When circumstances force an outlaw to impersonate a county governor and clean up a corrupt town, the Robin Hood figure finds himself in a showdown with the local godfather.

An ex-special agent is involved in a convoluted drug ring drama. He has to save a drug smuggler's innocent daughter from being the victim of her parents' fight.

Claudia and Anna join Anna's lover, Sandro, on a boat trip to a remote volcanic island. When Anna goes missing, a search is launched. In the meantime, Sandro and Claudia become involved in a romance despite Anna's disappearance, though the relationship suffers from guilt and tension.

Triad boss Lung, who has just escaped being killed in an assassination attempt hires the killers Curtis, James, Mike, Roy and Shin for his protection. Their grown solidarity is under compulsion when Lung orders Curtis to kill Shin in punishment for his affair with Mrs. Lung.

A Korean man in China takes an assassination job in South Korea to make money and find his missing wife. But when the job is botched, he is forced to go on the run from the police and the gangsters who paid him.

An unemployed man gets a job as traffic policeman but the traffic in the big city creates innumerous problems for the poor guy.

Filma ir balstīta uz patiesiem notikumiem. Viss, kas jaunajam golfa amatierim Fransisam Uimē pieder, ir viņa talants un sapnis sacensties ar pasaules dižākajiem atlētiem visaugstākajā sportiskajā līmenī. Darbaļaužu atvases svārstīšanās starp grūtībām un privilēģiju vilinājumu, viņa neticamā tieksme pēc uzvaras pārtop aizraujošā nepārspējamas sirsnības, prasmju un apņēmības uzvarā.

A serial killer reappears 15 years after his murder spree with a book detailing his crimes. The resentful cop who failed to catch him before is assigned to protect him. The families of the victims plan revenge. And as the media circus spirals out of control, a masked man called "J" appears claiming to be the real killer.

A terrorist group invades a laboratory containing a deadly bacteria and destroys the lab with an explosion. They later announce via the internet they have gained possession of the bacteria and declare themselves to be the Red Siamese Cats, a terrorist group that was eradicated a decade ago.

After losing an election to become chairman of the Wo Lin Shing triad, a gang leader lashes out and tries to seize the dragon-head baton, the official symbol of a chairman's authority.

After a disastrous failure to stop a robber gang, the police attempt to redeem themselves through a series of publicity stunts and shootouts.

In 1943, while the Allies are bombing Berlin and the Gestapo is purging the capital of Jews, a dangerous love affair blossoms between two women – one a Jewish member of the underground, the other an exemplar of Nazi motherhood.

Many years ago Mr. Six was a notorious gangster. That was back when there was still such a thing as honour among thieves, when criminals earned respect and maintained principles. These days Mr. Six is all but forgotten, a living relic residing in a narrow alley. One day Six's son, Xiaobo, is abducted by some spoiled punks after he scratches their precious Ferrari. Mr. Six realizes that he must do whatever it takes to get his son back — even if that means returning to the life he thought he had left behind.

Katoliskā Spānija, kur valda Felipe II, ir visspēcīgākā valsts Eiropā. Viņš vēlas iekarot Angliju un izveido vērā ņemamu floti. Anglijā valda Elizabete, neprecējusies, bez bērniem, saukta par karalieni jaunavu. Viņas padomdevējs Frānsiss Volsingems uzstāj, ka viņai jāprecas un jārada pēcnācēji, citādi troni ieņems Skotijas karaliene Mērija, kura ir katoliete. Galma pieņemšanā uzrodas angļu jūrasbraucējs Volters Rolijs, kurš savaldzina Elizabeti ar aizjūru stāstiem. Viņš aizēno visus dižciltīgos Elizabetes pielūdzējus. Mērija dod pavēli uzbrukt Elizabetei. Volsingems liek Elizabetei pieņemt lēmumu, neizrādot žēlsirdību. Bet Felipe tikai gaidījis, lai būtu pamatots iegansts uzbrukt Anglijai.

The murder of a to-be step-mom is being prosecuted with apparently clinching evidence. The father holds his accused daughter innocent. The faithful driver and his seemingly sly, amorous wife are involved. Further differing evidence spouts.

Izsoles nama darbinieks Saimons ir izplānojis gleznas zādzību, taču, būdams tāls no kriminālās pasaules, noalgo šim darbam pieredzējušus zagļus. Laupīšanas laikā notiek incidents, kurā Saimons saņem sitienu pa galvu, zaudē samaņu un pamostas slimnīcā ar daļēju amnēziju. Glezna ir pazudusi un viņš ir vienīgais, kurš varētu zināt tās atrašanās vietu.

A typical story of the classic romantic triangle, where one person ends up having to choose between two others. This time, it is set against a backdrop of offices in Hong Kong, with a focus on architecture and its designers.

Toward the end of World War II, Russian soldiers pushing into eastern Germany stumble across a secret Nazi lab, one that has unearthed and begun experimenting with the journal of one Dr. Victor Frankenstein. The scientists have used the legendary Frankenstein's work to assemble an army of super-soldiers stitched together from the body parts of their fallen comrades -- a desperate Hitler's last ghastly ploy to escape defeat

Jauns Oksfordas akadēmiķis ar draudzeni dodas uz Antiļu salām, kur iepazīstas ar krievu miljonāru. Sākumā viņi vienkārši uzspēlē kopā tenisu, bet pēc tam iekārdina jauno pāri ar ceļojumu, kas sākas Londonā un turpinās Parīzē un Alpos.

Two garbage men find the body of a city councilman in a trash can on their route. With help from a supervisor, the duo must solve the case and find the man's killer while hiding the body from the cops.