Two scientists are chosen as guinea pigs for a time experiment: they are placed in hibernation and should be brought back to life after three years. In the meantime, however, World War III breaks out and life has been wiped off the surface of Earth. When they wake up, it turns out that not only 50 years have passed but also that they are the only living specimens of the male sex in a new, underground society composed exclusively of women.

Captivated by the lure of sudden wealth, the quiet rural lives of two brothers erupt into conflicts of greed, paranoia and distrust when over $4 million in cash is discovered at the remote site of a downed small airplane. Their simple plan to retain the money while avoiding detection opens a Pandora's box when the fear of getting caught triggers panicked behavior and leads to virulent consequences.

Ambientada a l'històric allunatge de l'Apolo 11, el 1969. Cridats per millorar la imatge pública de la NASA, les espurnes volen en totes les direccions quan la prodigi del màrqueting Kelly Jones causa estralls en la ja difícil tasca del director de llançament Cole Davis. Quan la Casa Blanca considera que la missió és massa important per fracassar, Jones rep l'ordre de simular un allunatge fals com a suport i comença el veritable compte enrere.

Harassed by bullies because of his mild autism, teen Ben finds refuge in an online computer game, which leads him to his virtual dream girl, Scarlite. Together, the odd couple seeks revenge against Ben's tormentors.

A chronicle of James Brown's rise from extreme poverty to become one of the most influential musicians in history.

Jaap and Maartje have been together almost 50 years. Grumpy old Jaap is no longer terribly interested in doing much, but Maartje, despite her occasional confusion, is still keen to embrace everything life has to offer. When the couple receive a letter from an old holiday friend, Maartje manages to convince her reluctant husband to visit him in Southern Europe. After many years, the pair get into their old car to embark once more on a journey through a completely changed Europe - bickering all the way, but also uncovering one memory after another. During their trip, Jaap reaches the painful conclusion that his wife is showing increasing signs of dementia. Realising that everything is about to change, they rediscover just what it is they love about each other.

Una dona travessa les etapes tumultuoses d'una relació abusiva. Després de mudar-se a la ciutat de Boston després de la universitat, decideix iniciar el seu propi negoci com a florista i s'enamora d'un jove neurocirurgià.

Torna, per demanda popular, el duo dinàmic de "Joc d'espies": en J. J., l'agent veterà de la CIA, i la Sophie, la seva fillastra i protegida de 14 anys. Aquesta vegada, una gira de la coral de l'institut de la Sophie els porta a Itàlia, on hauran de salvar el món d'un complot nuclear contra el Vaticà.

Russell Hatch, an Interpol operative who takes on the role of father figure to Jayden, the son of an informant killed in a routine raid gone wrong. Years later, Hatch finds himself protecting Jayden and his grandfather from a group of merciless gangs in an all-out turf war, stopping at nothing to protect Jayden and fight anyone getting in his way.

The survival instincts of a road-tripping family are put to the test when they have no other choice but to stay the night at a remote homestead.

La Zee és una temuda assassina per contracte coneguda com "la reina dels morts", però, quan es nega a assassinar una jove cega, es veu perseguida tant per altres criminals com per un decidit policia.

L'Emma i en Jesse viuen una vida perfecta junts, fins que en Jesse desapareix en un tràgic accident d'helicòpter en el primer aniversari de casament. Quatre anys després, l'Emma ha tornat a trobar la felicitat i està a punt de casar-se amb el seu millor amic quan en Jesse reapareix, posa el seu món de cap per avall i la deixa dividida entre dos grans amors.

Ebony Jackson, a struggling single mother fighting her personal demons, moves her family into a new home for a fresh start. But when strange occurrences inside the home raise the suspicions of Child Protective Services and threaten to tear the family apart, Ebony soon finds herself locked in a battle for her life and the souls of her children.

En Mike, un treballador de la construcció amb els peus a terra, és ràpidament empès al món dels superespies i agents secrets quan la seva exparella de l'institut el recluta en una missió d'intel·ligència estatunidenca d'alt risc.

Els residents eclèctics d'una petita i pintoresca ciutat insular han d'enfrontar-se a un assassinat sensacional i al descobriment d'un milió de dòlars, que condueixen a una sèrie de decisions cada cop més dolentes que capgiren una comunitat que abans era pacífica.

When a ruthless serial killer terrorizes a small Southern town, everyone becomes a suspect -- including local authorities. As the body count rises and the dark mystery deepens, the chief detective becomes haunted by the horrors of his past.

After winning the lottery, the life of the happy winner turns into a nightmare. The movie consists of four separate stories divided into five parts. They tell the different stages of the winner's life, from discovering the reward to witnessing the consequences caused by the prize.

Returning to her home planet, an infamous bounty hunter forms an unexpected alliance with a team of unlikely heroes. Together, they battle monsters and dangerous bandits to protect a young girl who holds the key to unimaginable power.

Grown up in the Amazon rainforest, Autumn lives with Hope, the cute baby jaguar she adopted. However, a circumstance forces Autumn to return to New York. Autumn goes back into the jungle to save Hope from grave danger.

Ten days into the competition, the International Games are a complete fiasco for the French delegation as they’ve consistently failed to win any gold medals. All hopes now rest on Paul, an outstanding shooting champion, though somewhat immature and not particularly clever. As the event draws near, he has to share his room with Jacob, a carefree swimmer from Vanuatu, who seems more focused on the village’s “extra-curricular activities” than on his own races.