A married farmer falls under the spell of a slatternly woman from the city, who tries to convince him to drown his wife.
After hiding a murderer, a Catholic priest is forced into self-exile and decides to embark on a pilgrimage through the Mexican countryside.
When the wife of a 17th century Kyoto scroll-maker is falsely accused of having an affair with his best employee, the pair flee the city and find themselves falling for one another.
One day in the life of Anders, a young recovering drug addict, who takes a brief leave from his treatment center to interview for a job and catch up with old friends in Oslo.
The life of the revered 18th-century Armenian poet and musician Sayat-Nova. Portraying events in the life of the artist from childhood up to his death, the movie addresses in particular his relationships with women, including his muse. The production tells Sayat-Nova's dramatic story by using both his poems and largely still camerawork, creating a work hailed as revolutionary by Mikhail Vartanov.
Charlie is a former classical pianist who has changed his name and now plays jazz in a grimy Paris bar. When Charlie's brothers, Richard and Chico, surface and ask for Charlie's help while on the run from gangsters they have scammed, he aids their escape. Soon Charlie and Lena, a waitress at the same bar, face trouble when the gangsters arrive, looking for his brothers.
James Gillespie is 12 years old. The world he knew is changing. Haunted by a secret, he has become a stranger in his own family. He is drawn to the canal where he creates a world of his own. He finds an awkward tenderness with Margaret Anne, a vulnerable 14 year old expressing a need for love in all the wrong ways, and befriends Kenny, who possesses an unusual innocence in spite of the harsh surroundings.
関東一円を支配する巨大暴力団・山王会の関内会長は、傘下の池元組が麻薬を扱う村瀬組と兄弟杯を交わして親密になっていることを快く思っていなかった。そこで関内の右腕・加藤はこの2つの組を仲違いさせようと企て、池元に対して「村瀬を締めろ(軽い制裁を与えろ)」と無理な命令をする。兄弟分の村瀬に手を出せない池元は、配下の大友組に村瀬組を締めることを命令する。池元の二枚舌、山王会の思惑に翻弄されながらも、大友組は村瀬組を締めることに成功し、村瀬組は解散する。 池元の行動に不愉快を覚えつつ、大友は村瀬のシマを事実上継承し、大使館の闇カジノで成功を収める。一方、村瀬が隠れて麻薬を売っていることが発覚し、池元に唆された大友は村瀬を殺害する。ところが、このことを口実に池元は大友に破門を言い渡し、大友は怒りを露わにする。大友は復帰のため、関内の元を訪れ許しを請うが、逆に関内は池元の殺害を唆す。そこで大友は悪びれず闇カジノを訪れていた池元を殺害する。闇カジノを狙っていた関内は、今度は池元組若頭の小沢に、組を継ぎたければ親の仇を討てと煽り、大友組と池元組の抗争を仕掛ける。本家の手助けも得た小沢は、次々と大友組の組員を殺害し、彼らを追い詰めていく。
Follows a soldier trying to gain recognition for comrades who died in 1948, at a turning point in the civil war between the communists and the nationalist forces of the Kuomintang.
峠のコンビニの駐車場で若い女がガス会社のトラックをヒッチハイクした。山中の一軒家へ送ってもらった女は、冷えたビールをご馳走すると相棒をつれて家に入る。相棒が戻ってくるのを一服しながら待つ運転手であったが、突如背後からやってきたヒッピー風の男に刺殺される。そして男はビールを抱えて出てきた相棒も散弾銃で射殺した・・・ ダーティハリーことサンフランシスコ市警のハリー・キャラハン刑事は、相棒と巡回中に強盗事件の報が入り現場へ急行。犯人の要求を聞くも、突如車で店に突入し.44マグナムをぶっぱなして事件を解決、結果1万ドルを越す損害を出した。この事件で上司の逆鱗にふれたハリーは人事課へと移動を命ぜられる。翌日刑事昇任試験の面接官を担当したハリーは、そこでケイト・ムーアという頼り無さそうな女性警官と出会う。そんな中、元相棒がガス会社のトラックを奪った連中が計画した武器強奪に遭遇し銃撃戦の負傷がもとで殉職してしまう。殺人課へ戻されたハリーは、市を脅迫する武器強奪犯の捜査を開始するのだが、新しい相棒はなんとあのケイト・ムーアであった。
After escaping unscathed from a car accident, photo model Simone decides that having a baby is the only way to give her vacant life some meaning. She asks her best friend Philippe to get her pregnant, and he reluctantly agrees, on the condition that they conceive somewhere in a desert, so they leave Montréal on a 24-hour round-trip to Salt Lake City to find a suitable spot.
Michel works there manically solving people's problems over the phone. He is about to tie the knot with his girl friend Isabelle, an airline hostess. She flies all over the world, he hates to leave the office. A series of madcap mishaps involving theft or injury (as you would expect in his line of work) ensues after Michel promises Isabelle nothing will delay their marriage and she promises in turn that she's done flying. Once this unlikely promise is made, it becomes premise and both are forced into escalating white lies to maintain the appearance of keeping their word. Their predicament mounts as Isabelle is forced to do a few more flights, while Michel is compelled to travel to New York, Tunisia, and finally Hong Kong, where they are finally reunited in the throes of a contrived and hilarious drug deal involving a 747, water taxi chases, and martial arts.
Martin Brundle, born of the human/fly, is adopted by his father's place of employment (Bartok Inc.) while the employees simply wait for his mutant chromosomes to come out of their dormant state.