En Salvatore, un reconegut realitzador de cinema, quan s'assabenta de la mort de l'Alfredo, evoca els temps en què era un nen a qui anomenaven Totò i que acabava de perdre el pare a la guerra. Totò anava regularment a la cabina del cinema del poble a veure l'Alfredo, el projeccionista, i va aprendre a fer funcionar les màquines. Un dia, la pel·lícula s'inflama i Totò salva l'Alfredo de l'incendi que destrueix el cinema. L'Alfredo, però, perd la vista. Es construeix el Nou Cinema Paradiso i Totò substitueix l'Alfredo, que li aconsella que se'n vagi del poble.
The story of a virtuoso piano player who lives his entire life aboard an ocean liner. Born and raised on the ship, 1900 (Tim Roth) learned about the outside world through interactions with passengers, never setting foot on land, even for the love of his life. Years later, the ship may be destroyed, and a former band member fears that 1900 may still be aboard, willing to go down with the ship.
Virgil Oldman és un home solitari i excèntric que treballa com a expert en art i antiguitats. La seva vida transcorre al marge de qualsevol sentiment o emoció fins que contacta amb la Claire, una jove misteriosa que li fa l'encàrrec de taxar i vendre la col·lecció d'obres d'art heretada dels seus pares. La Claire pateix un trastorn psicològic que la manté aïllada del món i sempre evita les trobades en persona, però tot i això la relació amb ella canviarà per sempre la vida d'en Virgil.
Gaetano, a young Neapolitan, decides to leave home, work and friends, to look for other moments of life and meet other people.
Onoff is a famous writer, now a recluse. The Inspector is suspicious when Onoff is brought into the station one night, disoriented and suffering a kind of amnesia. In an isolated, rural police station, the Inspector tries to establish the events surrounding a killing, to reach a startling resolution.
A teacher discovers his calling. Marco relocates to Palermo from Milan and takes a job teaching in a reform school while he waits for a high school position. He tries to understand and motivate his handful of students, reading them colloquial poetry, encouraging them to stand up for their rights, finding out about their histories. Natale, in for murder, enamoured of the Mafia, the King Rat within the group; Mery, a drag queen, arrested for assault when defending himself, in love with Mario and, in daylight, rejected by all; Pietro, illiterate, muscular, believing his destiny is set; the callow Claudio, vulnerable, learning to harden himself. What can Mario learn and do in such a short time?
1944, Vermiglio, a remote mountain village. The arrival of Pietro, a deserter, into the family of the local teacher, and his love for the teacher's eldest daughter, will change the course of everyone's life.
A widower and two of his sons become infatuated by their beautiful housekeeper, and all three set out to seduce her using their own unique methods.
Giuseppe Tornatore traces three generations of a Sicilian family in in the Sicilian town of Bagheria (known as Baarìa in the local Sicilian dialect), from the 1930s to the 1980s, to tell the story of the loves, dreams and delusions of an unusual community.
Irena, a Ukrainian woman, comes to Italy looking for a job as a maid. She does everything she can to become a beloved nanny for an adorable little girl, Thea. However, that is just the very beginning of her unknown journey.
Lovestruck conservatory student Ariane pretends to be just as much a cosmopolitan lover as the worldly mature Frank Flannagan hoping that l’amour will take hold.
La pel·lícula passa a Anglaterra, en els anys 1930. Antiga vedette de music-hall, el doctor Phibes vol venjar-se dels cirurgians que considera responsables de la mort de la seva dona, Victòria, sobrevinguda en el transcurs d'una operació. Ajudat per una jove enigmàtica, posa en escena una sèrie d'homicidis espectaculars per castigar els culpables. La primera víctima és morta per les picades d'un eixam d'abelles. La segona, el doctor Dunwoody, és trossejat per ratpenats. El doctor Hargreaves té el cap aixafat per una màscara diabòlica. El doctor Longstreet és trobat integralment buit de la seva sang. Aquesta sèrie de crims horribles mobilitza la policia, que estableix una correlació gràcies a un medalló en hebreu deixat pel doctor Phibes: tots els crims han estat copiats de les set plagues d'Egipte de les quals parla la Bíblia...
A bombastic, womanizing art dealer and his painter friend go to a seventeenth-century villa on the Riviera for a relaxing summer getaway. But their idyll is disturbed by the presence of the bohemian Haydée, accused of being a “collector” of men.
Bernardo is dumped by his girlfriend, his career as a rock music critic is beginning to decline and stars to see a psychologist but in the meantime he meets the problematic and shy Camilla, who disrupts his life.
When tragedy strikes his remarkable robot and the beautiful girl next door, lonely teenage genius Paul tries to save them by pushing technology beyond its known limits into a terrifying new realm.
Un marine jubilat i una drag queen són dos veïns que no es poden suportar, però l'atzar els convertirà en professor i alumne. Walt Koontz (De Niro) és un home d'acció, ultraconservador, i orgullós de ser-ho. El seu veí Rusty (Seymour Hoffman), una drag queen extravagant, és l'antítesi de Walt. Una nit, Walt sent un enrenou al pis de dalt i puja amb el seu vell revòlver disposat a ajudar ia actuar com un heroi si cal, però, inesperadament, rep una pallissa brutal. A contracor accepta un programa de rehabilitació que inclou donar lliçons de cant amb Rusty.
Lucas i Clementine viuen pacíficament a casa seva, a les afores. Una nit senten un soroll pel menjador i s'aixequen, començant un malson.
Died in a car crash, Paolo is allowed to come back to life for 92 minutes more, thanks to a miscalculation made by Heavenly accountants. He decides to use this newfound time on Earth to fix his mistakes as a father and husband.
Antonio is a 30 year old family man, whose life finds an unexpected twist when he's suddenly dumped by his husband, whom he depends both psychologically and economically: he needs to find a new place to stay, a job and a new purpose in life. Antonio finds a room in an apartment owned by Denis and starts to work in a bakery owned by Luca, while attending pastry school. Through this process he discovers that it was wrong of him to give up his independence for the sake of his relationship in the past.
Una jove periodista, Tamara Drew, torna al seu poble natal, al camp anglès, amb motiu de la venda de la casa on es va criar. Quan va abandonar el poble, era una adolescent tímida i poc agraciada, però ara s’ha convertit en una dona enlluernadora que desferma al poble una tempesta d’enveja, desig i maledicència. Amb el nas retocat, les cames interminables, el treball a la premsa del cor, la fama i la facilitat per trencar cors despertarà fosques passions. El seu retorn suposa un trastorn per a la petita i tranquil·la població. Homes i dones, bohemis i gent del camp, un autor de best-sellers, un universitari frustrat, una estrella del rock retirada o un noi de la regió… tots se sentiran atrets per Tamara.