Set in 1881, a year before the start of British colonial rule, it is based on the true story of the Abd el-Rasuls, an Upper-Egyptian clan that had been robbing a cache of mummies they have discovered at tomb DB320 near the village of Kurna, and selling the artifacts on the black market. After a conflict within the clan, one of its members made a crucial decision when the Antiquities Service arrived.

Den forbitrede straffefange Robert Stroud slår en fangevogter ihjel og bliver idømt livsvarigt isolationsfængsel. Han får dog lov til at holde kanariefugle, man da de bliver ramt af en alvorlig sygdom, udvikler Stroud et serum, der kan helbrede dem, og han bliver dermed en anerkendt forsker.

Enken Jeanne har samme rutine hver dag: kartofler skrælles til aftensmad. Om eftermiddagen modtager hun mænd for at tjene ekstra til husholdningen, inden hendes søn kommer hjem. Pludseligt sker der noget uventet, og rutinen bryder sammen. Instruktøren Chantal Akerman var kun 25 år, da hun lavede denne feministiske milepæl.

A family embarks on an annual tormenting journey along with 130 million other peasant workers to reunite with their distant family, and to revive their love and dignity as China soars as the world's next super power.

"Little Boy" er en kraftfuld og bevægende film om en lille dreng, der er villig til at gøre, hvad der skal til, for at bringe sin far hjem fra 2. Verdenskrig i live. Den hjertevarmende historie vil fange dit hjerte og løfte humøret, da det afslører den ubeskrivelige kærlighed en lille dreng har for sin far og kærligheden en far har for sin søn.

James Cameron, den Oscar-vindende instruktør bag verdens største filmsucces, Titanic, giver os endnu en absolut enestående filmoplevelse, når han tager os med til sin inspirationskilde på bunden af det dybe atlantiske ocean. Sammen med skuespilleren Bill Paxton (Titanic), et stort hold videnskabsmænd og ved hjælp af udstyr, der er blevet specialfremstillet til lejligheden, suges vi ned i et fantastisk eventyr uden manuskript, ned til Titanics legendariske skibsvrag - stedet, hvor 1.500 mennesker mistede livet i 1912. Cameron udforsker hvert et dæk, hver en kahyt og viser os et helt unikt billedmateriale, der er med til at give svar på nogle af de spørgsmål, som er blevet stillet i snart et helt århundrede. Vi kommer tættere end nogensinde før på mysteriet og myterne omkring den tragedie, som ingen troede mulig og det skibsforlis, som aldrig vil blive glemt.

The bizarre story behind the man accused of assassinating John F. Kennedy and what might have happened had he been brought to trial.

Den hårdkogte engelske efterretningsagent Harry Palmer får til opgave at opspore videnskabsmanden Radcliffe, der frygtes kidnappet af en fjendtlig magt. Det lykkes, men det viser sig, at Radcliffe er blevet hjernevasket. Han kan ikke længere fungere som forsker - det er, som om al hans viden er blevet drænet. Palmer fortsætter sin jagt på bagmændene, men han er oppe mod stærke kræfter.

Frank Johnson, a sole witness to a gangland murder, goes into hiding and is trailed by Police Inspector Ferris, on the theory that Frank is trying to escape from possible retaliation. Frank's wife, Eleanor, suspects he is actually running away from their unsuccessful marriage. Aided by a newspaperman, Danny Leggett, Eleanor sets out to locate her husband. The killer is also looking for him, and keeps close tabs on Eleanor.

I denne fantasi-tegnefilm er skurken den onde "Isherre" Nekron, hvis mobile gletscher ødelægger en hel landsby og kun efterlader en enkelt overlevende. Denne er imidlertid en ung og beslutsom kriger ved navn Larn, som sværger hævn over den gale tyran. Det bliver til en jagt på Nekron, som yderligere intensiveres, da den gode kong Jarols smukke datter Teegra bortføres af Nekrons abelignende undervandsvæsener.

Paulino and Carmela are husband and wife, troubadours touring the countryside during the Spanish Civil War. They are Republicans, and with their mute assistant, Gustavete, they journey into rebel territory by mistake. They are arrested, fear a firing squad, and receive a reprieve from an Italian Fascist commander who loves the theatre. He arranges a performance for his troops, bargaining with Paulino to stage a burlesque of the republic in exchange for the actors' freedom. Will the fiery and patriotic Carmela consent?

A modern-day witch likes her neighbor but despises his fiancée, so she enchants him to love her instead... only to fall in love with him for real.

New York City factory worker Eddie Marino is a solid citizen and regular guy, until the day a sadistic street gang brutally assaults his wife and murders his child. When a corrupt judge sets the thugs free, he goes berserk and vows revenge.

En ulykke i en øde træningslejr efterlader en gruppe preppere i en bitter strid og fanget i en brutal kamp med livet som indsats.

Spain, early 20th century. Hildegart is raised and educated by his mother Aurora as the subject of a social experiment, to be the first truly free woman in the world, the one who will lead humanity into a new era; and, in order to achieve this goal, is insanely loved… until the moment when she becomes a young and gifted woman and actually tries to fly freely, away from the oppressive nest of her creator and guardian.

The border fence between Mexico and the United States is part of their lives; Mexican youths use it as a volleyball net on the beach, holding their own kind of international matches with their opposite numbers on the other side. When Nero scales the metres-high metal bars we suspect that he has done this often before: because nothing is going to divert him from his dream of becoming a US citizen. He follows the traces of his older brother which lead him to Los Angeles and the mansions of the rich and famous where he gazes incredulously at this very different lifestyle with its pools and double garages that he soon hopes will be his. His only chance of quickly acquiring a green card, however, is by volunteering for military service. Before he knows it, Nero finds himself in the desert landscape of the war zones of the Middle East, fighting for his citizenship with a machine gun in his hand.

The story of the Polish fliers who found themselves fighting for the freedom of their own country in foreign skies. Seen through the eyes of a Polish fighter ace and adventurer, it tells how the Poles—driven across Europe by the German war machine—finally make their last stand. Flying Hurricanes for the RAF over Britain, they became a key component in the legend of ‘The Few’. Up against the might of the Luftwaffe they hoped that, by saving Great Britain from Nazi invasion, they were keeping the dream of a free Poland alive.

B-western starring Eddie Dean as a singing lawman who comes to the aid of a pretty rancher (June Carlson) who's been targeted for murder by a notorious bandit known as "The Hawk".

Bound by hate and a mystical amulet that holds the powers of life and death, two immortal wizards meet for the last time in an ancient struggle of good versus evil.

A group of sadistic mercenaries led by Col. John Hogan kidnap Michael Danton from his home, and set him loose on the grounds of their secret camp to be used as training for new recruits. Danton has been called the "most perfect killer ever." Now, he'll have to prove it again. This prey has become DEADLY!