Basada en fets reals durant el Nadal del 1914. A principis de la Primera Guerra Mundial, en diferents zones del front, els soldats van enterrar les diferències i van celebrar la Nit de Nadal.

An account of karate competitor Choi Yeung-Eui who went to Japan after World War II to become a fighter pilot but found a very different path instead. He changed his name to Masutatsu Oyama and went across the country, defeating martial artists one after another. This film concentrates on the period when he is still young, and developing his famous karate style, Kyokushin.

Marsella, 1975. Pierre Michel, un jove magistrat amb esposa i fills, acaba de ser transferit per ajudar en la lluita contra el crim organitzat. Decideix atacar la French Connection, una operació de la màfia que exporta heroïna a tothom. Sense escoltar les advertències, Pierre lidera una croada contra Gaëtan Zampa, el padrí més intocable. Però aviat entendrà que per obtenir resultats, haurà de canviar els seus mètodes.

The film takes place in Paris, where two cops are competing for the vacant seat of chief of police while in the middle of a search for a gang of violent thieves. The movie is directed by Olivier Marchal, a former police officer who spent 12 years with the French police before creating this story, which is taken in part from real facts that happened during the 1980s in France.

The first Cylon war has been raging for 10 years and a young Ensign William Adama joins the fleet. Disappointed not to be assigned to a fighter but to a freighter, his co-pilot also isn't too keen on having a rookie flying his aircraft as he has only a short time before he again becomes a civilian. Their cargo is a civilian scientist, but they no sooner leave than she has new orders for them and a new destination. Although she’s less than forthcoming about the details, Adama is keen—particularly as it involves going into Cylon controlled space. However, nothing is as it seems.

Inquisitive journalist Grace Collier is horrified when she witnesses her neighbor, fashion model Danielle Breton, violently murder a man. Panicking, she calls the police. But when the detective arrives at the scene and finds nothing amiss, Grace is forced to take matters into her own hands. Her first move is to recruit private investigator Joseph Larch, who helps her to uncover a secret about Danielle's past that has them both seeing double.

The story of the Tuskegee Airmen, the first African-American pilots to fly in a combat squadron during World War II.

Chow Sing-Sing returns, only this time he doesn’t go back to school. Instead, Chow goes undercover as the husband of a wealthy socialite, which doesn’t sit well with his fiancée, who tries to convince Chow to quit working as undercover.

El druida Panoramix sofreix el cop d'un menir, quedant amnèsic, la qual cosa suposa una desgràcia per al seu poble, ja que només ell coneix la fórmula de la poció màgica amb la qual es defensen de la invasió romana. Astérix i Obélix intentaran per tots els mitjans arreglar el problema.

En Yann fa realitat el seu somni de participar a la Vendée Globe, la volta al món en veler, en solitari i sense escales. Després de diversos dies de competició i anant en bona posició, en Yann descobreix que té un polissó a bord, un noi. Per evitar ser desqualificat, decideix amagar-lo.

A desperate teenager is forced into the dangerous world of underground fighting to win enough money to save his ailing mother. He finds out what he's made of in the face of these violent hungry competitors.

La perillosa organització criminal Espectre ha robat dos projectils nuclears. Ernst Blofeld, el cap d'Espectre, amenaça de fer esclatar els míssils si els països de l'OTAN no accedeixen a les seves peticions. El govern britànic envia James Bond, l'agent 007, a recuperar els míssils i matar Blofeld.

Ben, who dreamed of himself as a comic in New York, is back in Paris, his professional and emotional life in complete disarray. He encounters Alex, the star host of the Breakfast Club, a popular morning radio show. With Cyril, a forty-something who'd prefer not to be, and Arnold, the charismatic leader of the gang, they call the shots on Blast FM. In next to no time Ben is hired to write for them. He's barely joined the team when a tidal wave hits the station: Breakfast Club listenership is in free fall. They set out on a bus to travel to every corner of France to meet and win over their public once again. For these arrogant Parisians, a real journey of initiation arises from this radio-phonic road trip, shaking up all their certainties.

La vida de Michel Blanc, un famós actor, es veu pertorbada per l'arribada d'un doble que intenta suplantar la seva identitat. A partir de llavors, comença a viure un autèntic malson quan diverses persones comencen a acusar-lo de coses que no ha fet, entre elles abusos sexuals de famoses actrius com Josiane Balasko, Charlotte Gainsbourg i Mathilda May. En comptes de signar autògrafs, rebrà bufetades i cops de puny, l'insultaran i l'aturaran. La fama esdevindrà un autèntic malson... "Mala fama" compta amb coneguts actors francesos que s'interpreten a si mateixos.

Strange other-worldly sounds are echoing around the world. A group of researchers, led by expert ufologist Lorraine Gardner, begin an expedition to track down the point of origin from which the sounds emerge. Yet as their journey deepens, they begin to discover more than they bargained for.

After a construction project begins digging in their neighbourhood, best friends Tuck, Munch and Alex inexplicably begin to receive strange, encoded messages on their cell phones. Convinced something bigger is going on, they go to their parents and the authorities. The three embark on a secret adventure to crack the code and follow it to its source, and discover a mysterious being from another world who desperately needs their help. The journey that follows will change all their lives forever.

When they take some friends on an extreme sport adventure, the last thing Jared and Sam expect to see below the shark-infested waters is a legendary pirate ship rumored to contain millions of dollars in gold. But their good fortune is short-lived, as a ruthless gang of criminals gets word of what they have uncovered.

Una dona nord-americana es trasllada a Londres per treballar al Departament d'Estat dels Estats Units. Quan es troba a la seva oficina, es comet un atemptat contra l'edifici on és, sent ella l'única supervivent. A partir d'aquest moment, a més, es converteix en sospitosa dels succeïts, atrapada en una trama conspirativa.

Olivia Romero, més coneguda com a Oli, té 22 anys, treballa en una perfumeria i encara no sap exactament què fer amb la seva vida. Només sap que està enamorada del popular actor argentí Eric Soto, un jove que ha viscut tota la vida entre càmeres, sets de rodatge i estrenes. L'Eric està acostumat a una vida de luxe on les aparences són el més important. Però alguna cosa li crida l'atenció quan es creua amb l'Oli, que posseeix una espontaneïtat a la qual no està acostumat.

Sean Jones passeja amb la seva moto per Hawaii, quan és testimoni del brutal assassinat d'un destacat fiscal de Los Angeles a les mans d'un conegut gàngster, l'Eddie Kim. En Kim espera que això posi fi a la recerca sobre els seus negocis de drogues, armes i prostitució infantil, però aquest testimoni espatlla el seu pla. Sean és l'única persona que li ha vist cometre el crim, i així es converteix en l'únic testimoni capaç d'assegurar que aquest famós criminal passarà la resta dels seus dies a la presó. El primer que ha de fer el FBI és convèncer a en Sean perquè declari davant el Gran Jurat i treure'l de l'illa abans que en Kim el mati.