The cast of Friends reunites for a once-in-a-lifetime celebration of the hit series, an unforgettable evening filled with iconic memories, uncontrollable laughter, happy tears, and special guests.

During the trial of a man accused of his father's murder, a lone juror takes a stand against the guilty verdict handed down by the others as a result of their preconceptions and prejudices.

Robin és un jove atractiu, brillant i aventurer. Però la seua vida pateix un gir dràstic quan la pòlio el deixa paralitzat. Amb l'ajuda de Diana, la seua esposa, lluitarà contra una malaltia que, a finals dels anys 50, era fatal. Basada en fets reals.

Centers on the unlikely relationship between Ann Atwater, an outspoken civil rights activist, and C.P. Ellis, a local Ku Klux Klan leader who reluctantly co-chaired a community summit, battling over the desegregation of schools in Durham, North Carolina during the racially-charged summer of 1971. The incredible events that unfolded would change Durham and the lives of Atwater and Ellis forever.

Un grup de 20 homes es presenten com a voluntaris per participar en un experiment científic promogut per l’exèrcit. Cadascú rebrà 4.000 marcs per exercir durant catorze dies les funcions de zeladors o presoners a una presó simulada, seguint diverses regles predeterminades que exclouen l'ús de la violència i supervisats per un equip d'investigadors. Entre els voluntaris hi ha un periodista infiltrat a la recerca d'un bon reportatge. Aviat es generen els primers conflictes i ràpidament es perd el control dels esdeveniments, posant en perill la integritat i la seguretat dels presos.

Forlorn heiress Penelope Wilhern is cursed, and the only way out is to fall in love with someone of suitable stock. But how can she find her soul mate when she's sequestered inside her family's estate with only her parents to keep her company. This untraditional fairy tale about a girl who bucks convention to create her own happy ending.

Advertising executive Nick Beame learns that his wife is sleeping with his employer. In a state of despair, he encounters a bumbling thief whose attempted carjacking goes awry when Nick takes him on an involuntary joyride. Soon the betrayed businessman and the incompetent crook strike up a partnership and develop a robbery-revenge scheme. But it turns out that some other criminals in the area don't appreciate the competition.

When Terry Griffith loses her high school's writing competition, she's convinced that it's because she's a girl. So Terry decides to change high schools and pose as a boy to prove her point. Her brother, Buddy, helps her pass as a guy so well that she is soon making friends with the boys at school, including the attractive Rick, who becomes her new best friend. But her gender-swapping makes things difficult when she falls in love with him.

The story of Steve Harmon, a 17-year-old honor student whose world comes crashing down around him when he is charged with felony murder.

Rich knows a lot about accidents. So much so, he is scared to do anything that might endanger him, like riding his bike, or climbing into his treehouse. While in an old library, he is mystically transported into the unknown world of books, and he has to try and get home again.

La Dama de Ferro explica l'apassionant història de Margaret Thatcher, una dona que va trencar totes les barreres de gènere i classe per ser escoltada en un món dominat per homes. La història tracta sobre el poder i el preu que s'hi paga, en un retrat sorprenent i íntim d'una dona extraordinària i complexa.

Daniela, raised in the bosom of a strict Evangelical family and recently unmasked as a fornicator by her shocked parents, struggles to find her own path to spiritual harmony.

Meet the McTeagues. They've come to stake a claim in their wealthy uncle's will… only he's not dead yet!

A demonic leprechaun terrorizes a group of young people whom he believes stole his gold.

A young black woman discovers that her father was a sperm donor, and if that wasn't bad enough, he's white.

Newlywed Jennifer is brutally attacked at a dark rest stop. While healing from her injuries, she can’t recall anything from her past, including the ordeal. Her husband, Russell , is just thankful she’s alive and eager to get her home. As he reintroduces her to their secluded mountain estate, Detective Page pursues Jennifer’s assailant — his own daughter went missing and was never found. The same fate now awaits Jennifer, unless someone realizes that her loving caretaker is actually her captor.

Eddie is a New York limo driver and a fanatical follower of the New York Knicks professional basketball team. The team is struggling with a mediocre record when, in mid-season, "Wild Bill" Burgess, the new owner, as a public relations gimmick, stages an 'honorary coach' contest, which Eddie wins. The fans love it, so "Wild Bill" fires the coach and hires her. She takes the bunch of overpaid prima

When a team of techno-savvy thieves break into a high-security vault, they don't discover priceless works of art... they find a crypt unopened for 100 years.

Calvin Fuller (Thomas Ian Nicholas), un adolescent de Califòrnia, una cosa insegura i que travessa un difícil moment, que és transportat a l'Edat Mitjana, a la Cort del Rei Arturo (Joss Ackland), gràcies al poder i a la màgia de Merlí ( Ron Moody). Casualment Calvin es fa amic de les princeses Sarah (Kate Winslet) i Katey (Paloma Baeza), que contraurà matrimoni amb aquell que guanyi el torneig que està a punt de celebrar-se.

Thriller de ciència-ficció en què s'entrecreuen diferents històries. En un futur no gaire distant, un astronauta s'embarca en una missió vital per al planeta i per a tot l'univers. La humanitat s'enfronta a les repercussions de fer servir una tecnologia omniscient com a substitut del contacte humà. Però quan una tempesta global fa que els aparells electrònics es descontrolin, la dependència d'aquesta tecnologia tindrà conseqüències mortals per a tota la societat.