En gruppe tyske drenge lader sig rive med at stemningen i starten af 1. Verdenskrig og melder sig frivilligt. Til deres overraskelse er der intet heroisk ved krigen, kun lidelse, død og mudder overalt. Tilbage er kun kampen for ikke at blive skudt og samtidig forblive et menneske. Baseret på Erich Maria Remarques roman af samme navn.

Iris is a shy and dowdy young woman stuck in a dead-end job at a match factory, who dreams of finding love at the local dancehall. Finding herself pregnant after a one-night stand and abandoned by the father, Iris finally decides the time has come to get even and she begins to plot her revenge.

En række menneskeskæbner bliver forbundet som kun livets uransagelige veje kan forbinde dem. Blandt andet det forelskede par Will og Abbey, hvis liv pludselig tager en overraskende drejning, pigen Dylan, der leder efter en vej ud af sin smerte, og den rige spanske plantageejer Mr. Saccione, der oplever at et fortidigt trekantsdrama griber ind i hans og andres liv.

A pregnant Colombian teenager becomes a drug mule to make some desperately needed money for her family.

Operation Market Garden er Montgomerys dristige plan om at kaste faldskærmstropper ned bag fjendens linjer. Tyskernes forsyningslinjer skal afskæres ved at holde seks broer i Holland, deriblandt broen ved Arnhem. Mens tyskerne forbereder sig på et angreb ved fronten, skal Bittrich's pansertropper hvile ud, og hvad er mere nærliggende end at placere dem i det fredelige Arnhem.

Den berømte belgiske detektiv Hercule Poirot er på rejse på et luksusdampskib på Nilen, da en af de andre passagerer bliver myrdet. Den dræbte havde adskillige fjender, og Poirot må anvende en del af sine små grå hjerneceller på at opklare forbrydelsen.

Beyond Silence is about a family and a young girl’s coming of age story. This German film looks into the lives of the deaf and at a story about the love for music. A girl who has always had to translate speech into sign language for her deaf parents yet when her love for playing music grows strong she must decide to continue doing something she cannot share with her parents.

At first simply grating, the presence of a hard-edged, macho plumber who damages more than he repairs and returns day after day soon turns menacing for the intellectual wife of a distracted doctor.

A young woman wishes to fulfill her mother's dream of opening her own bakery in Notting Hill, London. To do this, she enlists the help of an old friend and her grandma.

I Haditha, Irak, den 19. november 2005 blev en patruljerende amerikansk marinesoldat dræbt af en vejsidebombe, plantet af irakiske oprørere. Soldatens kammerater kastede sig øjeblikkeligt ud i en gengældelsesaktion, hvilket resulterede i drabet på 24 irakiske mænd, kvinder og børn. Marinesoldaterne blev i første omgang instillet til udmærkelser for deres handling, men står nu tiltalte for mord.

Hundreds of years after humans have settled on Mars, Regulator Rogul and Lord Jens Maul, lead a force of Martians to Earth in order to conquer the planet. Queen Metaphor looks to the gay heroes aboard the spaceship Surprise -- Captain Kork, Mr. Spuck, and first engineer Schrotty -- for help.

Now Brunhild knows by which treason she was won for king Gunther of Burgund by Siegfried of Xanthen, and has been revenged by his foul murder by Hagen, more bloody revenge is inevitable. Hagen steals the Nibelungen-treasure to sink it in the stream and manages to kill Alberich and seize his invisibility-cap. Queen Kriemhild is packed of to an abbey so her son may grow up to become a prelate, but Hagen's men raid them and kill the child. She now accepts to become the wife of Etzel, king of the truly barbaric Hun nomads and invites the Burgund court nomenclature at their Danube court for their heir's baptism a few years later, but prepared a bloody conspiracy with her xenophobic brother-in-law behind her surprisingly chivalric husband's back, while Gunther accepts, hoping to avoid a far bloodier war, despite the danger for his party of knights, which materializes...

A gang of young thieves flee Paris during the violent aftermath of a political election, only to hole up at an Inn run by neo-Nazis.

A quarter century after the release of the original film, this sequel brings us a drama about platonic love, life retrospective and memories. Former schoolmates meet again in the mountains and it turns out they have not changed much. Even though so many years have passed, we can still see the souls of boys and girls we know from the teenage comedy Snowdrops and Aces; kids who participated in that legendary skiing course. Its nostalgic humour gives the film a bitter-sweet touch. Thawing Out follows the lives of the main heroes during a period of great changes. How did they manage to escape the traps and what scars have they suffered? Where did they want to go, how far have they got and what is still in front of them?

En ung mands hede affære med en parisisk violinist begynder at falde fra hinanden, da skjulte familiehemmeligheder afslører omfanget af hans smertefulde fortid.

B.O.B, Susan, Missing Link og Dr. Kakerlak, Ph.D. er tilbage som specialstyrken, der skal redde verden fra muterede rumvæsener forklædt som uskyldige græskar.

Dom Hemingway er ikke nogen helt almindelig mand. Efter at have brugt de sidste 12 år af sit liv i fængsel, for en forbrydelse han muligvis ikke er skyldig i, er han nu ude igen . Regnskabet skal gøres op og indkasseres skal det han mener tilhører ham.

Iran's national women’s futsal team makes the Asian Games final in Malaysia. But at the airport on departure day, the team captain finds her husband hasn’t signed the document to permit her exit from the country.

Near the end of World War II, the survivors of a torpedoed hospital ship cling to life aboard a crowded lifeboat. With no food, water, or shelter, all seems lost – until an eerily silent German minesweeper drifts ominously towards them, giving them one last chance at survival. As our motley crew explores the ship, it becomes all too clear that some diabolical fate has befallen its German crew. The mystery only deepens when they encounter a young Romanian girl, apparently the sole survivor, who leads them to a locked room in the bowels of the vessel.

Set in a beautiful fishing village in Gibraltar, Wonderful Things! stars Frankie Vaughan as Carmello, a young fisherman who, unable to earn enough from fishing to marry his tempestuous fiancée, decides to come to England to seek his fortune and finds fortunes are not quite so easy to come by.