgrat la presència de Kate Moore, que es prepara per ser inspector. A la nit roben uns quants llançagranades en un dipòsit d'armes. Di Georgio i el seu nou company sorprenen els lladres, però fugen després de matar els dos policies. Harry torna a la brigada després que Bressler, el seu superior, ha rebut un missatge d'un grup terrorista que li demana un milió de dòlars per no fer una sèrie d'atemptats.
Un policia addicte a la beguda ha d'escortar una prostituta, des de Las Vegas fins a Phoenix, perquè pugui testificar al judici contra un mafiós. Però la missió resulta ser més difícil del que s'esperava, ja que algú, molt poderós, està entestat que no arribin al seu destí.
Three years into their loving marriage, with two infant daughters at home in Los Angeles, Nicholas Arden and Ellen Wagstaff Arden are on a plane that goes down in the South Pacific. Although most passengers manage to survive the incident, Ellen presumably perishes when swept off her lifeboat, her body never recovered. Fast forward five years. Nicholas, wanting to move on with his life, has Ellen declared legally dead. Part of that moving on includes getting remarried, this time to a young woman named Bianca Steele, who, for their honeymoon, he plans to take to the same Monterrey resort where he and Ellen spent their honeymoon. On that very same day, Ellen is dropped off in Los Angeles by the Navy, who rescued her from the South Pacific island where she was stranded for the past five years. She asks the Navy not to publicize her rescue nor notify Nicholas as she wants to do so herself.
Un famós especialista de cinema veu com envelleix cada dia més. La seva salut se'n ressent i la competència dels més joves suposa un perill. Un director confiant molt en la seva vàlua li demana uns números cada cop més perillosos.
A group of scientists in search of lost Atlantis are plane wrecked on an uncharted island full of stock footage monsters fresh from One Million BC. Occasionally we get an original papier mache monster peaking out from behind an alcove, but for the most part this is typical Mexican filmmaking for the period. With Armond Silvestre and Alma Delia Fuentes.
Four teenage friends - Frank, Spüli, Mücke, and Pommes - try to have their first contact with the opposite gender. Not so easy in the Ruhr region of the 80s. Attempts at dancing and being in a band go wrong, and their parents and teachers can't help with that, so the four teens need to get creative.
Jonathan Hemlock és un professor d'art que havia estat agent secret anys enrere. Ara l'obliguen a una última missió: assassinar un perillós criminal rus. Aquesta feina el porta fins als Alps suïssos, on perseguirà el seu objectiu fins al cim d'una muntanya.
In 1971, a warden at Attica Penitentiary is caught up in a hostage crisis when inmates take over the prison to demand better living conditions.
Pete loses his consciousness while playing in a pop band. The diagnosis is harsh and the doctor cannot say for sure whether Pete will celebrate his 18th birthday. One night, encouraged by the vodka on Jusa's 18th birthday, Pete confesses his love to Kata, his dream girl. Together with Jusa, they go to Lapland where Kata has her summer job. In Jusa's wild company, Pete experiences something which he never felt before as they decide to take a trip to Mombasa via Lapland.
CSS Hunley tells the incredible true story of the crew of the manually propelled submarine CSS Hunley, during the siege of Charleston of 1864. It is a story of heroism in the face of adversity, the Hunley being the first submersible to sink an enemy boat in time of war. It also relates the human side of the story relating the uncommon and extaordinary temperament of the 9 men who led the Hunley into history and died valiantly accomplishing this feat.
Època de la Llei Seca. Mike Murphy, un antic policia, ha muntat a Kansas City una petita agència de detectius que amb prou feines li dóna per viure. Té un soci anomenat Swift i una secretària que fa tres mesos que no cobra. Quan un dia Swift apareix amb prou diners per resoldre tots els problemes, Murphy comença a témer que s'hagi ficat en un embolic massa gran.
Tommy Nowak és un caçador de fugitius que utilitza mètodes molt originals per atrapar les víctimes. El seu despreocupat tipus de vida fa un gir de 180 graus quan li encarreguen trobar una noia que, en veure's involuntàriament implicada en un assumpte molt tèrbol, decideix fugir amb la seva filla de vuit mesos al Cadillac rosa del seu marit.
A Molokai-based civilian pilot and an undercover DEA agent intercept a delivery of diamonds intended for druglord Seth Romero. Seth, his henchmen, and other island undesirables launch a full-scale assault on the duo. If they're going to survive, they'll need the help of agent Rowdy Abilene and his partner/kickboxing expert Jade.
Growing up, Susan Miller survived countless foster homes and years of abuse and neglect with one, burning goal: to someday find the birth mother who abandoned her - and get revenge.