Una empresa immobiliària envia un dels seus executius per llançar un ultimàtum als venedors d'una sucursal deficitària: els anuncia que tenen només una setmana perquè millorin les vendes. El venedor amb més èxit s'endurà com a premi un Cadillac i el que quedi segon, un joc de ganivets. La resta aniran al carrer. A partir d'aquell moment, cadascun provarà de tancar el nombre més gran de contractes possible. Quan les fitxes que contenen la millor informació dels clients potencials desapareixen en un robatori, tots sospiten els uns dels altres.

Gritty adaption of William Shakespeare's play about the English King's bloody conquest of France.

El Príncep Don Pedro d'Aragó (Denzel Washington) torna victoriós d'una batalla acompanyat del seu germà bastard Don Joan (Keanu Reeves), de Benet (Kenneth Branagh) i de Claudi (Robert Sean Leonard), un jove florentí que ha estat satisfet de honors pel gran valor mostrat al camp de batalla. Són rebuts amb gran alegria pel cavaller Leonato, que viu amb la seva filla Hero (Beckinsale) i la seva neboda Beatriz (Emma Thompson) en una paradisíaca vila del camp sicilià (Mesina). Al segle XV, Sicília formava part dels dominis de la Corona d'Aragó, fet que explica el nom d'algun dels personatges.

After starting at an upmarket boarding school, a teenage girl forms close friendships with her two older roommates. However, when she discovers that her new friends are lovers she finds herself caught in a complicated situation.

A stark portrayal of life among a group of heroin addicts who hang out in Needle Park in New York City. Played against this setting is a low-key love story between Bobby, a young addict and small-time hustler, and Helen, a homeless girl who finds in her relationship with Bobby the stability she craves.

El guionista Peter Appleton es veu obligat a fugir de Hollywood a causa de la caça de bruixes empresa pel senador McCarthy a la dècada del 1950. Després de patir un accident de cotxe que li provoca amnèsia, és rescatat pels habitants d'un poble.

Un jove es balanceja sobre l'estreta cornisa d'una tanca publicitària. Està molt lluny del terra. És un home emmascarat que llueix una vistosa capa i esgrimeix una espasa. Afirma ser Don Juan DeMarco, el millor amant del món. Tot i que ara no troba sentit a la seva vida.

A playboy has the tables turned on him when he finds himself being used as a plaything by an undesirable woman.

Lotte Reiniger's interpretation of Grimm's recorded version of Aschenputtel (Cinderella) from 1922.

Justin McLeod is a former teacher who lives as a recluse on the edge of town after his face is disfigured from an automobile accident ten years earlier, in which a boy was incinerated--and for which he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter. Also suspected of being a paedophile, he is befriended by Chuck, causing the town's suspicions and hostility to be ignited.

Aging opera singer Maria Callas tries to make a comeback by performing in a production of Bizet's "Carmen."

A man comes to a small village to begin his new job as an attendant at the nearby castle. But everybody in the village claims that he surely must be mistaken, there is no need for an attendant at the castle.

Impulsats per un desig d'aventura i les ganes de retrobar-se, un grup d'amics es llancen a fer una escalada. Per la Chloé, en Guillaume, en Fred, la Karine i en Loïc, el vertigen dels cims ràpidament els complica el viatge; per altra banda, descobreixen que no estan sols. L'expedició es converteix en un malson…

When she fails to meet an item on his list of requirements for a bride, Julia Thistlewaite is jilted by London’s most eligible bachelor, Mr. Malcolm. Feeling humiliated and determined to exact revenge, she convinces her friend Selina Dalton to play the role of his ideal match. Soon, Mr. Malcolm wonders whether he’s found the perfect woman...or the perfect hoax.

The tomboyish, outgoing Julieta is the daughter of a member of the Palmeiras soccer club board. She is constantly frustrated by what she sees as institutional bias against women in soccer. One day while watching her beloved Palmeiras, she is struck by a handsome man, Romeu, that she sees rooting for the Palmeiras' chief rivals, the Corinthians. After meeting the same man again in the middle of eye exam, Julieta and Romeu quickly become a couple. However, in order to avoid incurring the wrath of her parents, Romeu is forced to pretend to be an adoring Palmeiras fan, an increasingly difficult task for the die-hard Corinthiano.

Una parella d'astronautes torna d'un viatge espacial on ha passat una cosa estranya. Spencer Armacost i Alex Streck estaven en una en missió espacial quan, durant una sortida de la nau, perden el contacte amb la base de control durant alguns minuts. Després tot torna a la normalitat i ells tornen a la Terra. Però, després del retorn, moltes coses estranyes comencen a succeir a la vida dels astronautes.

The film takes place in 1973 during the Yom Kippur War in which Egypt and Syria launched attacks in Sinai and the Golan Heights. The story is told from the perspective of Israeli soldiers. We are led by Weinraub and his friend Ruso on a day that begins with quiet city streets, but ends with death, destruction and devastation of both body and mind. Various scenes are awash in the surreal, as Weinraub's head hangs out over a rescue helicopter's open door, watching with tranquil desperation as the earth passes beneath, the overpowering whir of the blades creating a hypnotic state. It is not a traditional blood, guts and glory film. There are no men in battle, only the rescue crew trying to pick up the broken pieces.

Bo Laramie, una superestrella, sembla que ho té tot a la vida: una esposa bonica, un fill adorable i una casa a la platja de Malibú. Però la seva fama té un preu: és l'objectiu d'un equip de quatre "paparazzi", encapçalats per Rex Harper. Els reporters persegueixen i espien Bo i la seva família.

Convict Umberto is allowed to work outside prison during daytime as a librarian. There he falls for a beautiful woman who mistakes him for a volunteer helping the inmates — however, like a modern-day Cinderella, every day he must leave and be back to his cell before midnight... will they manage to live happily ever after?