In 2007, The Sci-Fi Channel premiered "Ghost Adventures," a raw documentary in which 3 men go to Virginia City, NV and Goldfield, NV on a ghost hunting expedition. Virginia City is rife with macabre lore and reputed to be one of the most haunted cities in America. Ghost Adventures has won a Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary that was given by the New York International Film & Video Festival.

A new transfer student reluctantly tries out for the cheerleading team at the insistence of her overly ambitious mother.

T.S. Garp (Robin Williams), el fill d'una infermera soltera (Glenn Close), despòtica i feminista, ha tingut des de petit dues passions: la literatura i la lluita. Amb el temps es converteix en escriptor, es casa i té dos fills. A primera vista, sembla que tot va molt bé, però, en realitat, la seva vida és un desastre i un fracàs. Entre altres coses, Garp haurà de suportar que el seu èxit com a escriptor es vegi perjudicat per culpa de la croada feminista que encapçala la seva mare.

Drew Barrymore interpreta una nena de vuit anys que està dotada amb un poder sobrenatural que li permet provocar incendis amb la ment. Aquesta imparable i perillosa habilitat va ser adquirida per la nena arran d'un experiment recolzat pel govern dels Estats Units, que busquen explotar com a arma secreta els poders de la petita.

Molly is a high school track coach who knows just as much about football as anyone else on the planet. When a football coach's position becomes vacant, she applies for the job, despite snickers from fellow staff members and her former husband.

Michael is a young boy living in a typical 1950s suburbanite home... except for his bizarre and horrific nightmares, and continued unease around his parents. Young Michael begins to suspect his parents are cooking more than just hamburgers on the grill outside, but has trouble explaining his fears to his new-found friend Sheila, or the school's social worker.

The mother of the family for which Michelle baby-sits dies unexpectedly. Michelle is asked to take over looking after the children and is gradually "seduced" by the father.

Tommy, a dogged lab tech of industrial food who, though once known in the business as "The Apostate", seems to have rededicated himself to producing scientifically engineered meat. A film about a dystopian future rife with genetic engineering, corporate corruption of government and rampant infection, is really about Tommy’s loneliness and the at-home experiment he conducts.

A rat causes a chemical leak at a Papua New Guinea research facility, leading a group of eco-terrorists to demand the closure of all facilities. When a team of Interpol commandos are enlisted to eliminate the terrorists, they find themselves embroiled in a zombie outbreak.

El Tyler és un noi que se'n va a viure a una nova ciutat per començar el seu últim any d'institut. Allà es converteix en presa fàcil dels joves que controlen l'escola. Rep un cop de mà de l'Indrid, un alumne que es fa amic seu. Poc després l'Indrid pren el noi nou sota la seva protecció. El Tyler queda captivat per la ideologia del seu company i comença a veure-ho tot des de la seva perspectiva. El Tyler, manipulat per l'Indrid, no triga gaire a trobar-se submergit en un món que no pot controlar.

Six young actresses auditioning for a movie role at a remote mansion are targeted by a mysterious masked murderer.

In 1969, while studying at the University of Maine, artist Alan Parker becomes obsessed with death. Believing he is losing his girlfriend, he tries to commit suicide on his birthday but his friends manage to stop him. He receives news that his mother has had a stroke and decides to hitchhike to visit her at the hospital.

Aaron Quicksilver is a mysterious storyteller whose listeners invariably end up as the subjects of his gruesome, grisly tales. He tells a new bride stranded on a desert highway a horrifying account of a set of carnivorous toy teeth, then entrains a pickpocket with the spine chilling story of an army of murderous, disembodied hands.

Special ops squad "Hell's Bastards" are sent to infiltrate a civil war to retrieve intel. The unit soon find themselves trapped on a never-ending stairwell forced to climb or die. To survive, they must revisit their past sins if they ever want to get off.

When a tabloid reporter and his son travel to a quiet Midwestern town to investigate a gruesome massacre, they fall victim to a possessed orphan named Micah.

At an exclusive, secluded North American ski resort up on Mount Rocky Summit, brutal slashing, severing and beheading on a group of teenagers are taking place and are believed to be the work of a mysterious skier dressed in black.

A giant mutated alligator runs riot in a small town after the sewer system washes it into a lake.

A bright young medical student must solve the frightening mystery that plagues the children of a small Midwestern town.

When calls to her grandmother go unanswered, Jamie Lowell uncovers the truth behind her mysterious disappearance.