Beirut, Líban. Zain és un nen de dotze anys intel·ligent i valent, que sobreviu als perills dels carrers de la ciutat gràcies al seu enginy. Fugint dels seus pares, i fent valer els seus drets, recorre a la justícia per demanar-los pel 'crim' d'haver-li donat la vida. Una faula contemporània de caràcter polític sobre un nen que es rebel·la contra la vida que li han imposat viure.

During a family gathering, a celebration for their father's 60th birthday, the eldest son presents a speech that reveals some shocking secrets.

In the questionable town of Deer Meadow, Washington, FBI Agent Desmond inexplicably disappears while hunting for the man who murdered a teen girl. The killer is never apprehended, and, after experiencing dark visions and supernatural encounters, Agent Dale Cooper chillingly predicts that the culprit will claim another life. Meanwhile, in the more cozy town of Twin Peaks, hedonistic beauty Laura Palmer hangs with lowlifes and seems destined for a grisly fate.

Middle-aged suburban husband Richard abruptly tells his wife, Maria, that he wants a divorce. As Richard takes up with a younger woman, Maria enjoys a night on the town with her friends and meets a younger man. As the couple and those around them confront a seemingly futile search for what they've lost -- love, excitement, passion -- this classic American independent film explores themes of aging and alienation.

Narra la història real d'unes monges poloneses embarassades després de ser violades per les tropes russes un cop acabada la II Guerra Mundial. Agost de 1945. Un monestir prop de Varsòvia (Polònia) alberga un fosc secret.

La trobada amb un activista i la seva dona embarassada radicalitza la ideologia d'un pastor evangèlic , un antic capellà de l'exèrcit encara marcat per la mort del seu fill a l'Iraq, que dirigeix una petita església al nord de l'estat de Nova York.

A principis dels 70, entre les escorrialles del moviment hippy i el naixement del punk, esclatà al Regne Unit el glam rock, caracteritzat per músics rebels que lluïen una estètica andrògina, marcada per vestits brillants i maquillatge espectacular. Entre ells va destacar per damunt de tots Brian Slade, que es va esfumar sobtadament de la vida pública després de simular un atemptat al cim de la seva carrera. Deu anys després d'aquella estranya desaparició...

There's two great loves in Anya's life, her athlete boyfriend Zhenya and food. Zhenya is not happy how Anya has been gaining weight due to her eating habits and decides to dump her. But Anya doesn't want to give up and decides to get rid of excess weight with the help of Nikolai, an overweight man obsessed with the healthy living.

Psychiatrist Sam Foster has a new patient, Henry Letham, who claims to be suicidal. In trying to diagnose him, Sam visits Henry's prior therapist and also finds Henry's mother -- even though Henry has said that he murdered both of his parents. As reality starts to contradict fact, Sam spirals into an unstable mental state. Then he finds a clue as to how and when Henry may try to kill himself, and races to try to stop him.

Two years after the first series of murders, as Sidney Prescott acclimates to college life, someone donning the Ghostface costume begins a new string of killings.

Knock, un estafador penedit i reconvertit a metge, arriba al petit poble de Saint-Maurice per aplicar un "mètode" destinat a fer-li ric: convèncer la gent que un pacient sa és un malalt que ignora ser-ho. I per a això ha de trobar en cada un la malaltia real (o imaginària) que pateix. Com a mestre en l'art de la seducció i de la manipulació, el Knock està a punt d'assolir els seus propòsits. Tot això canviarà quan en el seu camí es creui una jove que li farà replantejar-se les seves decisions i una persona del seu turbulent passat que arribarà per desemmascarar-lo.

A precocious girl, her nasty parents, two punk-rock losers and a weak-kneed salesman inadvertently become the guests of two ghoulish senior citizens in their dark, haunted mansion.

A dad forms a bitter rivalry with his daughter's young rich boyfriend.

A group of friends are lured to an isolated cabin by a promise of heavy partying, only to find themselves in a nightmarish game of truth or dare.

Don Koch tries to renovate a rundown mansion with a sordid history for his growing family, only to learn that the house has other plans.

Ja entrada la nit, als afores de Nova Jersey, una dona ensangonada arriba, trontollant-se, a la sala d'urgències del Centre Mèdic de Dempsy. Després de ser atesa pels metges, Brenda Martin (Julianne Moore) explica al comissari de policia Lorenzo Council (Samuel L. Jackson) que un home negre l'ha agredit i li ha robat el cotxe en un lloc situat entre el barri obrer de Gannon , on viu, i el barri residencial de Dempsy. Council sospita que la dona li està ocultant alguna cosa i, després de diverses hores d'interrogatori, Brenda s'esfondra i confessa que Cody, el seu fill de quatre anys, estava dormint al seient del darrere del cotxe robat. L'activista Karen Collucci (Edie Falco) mobilitza la població dels dos barris en una operació de recerca del nen desaparegut. Però quan la investigació del presumpte segrest apunta a un sospitós que resideix a Dempsy, les tensions racials latents esclaten.

Un mariner perd el cap per una dona rica i egocèntrica que està acostumada a sortir-se'n sempre amb la seva. Aïllats del món en una illa, ell aconsegueix invertir els papers despullant-la a ella del seu orgull i dominant-la per complet. Finalment, ella se n'enamora. Remake del film italià "Insòlita aventura d'estiu".

The demon clown Killjoy is resurrected once again, but this time he is not given the name of his victim and is trapped in his realm. Using a magic mirror he lures four unsuspecting college students into his realm where he can have his macabre fun! A mysterious man returns and we finally discover who Killjoy's true target is!

Five university friends gather at a house party to ring in the New Year. Unbeknownst to them, an epidemic has erupted outside, causing outbreaks around the world. With nowhere else to turn, they barricade themselves indoors with only their phones, laptops, and other tech devices. They use their devices to research the possible cause of this outbreak. Information and video footage over flow their computers as they descend further into the cause and the ensuing chaos. As the virus spreads, the mood in the house changes from fear to paranoia. Who is safe? Who can they trust? Reality becomes blurred as they slowly discover the source of the virus causing the sickness...and there is no going back.

Serial killing cookie, Gingerdead Man, tracks down the lone survivor of his murderous rampage, who unleashes the Evil Bong once again.