A raw and honest behind-the-scenes look at the iconic superstar's struggle with a life-altering illness. Serving as a love letter to her fans, this inspirational documentary highlights the music that has guided her life while also showcasing the resilience of the human spirit.

Seqüela de ‘Del revés’ (2015). La Riley acaba d’entrar a l’adolescència i, ara, la seva ment ha de fer lloc a noves emocions. Quan apareix l'Angoixa, les velles emocions (la Joia, la Tristesa, la Ira, la Por, el Fàstic...) no saben què fer ni què sentir. I a més, sembla que la intrusa no ha vingut tota sola.

En un món post-apocalíptic on tot ha perdut el valor, els pocs supervivents es guien per la llei del més fort. Sense estima per la vida, l'única cosa que desperta un brutal interès és la benzina, sinònim de poder i objectiu de bandes armades fins a les dents i sense escrúpols. En aquest context coneixerem la història de la despietada, salvatge i jove Furiosa, que cau en mans d'una horda de motoristes i ha de sobreviure a moltes proves mentre reuneix els mitjans per trobar el camí de tornada a casa. Preqüela de 'Mad Max: Fúria a la carretera' (2015).

18th century Austria. Villages surrounded by deep forests. A woman is sentenced to death after killing a baby. Agnes is marrying her loved one and candidly prepares herself for a spouse life. Soon after, her head and heart start to feel heavy. Day after day, she is increasingly trapped in a murky and lonely path leading to evil thoughts. Maybe not just thoughts…

En Garfield, un gat casolà mandrós i sarcàstic que odia els dilluns i adora la lasanya, es retroba inesperadament amb el seu pare: un gat de carrer del qual feia molt de temps que no sabia res. Aquesta trobada el durà a abandonar la vida regalada a què està acostumat i a viure una aventura salvatge al món exterior acompanyat del gos Odie: el seu amic fidel.

La Kate Carter, una excaçadora de tempestes perseguida per una devastadora trobada amb un tornado, és cridada pel seu amic Javi de tornada a les planes per provar un nou i innovador sistema de seguiment. Allà, es creua amb l'encantador i imprudent ídol de les xarxes socials Tyler Owens i el seu estrident equip. A mesura que la temporada de tempestes s'intensifica, s'originen fenòmens terrorífics mai vistos, i la Kate, en Tyler i els seus equips competidors es troben directament en el camí de múltiples sistemes de tempestes que convergeixen sobre Oklahoma en el que serà una lluita per sobreviure.

After a chance encounter, headstrong Kathy is drawn to Benny, member of Midwestern motorcycle club the Vandals. As the club transforms into a dangerous underworld of violence, Benny must choose between Kathy and his loyalty to the club.

Una brillant analista antiterrorista recela de la IA fins que descobreix que podria ser la seva única esperança quan es torça una missió per a atrapar a un robot rebel.

As New York City is invaded by alien creatures who hunt by sound, a woman named Sam fights to survive with her cat.

Quatre dècades després del seu inoblidable primer cas a Beverly Hills, el detectiu de Detroit Axel Foley torna al que li va millor: resoldre crims i causar el caos.

Hyun-su and Soo-jin are newlyweds. Seemingly out of nowhere, he starts talking in his sleep. “Someone’s inside.” From that night on, whenever he falls asleep, he transforms into someone else with no recollection of what happened the night before. Soo-jin is overwhelmed with anxiety that he’d hurt her family while she sleeps and can barely sleep a wink because of this irrational fear. Despite sleep treatment, Hyun-su’s sleepwalking only intensifies, and she begins to feel that her unborn child may be in danger…

When a group of friends recklessly violate the sacred rule of Tarot readings, they unknowingly unleash an unspeakable evil trapped within the cursed cards. One by one, they come face to face with fate and end up in a race against death.

A triptych fable following a man without choice who tries to take control of his own life; a policeman who is alarmed that his wife who was missing-at-sea has returned and seems a different person; and a woman determined to find a specific someone with a special ability, who is destined to become a prodigious spiritual leader.

Katherine Parr, the sixth wife of King Henry VIII, is named regent while the tyrant battles abroad. When the king returns, increasingly ill and paranoid, Katherine finds herself fighting for her own survival.

Five months following the murders, Christopher Robin tries returning to his regular life while dealing with his PTSD. Deep within the 100-Acre-Wood, a destructive rage grows as Winnie-the-Pooh, Piglet, Owl, and Tigger find their home and their lives endangered after their existence is revealed.

Explores the Spanish origins of the character's story, where he is a tuberculosis patient from Almeria who will do anything to get well, even consuming the blood of the kids he kidnaps in a sack.

Un home esquerp que viu en un parc de caravanes rep la visita d’una noia, que cerca refugi de la tempesta. Tal com avança la nit i la conversa flueix entre tots dos, la paranoia els envaeix.

A hitman, his boss, an art dealer and a money-laundering scheme that accidentally turns the assassin into an overnight avant-garde sensation, one that forces her to play the art world against the underworld.

The enigmatic resurrection, rampage, and retribution of an undead monster in a remote wilderness unleashes an iconic new killer after a locket is removed from a collapsed fire tower that entombed its rotting corpse.

A troubled actor begins to unravel while shooting a supernatural horror film, leading his estranged daughter to wonder if he's slipping back into his past addictions or if there's something more sinister at play.