En un poblet xinès castigat per les males collites, un governador corrupte explota sense pietat el seu poble. L'únic que s'alça contra la seva tirania és un bandit emmascarat conegut com a Mico d'Acer, que, al més pur estil de Robin Hood, roba els diners als rics per donar-los als pobres. Quan l'herbolari i expert en arts marcials Wong Kei Ying i el seu fill Wong fei Hung - destinat a convertir-se algun dia en un dels grans herois del folklore xinès- arriben a la població, el governador els enganya perquè empaitin i capturin el bandoler. Però l'arribada d'un grup de monjos shaolin renegats empeny Wonh Kei Ying i Mico d'Acer a unir les forces per combatre la malvada amenaça i alliberar el poble de l'opressió.
After twelve years of playing his favorite MMORPG game, Momonga logs in for the last time only to find himself transported into its world playing it indefinitely. Throughout his adventures, his avatar ascends to the title of Sorcerer King Ains Ooal Gown. Once prosperous but now on the brink of ruin, The Sacred Kingdom enjoyed years of peace after construction of an enormous wall protecting them from neighboring invasions. But, one day this comes to an end when the Demon Emperor Jaldabaoth arrives with an army of villainous demi-humans. Fearing invasion of their own lands, the neighboring territory of the Slane Theocracy is forced to beg their enemies at the Sorcerer Kingdom for help. Heeding the call, Momonga, now known as the Sorcerer King Ains Ooal Gown, rallies the Sorcerer Kingdom and its undead army to join the fight alongside the Sacred Kingdom and the Slane Theocracy in hopes to defeat the Demon Emperor.
Arrancat dels braços de la seva mare per Bart, Danny només coneix el món que aquest li ha mostrat: l'habitació on viu i els actes de violència que es veu obligat a cometre quan les persones a qui Bart presta diners s'endarrereixen a el pagament. Danny és, doncs, un home ensinistrat com un gos per obeir les ordres del seu amo sense dir ni piu. Però, un dia, Bart cau a l'emboscada que li tendeix un deutor venjatiu.
Liu Jian, an elite Chinese police officer, comes to Paris to arrest a Chinese drug lord. When Jian is betrayed by a French officer and framed for murder, he must go into hiding and find new allies.
Simbad i la seva tripulació intercepten un animal fantàstic que transporta un medalló d'or. El príncep Koura, el creador de l'animal i practicant de màgia negra, desitja recuperar el medalló i persegueix a en Simbad. Però el medalló no és pas complet, només ajuntant les tres peces revelarà el seu secret, un secret que també anhela conèixer el Gran Visir de Maràbia. En la seva companyia i empaitats tots dos per Koura, Simbad navegarà cap a la llegendària terra de Lemúria.
A group of journalists covering George Bush's planned invasion of Iraq in 2003 are skeptical of the presidents claim that Saddam Hussein has "weapons of mass destruction."
FBI agent Jack Crawford is out for revenge when his partner is killed and all clues point to the mysterious assassin Rogue. But when Rogue turns up years later to take care of some unfinished business, he triggers a violent clash of rival gangs. Will the truth come out before it's too late? And when the dust settles, who will remain standing?
Two warring gang families (one African-American, the other Chinese) maneuver for bragging rights to the Oakland, California, docks. Hang Sing and Trish O'Day uncover a trail of deceit that leaves most of the warring factions dead … or worse!
A 12-year boy feels left out by his classmates because he has no interest in athletics. He finally discovers his calling when his parents take him to a magic show. Picked by the magician to be his helper during a trick he is drawn into the world of magic and wants to learn more. He becomes proficient in tricks and also discovers his telekinetic powers. Unfortunately that further alienates him from his peers and his parents are afraid of his powers. Things change when a national emergency arises and the government asks him to help. After success he becomes a hero and is accepted by all. Written by Polish Cinema Database.
In his 10th year at college, Eun-sik is part of a nearly ideal campus couple with swimming champ Kyung-ah. While their three-year relationship is solid, Eun-sik struggles to get to the next level with Kyung-ah; despite the help and support of his friends, he can't manage to get her into bed.
A demonic creature not of this world impregnates a woman. 160 years later a team of ghost hunters must set aside their quick buck party mentality when they discover one of their team is the offspring of the entity haunting the place - and its true target. The offspring and her friends become uneasy allies with the ghost of the mother to destroy the demon and restore harmony.
A nurse apprentice, who had a bad day at work, meets a computer programmer at a car garage. The man is urged to go somewhere, but his car is not ready yet, so the nurse offers him a ride. Before leaving the man, they pick up the nurse's baby nephew. Once on the street, they almost run over a young man. Not knowing if he is hurt, they pick up the man too. But the worst luck begins when the car brakes break down
American soldiers lost behind enemy lines during the WWII make a horrific discovery: Hitler has a super bomb in development. Against all odds, they set out to find the scientist in charge of the program who is looking to defect.
Any 2176. La tinent Melanie Ballard, una policia intergalàctica, i el seu equip tenen la missió de transportar un perillós criminal anomenat Williams a Chryse, una ciutat del planeta Mart. Però quan arriben es troben la ciutat transformada: els humans que hi viuen han estat posseïts pels fantasmes dels antics habitants marcians, que busquen venjança.
When loser Marvin Mange is involved in a horrible car accident, he's brought back to life by a deranged scientist as half man and half animal. His newfound powers are awesome -- but their adverse side effects could take over his life. Now, Marvin must fight to control his crazy primal urges around his new squeeze, Rianna, and his rival, Sgt. Sisk, who both think he's one cool cat.
A washed-up private security agent has to escort a valuable Chinese antique out of Shanghai but is ambushed en route.
A backwoods recluse steals the body of a young girl killed in a violent car crash, locking her in the freezer of his isolated shed as her sister and boyfriend search frantically for any clues to her whereabouts. The woman of Clive's dreams may be dead, but she'll always be true and she'll never grow old - at least as long as he keeps her on ice. When Cathy and Deric show up looking for the missing traveler, Clive takes them both hostage in a sinister bid to hide his ghoulish secret. ~ Jason Buchanan
A high school prom faces a deadly threat: a flesh-eating virus that spreads via a popular brand of bottled water.
A barmaid, a Mexican officer and a terrible toreador form a love triangle, as they dance, skip, kiss, punch and slap to the tune of Bizet's "Carmen." Later, the barmaid cheers her lover, and the officer razzes him, during the big bullfight. The toreador and the bull are not above clowning, but never doubt they are two fearsome opponents striving toward a gruesome climax.
Jonathan Cross és tot un personatge americà, el millor jugador de l'esport més vertiginós i extrem de tots els temps: el Rollerball. Al costat dels seus companys Marcus Ridley i Aurora, Jonathan viu una vida plena de fama, diners i luxe. Tot per donar-li als espectadors el que volen: un joc ple d'increïbles emocions, velocitat i acció al límit. Aviat, Jonathan s'adonarà que l'audiència augmenta quan els accidents seriosos es produeixen dins la pista. Els jugadors es convertiran en titelles d'un nou joc on no hi ha regles.