A young boy discovers a stray balloon, which seems to have a mind of its own, on the streets of Paris. The two become inseparable, yet the world’s harsh realities finally interfere.

After the suspicious suicide of a fellow cop, tough homicide detective Dave Bannion takes the law into his own hands when he sets out to smash a vicious crime syndicate.

სრულიად განსხვავებული ადამიანების ბედი ზოგჯერ ყველაზე წარმოუდგენლად ერთმანეთში ირევა. ჰარი - უბრალო კლერკი, რომელიც ცოლს დაშორდა, ხდება მოწმე იმისა, თუ როგორ გარბის უცნაური პაციენტი, სახელად ჟორჟი, ფსიქიატრიული საავადმყოფოდან. ის, ჰარის მსგავსად, მარტოსულია – დარჩა დედის გარეშე, წასასვლელი არსად აქვს და რისთვისაც ისწრაფვის. ამ ადამიანებს შორის, ერთი შეხედვით სრულიად განსხვავებულად, მყარდება ახლო მეგობრობა, რომელიც ეხმარება ორივეს ყველა გაჭირვების დაძლევაში და ახალი, ნამდვილად ბედნიერი ცხოვრების დაწყებაში.

An intimate and moving meditation on the late musician and artist Kurt Cobain, based on more than 25 hours of previously unheard audiotaped interviews conducted with Cobain by noted music journalist Michael Azerrad for his book "Come As You Are: The Story of Nirvana." In the film, Kurt Cobain recounts his own life - from his childhood and adolescence to his days of musical discovery and later dealings with explosive fame - and offers often piercing insights into his life, music, and times. The conversations heard in the film have never before been made public, and they reveal a highly personal portrait of an artist much discussed but not particularly well understood.

British comedian Jimmy Carr unleashes his deadpan delivery and wickedly funny one-liners to a sold-out audience at the UK's Hammersmith Apollo.

მარიონი ქირაობს სახლს, რათა განმარტოვდეს და დაწეროს წიგნი. მას მეზობელი სახლიდან ესმის ხმები, რაც აკუსტიკური ანომალიის შედეგია.

ამერიკელი მხატვრის, ჯექსონ პოლოკის ტრაგიკული ცხოვრების და კარიერის ისტორია.

მფრინავი ჯეი კოკრენი მექსიკაში უფროს მეგობართან – პოლიტიკოს, ბიზნესმენ და მაფიოზ ტიბურონ მენდესთან ჩადის სტუმრად. მოხუცი ტიბურონის მომხიბვლელი ახალგაზრდა ცოლი კოკრენს გულგრილს ვერ ტოვებს. ახალგაზრდები თავს უფლებას აძლევენ ვნებას მიეცენ, მაგრამ მაფიოზის გაცურება არც ისე ადვილია. შეურაცხყოფილი ტიბურონი საყვარელ ცოლზე და საუკეთესო მეგობარზე სასტიკად იძიებს შურს.

Lila, grows up in the high-rises of the Marolles in Brussels. Along with her sister and her friends, she dreams of becoming a dancer and revolutionising the world of hip-hop. While her friends stay in Brussels, Lila leaves everything - comfort, family - behind to go to Paris, where she is certain her persistence will pay off. Except that life in Paris quickly takes an unexpected turn. The woman who dreamed of being a choreographer ends up as a lap dancer in a rap video, and that’s only the beginning of her disillusionment. After a chance meeting with a drama teacher, she bears her heart and soul on stage and begins doing stand-up. This time, her unusual dedication leads her to find her calling. However, she still has to fight one final battle: convincing her father that she has made the right choice.

Amélie, a young Belgian woman, having spent her childhood in Japan, decides to return to live there and tries to integrate in the Japanese society. She is determined to be a "real Japanese" before her year contract runs out, though it precisely this determination that is incompatable with Japanese humility. Though she is hired for a choice position as a translator at an import/export firm, her inability to understand Japanese cultural norms results in increasingly humiliating demotions. Though Amelie secretly adulates her, her immediate supervisor takes sadistic pleasure in belittling her all along. She finally manages to break Amelie's will by making her the bathroom attendant, and is delighted when Amelie tells her the she will not renew her contract. Amelie realizes that she is finally a real Japanese when she enters the company president's office "with fear and trembling," which could only be possible because her determination was broken by Miss Fubuki's systematic torture.

ფილმი შედგება სამი ნოველისაგან და გადაღებულია ფრენსის ფორდ კოპოლას, ვუდი ალენის და მარტინ სკორსეზეს მიერ.

November 22nd, 1963 was a day that changed the world forever — when young American President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. This film follows, almost in real time, a handful of individuals forced to make split-second decisions after an event that would change their lives and forever alter the world’s landscape.

Beneath Bruce Garrett's under-confident, overweight exterior, the passionate heart of a salsa king lies dormant. Now, one woman is about to reignite his Latin fire.

Wayne Dobie is a shy cop whose low-key demeanor has earned him the affectionate nickname "Mad Dog." After Mad Dog saves the life of Frank Milo, a crime boss and aspiring stand-up comedian, he's offered the company of an attractive young waitress named Glory for a week. At first both are uneasy about the arrangement, but they eventually fall in love. However, the situation becomes complicated when Milo demands Glory back.

კომიკოსი, რომელიც მთელი ცხოვრება ართობს პუბლიკას პოლიტიკური სატირით, გადაწყვიტავს კარდინალურად შეცვალოს თავისი ცხოვრება და საპრეზიდენტო არჩევნებში მიიღოს მონაწილეობა. ყველასთვის მოულოდნელად იმარჯვებს. მაგრამ ცოტა ხანში პროგრამისტი ქალი გაარკვევს, რომ ეს საარჩევნო პროგრამის შეცდომა იყო.

Based on a true story, a hot shot Washington DC lobbyist and his protégé go down hard as their schemes to peddle influence lead to corruption and murder.

The story of an idealist's rise to power in the world of Louisiana politics and the corruption that leads to his ultimate downfall. Based on the 1946 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel written by Robert Penn Warren, loosely based on the story of real-life politician Huey Long.

When his girlfriend goes missing, David must track down her whereabouts after he realizes she's not who she was pretending to be.

After his mistress runs over a black teen, a Wall Street hotshot sees his life unravel in the spotlight; A down-and-out reporter breaks the story and opportunists clamber to use it to their advantage.

Mikel will marry Julia, owner of a major jewelry he inherited from his parents. During the party in announcing their commitment, Mikel meets Ari, one of the waitresses catering. The attraction that arises between them will make Mikel is interested in the world of Ari: illegal motor racing. Then, the protagonist of this story decides to leave Julia without knowing the true intentions of the person who has seduced. Ari and her boyfriend, Navas, have hatched a plan to get around Mikel jewelry made ​​with his ex-girlfriend.