過去に度々事業に失敗、計画性も仕事もないが楽天的な父キム・ギテク。そんな甲斐性なしの夫に強くあたる母チュンスク。大学受験に落ち続け、若さも能力も持て余している息子ギウ。美大を目指すが上手くいかず、予備校に通うお金もない娘ギジョンは、“ 半地下住宅”で 暮らす貧しい4人家族だ。“半地下”の家は、暮らしにくい。窓を開ければ、路上で散布される消毒剤が入ってくる。電波が悪い。Wi-Fiも弱い。水圧が低いからトイレが家の一番高い位置に鎮座している。家族全員、ただただ“普通の暮らし”がしたい。受験経験は豊富だが学歴のないギウは、ある時、エリート大学生の友人から留学中の代打を頼まれる。ギウが向かった先は、IT企業の社長パク・ドンイク一家が暮らす高台の大豪邸だった。



"Chernobyl: Exclusion zone. The finale" will put an end to the story of five teenagers who tried to prevent the world's most famous man-made disaster. They will have to return to where it all started – Chernobyl, in order to solve the mystery of the origin of the Exclusion Zone. The full-length film will provide answers to all riddles and intrigues, and its creators promise to maximize the dynamism of the action, the entertainment of action scenes and the quality of visual special effects.

2018 年、アフガニスタン。タリバンの武器や爆弾の隠し場所を探す部隊を率いる米軍のジョン・キンリー曹長(ジェイク・ギレンホール)は、アフガン人通訳として非常に優秀だが簡単には人の指図を受けないアーメッド(ダール・サリム)を雇う。通訳には報酬としてアメリカへの移住ビザが約束されていた。部隊は爆発物製造工場を突き止めるが、タリバンの司令官に大量の兵を送り込まれ、キンリーとアーメッド以外は全員殺される。キンリーも腕と足に銃弾を受け瀕死の状態となるが、身を潜めていたアーメッドに救出される。アーメッドはキンリーを運びながら、ひたすら山の中を 100 キロ進み続け、遂に米軍の偵察隊に遭遇する。7 週間後、回復したキンリーは妻子の待つアメリカへ帰るが、アーメッドと家族の渡米が叶わないばかりか、タリバンに狙われ行方不明だと知って愕然とする。アーメッドを助けると決意したキンリーは、自力でアフガニスタンへ戻る──。



A young alcoholic ambient musician locks himself in his apartment on a dangerous seven day bender as he attempts to finish his upcoming album.

ドミニクはレティと息子ブライアンの3人で静かに暮らしていたが、彼らの前に未だかつてないほどの破壊的な敵が現れる。ダンテは昔ドミニクたちがブラジルで倒した麻薬王レイエスの息子であり、家族も未来も奪われた代償を払わせるため、復讐の炎を10年間燃やし続けていたのだった。ダンテの陰謀により散り散りに仲を引き裂かれる"ファミリー"たち。そしてドミニクが愛する全ての者を奪おうとするダンテが最後に向けた矛先は... 果たしてファミリーの運命は!?

すべてが完璧で今日も明日も明後日も《夢》のような毎日が続くバービーランド! バービーとボーイフレンド? のケンが連日繰り広げるのはパーティー、ドライブ、サーフィン。しかし、ある日突然バービーの身体に異変が! 原因を探るために人間の世界へ行く2人。しかし、そこはバービーランドとはすべて勝手が違う現実の世界、行く先々で大騒動を巻き起こすことにー!? 彼女たちにとって完璧とは程遠い人間の世界で知った驚きの〈世界の秘密〉とは? そして彼女が選んだ道とはー? 予想を裏切る驚きの展開と、誰もの明日を輝かせる魔法のようなメッセージが待っているー!

It takes one little big eared hero to bring back the sun and smiles to the adult world! Amazing adventures await a fluffy restless animal from a distant orange country when he gets to a small sea town. There he will find friends, home and finally a name. Helped – and hindered! – he will be by a unsociable old gardener, a strange fashionista aunt and her capricious granddaughter, a boy who can’t start talking in any way and his mother, who has a hard time, although she cooks the most delicious chocolate in the world. And many, many others, whose lives, along with the aroma of oranges, are about to burst into magic and adventure.


Professor Eugenius finds both his career and secret friendship with the Fixies in danger when his college sweetheart, Erica, threatens to reveal that Eugenius only beat her out of the University’s Grand Prize in 3D Printing because Fixies were secretly helping him. Erica challenges Eugenius to a rematch to show the world who the better inventor really is! Eugenius will employ his Fixie friends while Erica has little helpers of her own — crabbots, miniature robotic crabs that are faster and stronger than the Fixies.

The ghost of a dead man strives to find his other half.



Detective Sergei Chelishchev leaves the police to find the real murderer of his parents. Everything changes when he meets his long-lost friend, a war veteran who joined local mafia following the fall of the Soviet Union.


The new part will pay tribute to the very first film in the series: New Year's stories will again be connected by the theory of six handshakes, but in a new way. On New Year's Eve there is always a place for a miracle, even if you suddenly stopped believing in it. Gennadyich, who spends his life in a nursing home near St. Petersburg, will find his real family. Novice blogger Larisa from Tyumen will have to find out what her husband is ready to do for the sake of her loved ones. Marina from Tatarstan - to learn to love what is really important for her husband. And a gamer girl named Tanya from Nizhny Novgorod will understand that true love is not a game at all. Indeed, on the most magical night of the year, everyone has a chance to find their personal happiness.

A group of friends decide to spend a weekend together at a country house, but an unexpected accident forces them to stop at a strange and remote estate. In this abandoned and eerie place, a rare antique camera is discovered. Slowly the camera draws them into a mystical and tragic chain of events that none of them could have seen coming. Anyone who has their picture taken by the camera sees a photo revealing their death. Many of them lose their lives in excruciating ways, as they race to solve the mystery of the camera.