Four men decided to enter in the oldest Fight Club of the History, The Florentine Football tournament. A father and son, a black guy, an old champion and outsider clerk will enter in an arena of the time to win their fears, to go over their limits, to be heroes for a day.

In Berlin, Lieutenant Yartsev's infantry and Tzvetaev's battery fight their way in the U-Bahn. Captain Neustroev's company is selected to hoist the Victory Banner atop the Reichstag.

A strange meteor lands in Japan and unleashes hundreds of insect-like "Legion" creatures bent on colonizing the Earth. When the military fails to control the situation, Gamera shows up to deal with the ever-evolving space adversary. However the battle may result in Gamera losing his bond with both Asagi and humanity.

Englen Cassiel er steget ned på Jorden for at observere menneskelivet. Som engel må Cassiel ikke blande sig i menneskenes liv, men det ser han stort på, da en lille pige er ved at forulykke. Som straf bliver Cassiel til et rigtigt menneske og ender med at få job hos en gangster, der sælger våben og pornografi.

Balto og hans søn Kodi opdager, at deres hundeslædeteams fremtid trues af ny teknologi, fordi det er hurtigere at sende post og varer med fly til byen Nome i Alaska. Der bliver lavet en postuddelingskonkurrence mellem Baltos slædeteam og piloten Duke, hvis flyvemaskine fascinerer Balto. Da Duke ikke når frem til målet, begynder nogle af hundene at fejre deres sejr, men Balto ved, at der er noget, der er gået galt. Balto får hjælp af Muc og Luc, og de begiver sig ud på en redningsopgave for at finde frem til Duke, Boris og det forsvundne fly

Cristina is a rich, spoiled princess visiting Rome with her royal parents. The mission of their visit is to marry her off to a super-wealthy corporate type and thereby start to turn around the losses their small kingdom is experiencing in its casino business. These less-than-noble intentions get derailed when Barnaba, a zany bus driver enters their lives and falls madly in love with the gorgeous Cristina. He is nuts enough to succeed in this romantic chase after royalty, as love seems to fuel his determination to rid Cristina of her elitism and to make her see his own irrepressible attractions.

A young man returns home for the weekend to discover the difficulty of juggling friends, parents, magic mushrooms and several thousand chickens.

Extraterrestrials contact earth in this delightful fable. Their message is "HELLO" in many languages, and there is a celebration.

A single man has worked most of his life in a supermarket. One night, he unexpectedly meets with his father, and the two are faced with the question of the reasons for their separation.

A young couple purchase their new home to start a life together, only to find out the elderly couple next door have other plans for them.

The feature-length documentary about the making of the cult film favorite, "Donnie Darko."

After the death of their abusive father, two estranged twin brothers must reunite and sell off his property.

An unsupervised junior soccer team loses its ace player to the leader of a rival gang. Since only an entire team can win, they must have her back to be able to win the game against the national team. The existence of The Wild Soccer Bunch is at stake ...

Nygifte Dronning Paige (tidligere gårdpige fra Wisconsin) og hendes mand, Kong Edward (tidligere prins) af Danmark, ønsker at forlade alt og alle og tage på deres længe ventede romantiske bryllupsrejse. Men mellem gamle slotte, snedækkede bjerge og drømme om lidenskabelige omfavnelser i det fortryllende land Belavia befinder parret sig dog atter i offentlighedens søgelys. Den skov, de har søgt tilflugt i, er under angreb fra deres egen premierminister, der ønsker at omdanne skoven til et olieområde. For at gøre det hele endnu værre, er en af Dronning Paiges gamle flammer dukket op, og han er parat til at fortælle hemmeligheder fra og om hendes fortid. Hvad gør Paige nu?

"The Wild Soccer Bunch" celebrate their last victory against the "Silver Lights" - and set one record in volley-pass game after another in the forest. But they are not alone: Vampires target the team. To lure them into their bunker, they kidnap Leon. Will Vanessa ever see him again?

When Fred suspects that his new music teacher is a vampire, he and his friend Bertha set out to save the town from this garlic-hating fiend.

De uniformerede fjolser er til kongres i Miami for at hædre deres afholdte chef Lassard, men forbryderne holder ikke ferie, selv om vore helte gør. Lassard bliver bortført, og selv ikke løftet om limbodans og fester på stranden kan forpurre vore frygtløse fjolser tumultagtige redningsforsøg.

The lives of Calcutta's most powerful gangsters - Bikram and Bala, changes when Nandita enters it. Then a counter-force takes charge and a thriller unfolds.